
guò bàn shù
  • majority;more than half
过半数 [guò bàn shù]
  • (1) [more than half]∶超过总数的一半

  • 这个工厂过半数的工人是妇女

  • (2) [majority]∶多数,大多数,半数以上

  • 过半数的人同意这个计划

过半数[guò bàn shù]
  1. 这个工厂过半数的职工是妇女。

    More than half the workers and staff members in this mill are women .

  2. 睡眠专家建议的睡眠时间为7至9个小时,因此过半数的美国成年人每晚都没有睡够就不足为奇了。

    It 's no surprise , then , that more than half of American adults don 't get the 7 to 9 hours of shut-eye every night as recommended by sleep experts .

  3. 这一议案以过半数票而通过。

    The measure received a majority .

  4. 过半数(的人)赞成第一个方案。

    The majority were in favour of the first plan .

  5. 差三张选票就过半数。

    The vote lacks three of being a majority .

  6. 过半数采集到的DNA序列经测试后都无法与已知的有机体进行配对,这也许说明了地铁里存在着很多我们还未进行配对的微生物基因序列。

    Over half of the DNA sequences matched no known organism . The likely explanation is that the subways simply contain mundane microorganisms that we haven 't got around to matching the genetic sequences for yet .

  7. 研究公司Gartner宣称第二季度过半数的全球推出的智能手机运行在android系统上。

    Gartner , a research firm , says that more than half of the smartphones shipped worldwide in the second quarter run on Android .

  8. 总的来说,98%的受访者表示,MBA学历有益于他们为创业做准备,过半数的人形容MBA学历非常有用。

    In total 98 per cent of survey respondents said that their MBA was useful in preparing them to run their own company , with more than half describing their degree as extremely useful .

  9. 检查结果来自于CNN/民意调查研究公司在上周五和星期天之间进行的调查,当被问及作为总统他的工作进行的如何时,46%表示支持,而过半数人则不支持。

    Check out the results of the CNN / Opinion Research Corporation Poll conducted between last Friday and Sunday , when asked how he is handling the job as president , 46 percent approved , just over a half disapproved .

  10. 过半数同意合并的话,就成交了。

    Majority want the merger , it 's a done deal .

  11. 候选人以勉强过半数的票数赢得了选举。

    The candidate won the election by a bare majority .

  12. 使过半数规则具有传递性的偏好断面的规模

    The Profile Size for the Transitivity of the Majority Rule

  13. 1929年,芝加哥,过半数的市警察局警员有贪污行为

    Chicago , 1929.More than half the city 's cops are on the take .

  14. 这件事以票过半数以上而通过了。

    It passed by a majority of votes .

  15. 过半数的女士和部分男士通常如此。

    More than half of the women and a few men would do this .

  16. 该校过半数学生有经济困难,将近一半学生是少数族裔。

    More than half the students are economically disadvantaged , and nearly half are minorities .

  17. 东道国企业掌握过半数所有权的合资企业。

    The companies in host countries master more than a half ownership of the joint ventures .

  18. 董事会作出决议,必须经全体董事的过半数通过。

    Resolutions of the board of directors require the approval of more than half of all directors .

  19. 就拿德国来说,现在那里过半数的医院已非国营单位。

    In Germany , for example , over half of hospitals are now outside the public sector .

  20. 董事长和副董事长由董事会以全体董事的过半数选举产生。

    The chairman and deputy chairmen shall be elected by more than half of all the directors .

  21. 会议之决议,应以委员总额过半数之同意行之。

    Any resolution of a commission meeting shall be adopted by consent of a majority of all members .

  22. 会议的决定,由出席人的过半数通过。

    Decisions of the residents assembly shall be adopted by a simple majority of all the people present .

  23. 在有限公司须有全体股东过半数同意;

    In a limited company , the approval of a majority of all the shareholders shall be required ;

  24. 戴尔公司要想实现私有化,必须获得不包括迈克尔•戴尔在内过半数股东的批准。

    To go private , Dell needs approval from a simple majority of shareholders not named Michael Dell .

  25. 决定以不记名投票方式,经全体成员过半数通过。

    Each decision shall be adopted by secret ballot and with a simple majority of the committee members supporting .

  26. 前项合议,以指定委员过半数之意见决定之。

    The tribunal referred to in the foregoing paragraph shall be decided by a majority of the designated members .

  27. 中小学教师队伍中有过半数的教师不同程度地存在心理问题。

    More than half of the primary and middle school teachers , to different extent , have psychological problems .

  28. 初评意见应当经专家评审小组成员过半数通过。

    The preliminary opinions shall be voted through by a majority of all members of the expert review team .

  29. 监事会以过半数票通过决定,得免职监事会主席并从新选举;

    By over half majority , the board of supervisors can recall the chairman and reelect a new one .

  30. 我们的第五个指标是实际利率,在过半数的新兴经济体国家中这一指标都是负的。

    Our fifth indicator is the real rate of interest , which is negative in over half of the economies .