
  • 网络BesTV
  1. 一位不愿透露姓名的知情人士表示,Netflix已经同华数传媒和百视通新媒体进行了洽谈。华数传媒是阿里巴巴集团执行总裁马云所投资的一家互联网公司,而百视通新媒体则是一家总部在上海的媒体集团。

    Netflix has held talks with Wasu Media Holding , an Internet company backed by Jack Ma , the executive chairman of Alibaba Group Holding , and BesTV New Media , a Shanghai-based media group , according to one person with knowledge of the discussions who spoke on the condition of anonymity .

  2. 在把与法国电信的交易纳入囊中后,百视通正在越南、马来西亚和新加坡洽谈潜在的技术共享协议。

    With the French deal in the bag , BesTV is negotiating possible technology-sharing agreements in Vietnam , Malaysia and Singapore .

  3. 不过,正如百视通首席财务官、美国留学归来的李川(peterli,与李怀宇并非亲戚)所言,成本并非该公司唯一的优势。

    But as Peter Li , the US-trained Finance Director ( no relation to the Chief Executive ) , says , cost is not the only advantage .

  4. 就像苹果当初发布iMac一样,或者说像百视通(Blockbuster)当初发布OnDemand点播服务却未能在技术变革中挽救自身一样,如今,黑莓的命运很可能也维系于这次的新品发布。

    Like apple when it launched the IMAC or like blockbuster when it launched the on demand service that could not rescue it from changing technology rim will likely see its fate sealed by this launch .

  5. 根据他的律师所说,包括在来爱德公司、SAV-A中心,百视通视频和Rouses连锁商店所犯的五次前科犯罪总额共低于500美元。

    According to his lawyer , those five previous convictions totalled less than $ 500 for incidents at Rite-Aid , Sav-A-Center , Blockbuster Video and Rouses stores .

  6. 站在一间布满电视屏幕的房间里,百视通(bestv)首席执行官李怀宇对于能够在数字世界中找到自己的利基市场颇感自豪。

    Standing in a room full of television screens , Li Huaiyu is proud of finding his niche in the digital world .

  7. 如果随后进行商业推广,法国电信还将向百视通支付天价的费用。

    If a commercial launch follows , payments to the Chinese company will mushroom .

  8. 百视通还提供一系列辅助功能,包括录制和回看节目、视频点播以及多达1万个频道的节目容量。

    BesTV also offers a range of facilities including recording programmes and playing them later , video on demand , and capacity for up to 10,000 channels .