
  1. 她说道,“只要有我在,就不能让孩子受苦。”

    “ As long as I am here , I won 't let the child suffer ,” she said .

  2. 这以后陆续会有我在欧洲的生活和见闻。

    The next will be my life and travel in europe .

  3. “你有我在华盛顿州的地址的电话号码,对吧?”

    " You have my Washington address and phone , right ?"

  4. 她很需要帮助,不过有我在。

    Her needs are great , but she has me .

  5. 我爱你三个字不如有我在。

    I love you three words as I 'm there .

  6. 有我在这,你不用怕呀!

    With me here , you don 't have to be afraid !

  7. 你真幸运,有我在前面帮你挡着。

    You 're lucky . I 'm just paving the way for you .

  8. 有我在他们就会一直和你们合作。

    And I am the guy that can keep them working with you .

  9. 你很幸运当这一切发生的时候,有我在你的身边。

    You 're very lucky to have me so close when it happened .

  10. 它有我在中国可以记住的纯净,大海。

    It has the pure , bluest water that I can remember in China .

  11. 我要让你知道有我在保护你。

    I want you to know that you can count on me to protect you .

  12. 有我在它们会好好的。

    They will be safe with me .

  13. 我想说有我在我是不会让你觉得冷的。

    I want to say with me here , I won 't let you feel cold .

  14. 丹尼尔靠过来说道:“她想我告诉你,有我在你的班里,你多幸运啊!”

    Daniel leaned over and said ," She wanted me to tell you how lucky you are to have me in your class !"

  15. 而我只希望当我离开这个世界的时候,另一个世界里也有我在这边所深爱的一切。

    And I just hope that when its my time to leave this world , the next one has everything that I love here .

  16. 但是,为了丰富和繁荣有我在生活中想要的,我必须愿意达成他们。

    But in order to have the abundance and prosperity I want in life , I had to be willing to reach for them .

  17. 乖,不哭了,我不是来了吗,别怕,有我在,没人能伤害你的。

    Sleep , daddy , I have not come to the right , do not worry , I have no one can hurt you .

  18. 我清楚这儿离我真正的家画眉山庄只有四英里,那儿有我在这世上唯一爱着的人。

    I knew that only four miles away was my real home , Thrushcross Grange , containing the only people I loved in the world .

  19. “那是因为,正如你所说的,马西米兰,我在那儿的缘故,因为有我在旁边,你就不公平啦。”

    " The fact is , maximilian , that I was there , and my presence had the effect of rendering you unjust in your comparison . "

  20. 往日,您在我的心田播下了知识的种子。今天,才有我在科研中结出的硕果&老师,这是您的丰收!

    In the past , you sow the seed of knowledge in my heart . Today , I have harvested in my research . Teacher , it is your harvest .

  21. 有天我在和一个同事交谈时,他讲道,我宁愿和X组一起合作项目花两个星期,也不愿意和Y组一起合作在一个星期内完成。

    I was talking with a colleague the other day who said , I would rather work with Team X on a project and take two weeks , than work on Team Y and get it done in one week .

  22. BCEL有比我在本文中所介绍的基本类操作支持更多的功能。

    There 's more to BCEL than just the basic classworking support I 've shown in this article .

  23. 你知道吗,有次我在一个邮箱里发现一只脚。

    You know , I once found a foot in a mailbox .

  24. 有,我在北京师范大学做兼职教师。

    Yes , I am a part-time teacher at Beijing Normal University .

  25. 有,我在1994到1995年度获得了校奖学金。

    Yes , I got the university scholarship in 1994-1995 academic year .

  26. 有。我在一家贸易公司做了六个月的兼职。

    Yes , I worked part-time for six months at a trading company .

  27. 你知道有天我在购物频道看到什么吗?

    You know what I saw on the shopping channel the other day ?

  28. 我有先例我在加速了

    I got priors . I 'm speeding up .

  29. 有,我在宝洁公司做过促销员。

    Do you have any work experience in promotion ? Yes , I do .

  30. 亚瑟,我有说过我在贝尔法斯特的叔叔吗?

    Arthur , did I ever tell you about the uncle I 've got in belfast ?