
  • 网络China Higher Medical Education
  1. 加入WTO给中国高等医学教育带来了机遇和挑战。

    China 's accession to the WTO has brought both opportunities and challenges to China 's high medical education .

  2. 近现代中国高等医学教育课程设置的历史变迁与启示

    The Historical Changes and Inspiration of Chinese Modern Medical Education Curriculum

  3. 当代中国高等医学教育改革研究

    Research on Reforms of Contemporary China 's Higher Medical Education

  4. 教育国际化趋势中的中国高等医学教育评估

    The Assessment of China Medical Education in the Trend of Education Internationalization

  5. 中国高等医学教育人文学科课程体系改革初探

    A preliminary study on Reform of Humanities Curriculum in medical colleges in China

  6. 由西方教会创办的教会大学对早期中国高等医学教育的发展起到了极为重要的作用。

    Church-funded universities played an important role in the development of Chinese higher medical education in early period .

  7. 中国高等医学教育管理体制和学制学位改革研究总体报告

    The general study report of reform in higher medical administration structure , and educational and degree system of China

  8. 对泰职院学生信息检索课教育现状的探讨我国医学教育研究现状、问题及应对策略&基于《中国高等医学教育》期刊检索的探讨

    About our Institute s Information Retrieval Class ; Medical education research in China : the status , issues and promoting strategies

  9. 目前中国高等医学教育改革取得了一些成果,但还存在着一些弊端。

    Great achievements have been made in the current higher medical education reform in China , but there still are some problems .

  10. 教育部和卫生部于2003年批准立项中国高等医学教育管理体制和学制学位改革研究课题。

    In 2003 Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health grant to the task & The study of Chinese higher medical education management system and educational system reforms .

  11. 如何为占全国人口近80%的农村培养承担初级卫生保健的高级医学人才,是当前及今后一个时期中国高等医学教育的重要任务。

    It is a long-term task for Chinese higher medical education to train high-level medical practitioners who are responsible for providing primary care to the farmers ( taking up 80 % of the total population ) .

  12. 中国高等西医学教育的发轫(1840-1919)

    Origins of Higher Western Medical Education in China ( 1840-1919 );

  13. 具有特色的中国高等口腔医学教育课程体系和教学内容改革探讨

    Investigation of Stomatological Educational Course System and Teaching Content Reform with Chinese Character in Universities