
  1. 江苏森林资源消耗量估测方法的探讨

    A research on the assessment of forest resource consuption in Jiangsu

  2. 临安市森林资源消耗量的灰色系统建模

    Modeling by Grey System of Forest Resource Consumption in Lin'an

  3. 对广南县森林资源现状及消耗量动态分析得出:广南县森林资源的消耗主要是农村薪材的低价值消耗,且消大于长。

    The analysis of current situation of forestry resources and their dynamic consumption quantity of Guangnan County , indicates that the consumption quantity of forestry resources of Guangnan County mainly come from the low-cost firewood materials in rural areas and the consumption speed is faster than that of growth .

  4. 根据1993年省森林资源清查、森林资源消耗量及消耗结构的调查资料,以可持续发展的理论为指导,采用线性规划对我省的林种结构进行了研究。

    Based on many data , such as Henan forest resources inventory in 1993 , Henan forest resources consume volume and structure , etc. Directed by the theory of sustainable development . Using AFS algebra and AFS structure , any human ordinary fuzzy concept can be represented .