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  • instant;moment;a very short time
  • 小雨:~~(形容雨声)。

  • 极短的时间:~时。~那。一~。


(短时间; 一会儿) a very short time; moment; instant:

  • 一霎

    in a moment

  1. 我们在山谷中高呼,回声霎时间就从山腰上清晰地返回。

    We shouted in the valley , and in an instant the echo came from the hillside with great distinctness .

  2. ShowHumility谦卑霎时间,一个傲慢的举动就能毁了一位本来可信的交流者。

    Just as suddenly as lightning strikes , an act of arrogance can destroy an otherwise credible communicator .

  3. 该假设总结出SN1979C中的物体为最年轻和最明亮的“脉冲波霎星云”和已知最年轻的中子星。

    This would make the object in SN 1979C the youngest and brightest example of such a " pulsar wind nebula " and the youngest known neutron star .

  4. 我不能相信霎哈嘉瑜伽修行者可以这样做。

    I can 't believe Sahaja Yogis can do like that .

  5. 这是霎哈嘉瑜珈应当让你学到的。

    This is what Sahaja Yoga should make out of you .

  6. 这可不是一个霎哈嘉瑜伽士的样子。

    It 's not a sign of a Sahaja Yogi .

  7. 霎时间,整个世界也安静了下来。

    All of a sudden , the whole world turned considerably quiet .

  8. 霎时间,狄克意识到他处境危险。

    Instantly Dick awoke to the terrors of his position .

  9. 他们目光对视那霎间他们的命运也注定了

    They laid eyes on each other and their fates were sealed .

  10. 仿佛群星璀璨,沿银河闪霎晶莹;

    Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the Milky way ,

  11. 小山、天空和森林霎间显出了紫色、蓝色、绿色。

    Hills , sky and forest revealed their purples , blues and green .

  12. 霎时间,“流星时刻”又不那么特别咯。

    Suddenly , it wasnt that special anymore .

  13. 众村民便有人拿出两文三文,放入木盘,霎时间得了六七十文。

    Some of the villagers put two or three cents on the wooden tray .

  14. 霎时间月缺花飞。

    The moon suddenly wanes and flowers shut .

  15. 那时有很多的年轻人参加霎哈嘉,但是他们不是真正地连成一体。

    There were many young people attending it but they were not really integrated .

  16. 霎时间,我感到非常内疚,责备自己如此自私。

    Suddenly I felt very guilty and selfish .

  17. 当你可以容易地与他人谈及霎哈嘉瑜珈,那你的喉轮已经建立好了。

    When you can easily talk to someone about Sahaja Yoga your Vishudhi is established .

  18. 霎哈嘉瑜伽冥想的目标是达到无意识的觉醒状态。

    Sahaja meditation aims to create a state of " full or heightened mental alertness " .

  19. 今天的经文则告诉我们,当基督再来时,那些仍然在生的人,便会在霎时间完全改变。

    Today we speak of instant change for those who are still alive when Christ comes .

  20. 霎时间,我屏声敛气,不知道儿子会作何反应。

    For a moment I held my breath , not sure how my son would react .

  21. 随着音符的触摸,在霎哈嘉瑜伽灵量唤醒就发生了。

    The Awakening of the Kundalini in Sahaja Yoga takes place with the touch of Musical Notes .

  22. 不一会儿,外面的大门开了,霎时间放进了阳光,接着伊维特不见了。

    A moment later the outer door opened , briefly admitting sunlight , then Yvette was gone .

  23. 要是一开始的核心磁场够强,星体塌缩的确可以解释波霎的磁性。

    If the core magnetic field started with sufficient strength , this compression could explain pulsar magnetism .

  24. 我试过几次要回到霎哈嘉,但还是被我自己自欺的罗网套住了。

    I tried several times to return but was caught in the web of my own deceit .

  25. 霎哈嘉瑜伽是由锡吕玛塔吉女士创建的,她是我们这个时代的一位传奇性的灵性科学家。

    Sahaja Yoga was founded by H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi , a legendary Spiritual Scientist of our times .

  26. 霎时间,一个傲慢的举动就能毁了一位本来是可信的交流者。

    And just as suddenly as lightning strikes , an act of arrogance can destroy an otherwise credible communicator .

  27. 当他听到病人来自的那个城镇的名字时,一个奇怪的念头霎时间闪过他的脑际。

    When he heard the name of the town she came from , a strange light filled his eyes .

  28. 霎时间,我再看一下这垂死的人,他的生命一点一点消失了。

    For a few moments more I observed the dying man , whose life was ebbing little by little .

  29. 锡吕玛塔吉,我们感谢这个独一无二的机会介绍霎哈嘉瑜伽给医生和特别的求道者。

    Shri Mataji we thank You for this unique opportunity to introduce Sahaja Yoga to doctors and specialist seekers .

  30. 我不久会经过那里,我要到那里打个招呼,狄克说,有意思地霎了霎眼睛。

    " I shall be passing presently , and I 'll call ," said Dick , winking his eyes significantly .
