首页 / 词典 / good

  • lift up;hold up;raise;sprinkle with one's hand

  • tease;tantalize;provoke;stir up
  • 掀起:~起衣襟。~起头发。

  • 用手舀着洒水:先~水后扫地。

  • 挑弄,引逗:~拨。~乱(纷乱,如“眼花~~”。亦作“缭乱”)。春色~人。


(掀起) lift up; hold up; raise:

  • 撩起窗帘

    lift up the curtain


(用手洒水) sprinkle with one's hand:

  • 往地上撩些水

    sprinkle some water on the floor


(挑逗) tease; tantalize; provoke; stir up:

  • 轻轻撩了他一眼

    throw a quick glance to flirt him;

  • 真撩人

    stirring; moving;

  • 春色撩人。

    Spring scenery provokes people's interest.

  1. 每次她想要把一勺食物送到嘴里时,都要把从鼻子上方垂下的长长的黑色面纱撩起来。

    She had to lift up the continued atramentous face-veil that afraid from aloft her adenoids every time she capital to alteration a forkful of aliment into her mouth .

  2. 我现在走在雨里,鞋子撩过雨水,湿了裤脚。

    I now walk in the rain , rain over shoes tease , wet trousers .

  3. 往婴儿的脑后部轻撩些水。

    Trickle water gently over the back of your baby 's head

  4. 戴维跪下身,用手捧起河水往脸上撩。

    David knelt , cupped his hands and splashed river water on to his face

  5. 先撩些水再扫地。

    Sprinkle some water on the floor before sweeping it .

  6. 看见他们刚刚面露尴尬之色,熊先生继续表演更高难的动作,这一下可撩发了同伴们的一腔妒火,嫉妒他非凡的技艺,于是就将他赶出了熊群。

    Seeing their awkwardness , the bear went on exhibiting some higher displays of his art , which , at length , aroused the envy of the others , and so they drove him from their society .

  7. 较好的栽培模式是撩壕整地加合理施肥,并将初植密度确定在2500~3000株·hm-2。

    The preferable cultivation pattern is to dig trenches and apply fertilizers reasonably and the initial planting density should be determined to be 2500 ~ 3000 stems per hm 2.Considering from the growing stock amount and economic benefits , E.

  8. 蓦地吴荪甫撩下了报纸,克勒一声冷笑。

    Suddenly Wu sun-fu threw the newspaper aside and laughed ironically .

  9. 成功的实施了撩壕整地栽培技术,种植存活率达到84%以上。

    The average planting live rate is over 84 per cent .

  10. 你上次撩他是什么时候?

    When did you last flirt with him or tease him ?

  11. 还在工作中把裙子撩起来。

    And lifts her dress up in the middle of work .

  12. 他的嘴唇轻撩过她的脸颊,接着他便离去。

    His lips gently brushed her cheek and he was gone .

  13. 真火曾撩双手暖;

    I warm 'd both hands before the fire of life ;

  14. 他一下子撩倒了三个袭击他的人。

    He felled his three attackers at a single blow .

  15. 她不断把垂下来遮住眼的几绺头发撩回去。

    She kept pushing back wisps of hair that fell over her eyes .

  16. 斯内普把他的长袍撩到了膝盖以上。

    Snape was holding his robes above his knees .

  17. 妈妈正在厨房撩炉子。

    His mother was scrubbing the kitchen stove .

  18. 戏剧审美接受心理机制是一种在戏剧情境中完成的撩诱与触动交融、整合、互动的心理过程。

    Drama aesthetic acceptance psychological mechanism is a psychological process shaped in the drama environment .

  19. 撩荒地草场围封效果的研究

    Research on effects of enclosed abandoned filed

  20. 撩去建筑的光环&包豪斯的室内设计教育与新住宅思想

    Under the Halo of Architecture : Interior Design Education and New Housing Thoughts Of Bauhaus

  21. 撩过肩,为找好泥炭,一直向下,向下挖掘。

    Over his shoulder , digging down and down For the good turf . Digging .

  22. 你知道的,你或者你男友可能会想尝试宋仲基“丢手机”的撩妹桥段。

    You know you or your boyfriend will want to try Song Joong-ki 's phone-flip .

  23. 在荣华富贵和穷困撩倒的时候彼此关心。”她说道。

    they care for each other in good times and in bad , " she said .

  24. 充分发挥气候资源优势大力发展垦荒撩壕植蔗

    Make the Most of Climate Resources and Develop Energetically Wasteland Reclaiming and Ditch Digging for Sugarcane Planting

  25. 当凉爽的风儿撩过你的鬓角,那将是我路过的灵魂。

    and as the cool air fans your throbbing temple , it shall be my spirit passing by .

  26. 撩荒的采伐迹地磷的含量显著小于有林地;二代林中土壤磷含量与一代林无显著差异。

    There is no difference of P content in larch plantation between the first rotation and the second rotation ;

  27. 右掌前伸,掌心翻转向下,左手上撩时吸气。(图11)

    Breathe in when stretching , turning over the right palm , circling-up the left palm . ( Fig11 )

  28. 这时窗外一阵风突然卷起了那竹帘子,拍的一声,直撩上了屋檐去了。

    Just then a sudden gust of wind lifted the bamboo screen outside the window and banged it against the eaves .

  29. 她兴致勃勃地撩着打猎、鸟类的稀少和冬季里打野鸡的前景。

    She rattled on cheerfully about the shooting and the scarcity of birds , and the prospects for duck in the winter .

  30. 拿起标枪撩过桌子,不惜冒着戳破许多脑袋的危险,把牛排给戳过来。

    reaching over the table with it , to the imminent jeopardy of many heads , and grappling the beefsteaks towards him .