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yǒu shēn
  • be pregnant;be expecting
有身 [yǒu shēn]
  • [be pregnant] 妇女怀孕,今说有身子

  • 且以汝之有身也,更恐不胜悲。--清. 林觉民《与妻书》

  1. 介绍了新型弹力长丝T-400的特点及其在精纺面料中的应用,对其产品规格、工艺参数、技术要点及生产中应注意的事项进行了探讨,织物手感好,有身骨。

    This article focuses on the speciality of new elastic filament T-400 and its application in the development of worsted fabric with its main fabric specifications , technical parameters and production processes also discussed .

  2. 我是说一个有头有身的网页。

    I mean a simple page that contains header , body .

  3. 乍一看上去,游客们大概会有身在欧洲的错觉。

    At first glance visitors would think they were in Europe .

  4. 在外来民族的后裔社区里,外语的使用,甚至会使访客有身置异国的感觉。

    Foreign languages are so commonly used in some ethnic neighborhoods that visitors might think they are in another country !

  5. 对织物的处理,可使织物硬挺度和丰满度提高而变得有身骨;

    Through plasma treatment to fabrics , the stiffness and fullness of the fabrics can be increased , which made fabric elasticity and handle modified ;

  6. 按照新的研究,超重妇女在有身期前做减肥手术能冲破眷属中的肥胖遗传链。

    An overweight woman who has weight-loss surgery before becoming pregnant may help break the cycle of obesity in her family , according to a new study .

  7. 有身期前做过减肥手术妈妈们生的孩子比没有做手术妈妈的孩子拥有更好的心脏且更不易得肥胖病。

    Children born to moms who had the procedure before pregnancy have healthier hearts and less risk of obesity than their siblings born before the mom had surgery .

  8. 我希望他有身正为范的人格操守,有责任感,有良好的心态去看待事物.已婚者请勿扰谢谢!

    I hope he good man and the personality of integrity , responsibility , a good way to look at things . Married people do not interference Thank you !

  9. 我给我女儿做过减肥,全脚都做,包括甲状腺反射区,也有身上的体穴。

    I gave my daughter did lose weight , have done the whole foot , including reflex zones in the thyroid gland , there are also points out of body .

  10. 所以,大部分的人虽然他们有头、有身、有四肢,可是他们却没有充分发挥他们心及耳的功能。

    So all of them have head , body , limbs but they never exert the full function of the mind and listening ability of a human suppose to have .