
  • 网络job;Worry-free future
  1. 在纳斯达克上市的招聘网站前程无忧(51job)也注意到了类似趋势。

    Nasdaq-listed recruitment site 51job notes a similar trend .

  2. 中国主要招聘机构前程无忧(51job)首席人力资源专家冯丽娟(JenniferFeng)表示,“拥有海外文凭的求职者和本土大学毕业生的起薪没有很大差别”。

    Jennifer Feng , chief human resources expert at 51job , the leading Chinese employment agency , says there is " no big difference between the starting salaries of those holding overseas or local university degrees . "

  3. 中国招聘网站“前程无忧”的研究中有以下一些重要发现。

    These were some of the main findings of research conducted by leading Chinese recruitment website 51job.com .

  4. 前程无忧网站2013年进行了全国范围内15天的调查,涉及2357家企业、1230名应届毕业生。

    The website surveyed 2 , 357 enterprises and 1 , 230 fresh graduates nationwide over 15 days in 2013 .

  5. 据招聘网站前程无忧最近发布的调查显示,今年46%的大学毕业生都有过毁约的经历。

    A recent survey published by recruiting website 51job.com shows that 46 percent of this year 's graduates have experience scrapping an employment contract .

  6. 根据知名求职门户网站——前程无忧网所进行的最新调查显示,30%以上的面试者都觉得对于薪金问题难以启齿。

    According to a latest survey by 51job.com , a major recruiting portal , more than 30 percent of job interviewees find it hard to raise the salary issue .

  7. 到今天为止,前程无忧发展成为国内的网上招聘网站之一,与中华英才网和智联招聘形成三国鼎立的局面。

    As of today , 51job develop into a domestic one of the online recruitment website , and the Chinese network of excellence and the recruitment of a three-utmost situation .

  8. 冯丽娟是前程无忧网站的首席顾问,她表示,对毕业生而言,想要寻找更好的工作机会是可以理解的,但是为此毁约,也许反而会损害自己未来的职业发展。

    Though it 's reasonable for graduates to search for better opportunities , breaching contracts could undermine their career prospects , according to Feng Lijuan , chief consultant at 51job.com .

  9. 根据国内领先的求职平台前程无忧近日发布的一份关于2016年应届毕业生的研究报告显示,52.11%的高校毕业生已找到工作或自主创业。

    According to a research report on 2016 graduates released by 51job.com , a leading job hunting platform in China , 52.11 % of college graduates found employment or started their own business .

  10. 你也可以到像前程无忧这样的招牌网站上去看一下,从事电子商务这个行业到底需要什么的知识和能力。

    You also can arrive not to have care like future on such fascia website go looking , be engaged in electronic business affairs the knowledge that what this industry needs after all and ability .

  11. 根据前程无忧网的最新一项职场调查显示,今年4月份,在其网站上发布的招聘职位多达224万个,而有四分之一的职位名称中包含“经理”二字。

    According to the latest recruitment survey released by 51job.com , the number of recruitment positions offered on its website in April was 2.24 million , and one in four contain the title " manager . "

  12. 前程无忧首席职场顾问冯丽娟表示,该公司网站的会员每天能在网上查询许多信息,找到很多工作机会。会员们会对比、思考不同的岗位,可能不会长久地在一家公司工作。

    Feng Lijuan , the chief consultant at 51job.com , said members can access lots of information online every day and have many work opportunities , so they compare and deliberate on different positions and might not stay in a company for long .