
  • 网络forest landscape resources
  1. 福建省森林景观资源等级区划分技术的研究

    Dividing technology of ranking area of forest landscape resources in Fujian Province

  2. 森林景观资源评价是森林旅游开发的依据,是森林公园建设和发展的前提。

    Evaluation on forest landscape resources offers a foundation for the development of forest tourism .

  3. 福州北峰森林景观资源评价及其开发利用研究

    Study on Evaluation and Exploitation of Forest Landscape Resources in North Peak of Fuzhou City

  4. 构建的森林景观资源综合评价体系分为目标层、要素层、指标层三个层次。

    This evaluation index is composed by target level , element level and indicator level .

  5. 对森林景观资源进行调查应根据不同森林景观类型,结合景观所在地的实际情况,进行全面、系统的调查。

    Adjusts the forest landscape resources and looks into on the basis of the in the locality actual situation .

  6. 概述了马洋溪的森林景观资源和森林生态旅游规划要点,提出可持续发展对策。

    The forest landscape resources and outline of forest ecotourism plan at Maxiangxi were summarized , and sustainable development countermeasures were also proposed in this paper .

  7. 森林景观资源是指森林具有游览、观光、休闲、学习、体验等价值,是建设国家森林公园,发展森林旅游的物质基础。

    Forest landscape resources refers to the forest has visited , sightseeing , leisure , learning , etc , and is worth national forest park of construction , the development of forest tourism .

  8. 森林景观资源是森林旅游的基础,森林景观资源区划与调查则是森林景观资源开发利用的前提条件。

    Abstract The forest landscape resources is the basis of the forest traveling , the forest landscape sources division and the investigation are the prerequisite terms of the forest landscape resources development and utilization .

  9. 福州北峰近郊优势及丰富的森林景观资源为其发展生态旅游业提供了良好的条件,但从该地旅游业发展现状来看,森林景观资源没有得到合理的开发利用及保护。

    It is the developing direction of the ecological tourist industry too . The north peak suburbs advantage and abundant forest landscape resource have offered the good condition for its development ecology tourist industry .

  10. 其中目标层为反映福建省森林景观资源现状;要素层由森林资源、景观资源、气候三大因子构成,指标层由反映要素的10个具体指标构成。

    Target level reflect the present situation of Fujian forest landscape resource ; element level was composed by forest resource , landscape resource and climate factor ; indicator level was composed by 10 indicators which reflect the elements .

  11. 森林景观资源的质量评价是森林资源管理系统的重要环节,是森林景观建设的依据。

    According to the quality evaluation of forest landscape Resources , that is not only the important link of the management system of the forest landscape resource , but also the foundation of the construction of the landscape forest .

  12. 森林景观资源区划研究处于初始发展阶段,对森林景观资源的调查、分析、区划与评价及开发利用等都有待于深入研究与探讨。

    As far as now , researching of the forest landscape resource was still in the beginning stage . Investigation , analyze , regionalization , evaluation , exploitation of forest landscape resource were still wait for in-depth study and discussion .

  13. 通过对福建省森林景观资源区划的研究,笔者把福建省森林旅游线路按照等位划分为闽东南沿海森林旅游线路、闽中东森林游憩旅游线路和闽西北山区森林旅游线路三条旅游线路。

    According to the grade of forest landscape in Fujian Province , forest tourism routes were divided into the coastal forest tour of southeast Fujian , the recreational forest tour of central and east of Fujian and the mountain forest tour of northwest Fujian .

  14. 运用生态足迹理论与方法,对福州国家森林公园森林景观资源的旅游生态经济效率进行测算。

    Refered to ecological footprint theory , the study calculated the touristic eco-efficiency at Fuzhou national forest park .

  15. 第四部分是福州国家森林公园的景观资源、客源市场和生态环境效益的调查分析。

    Part IV analyses the forest landscape resource ? , the tourist-resource marked the ecological and environmental benefits of Fuzhou National Forest Park .

  16. 对周宁仙风山省级森林公园的景观资源、环境质量、开发条件、风景资源质量进行全面评价;

    The landscape resource , environmental quality , developmental conditions and landscape resource quality of ProvincialLevel Forest Park of Xianfengshan , Zhouning were evaluated allsidedly ;

  17. 利用GIS信息库根据森林结构及空间格局分类,将森林声音景观资源分类为九类森林声景观。

    We classify the forest landscape resources classification as nine categories of acoustic landscape forest by GIS information database base on the forest structure and spatial pattern classification , 2 .

  18. 在保护森林生态系统平衡的前提下,适度的开发森林景观资源,发展森林旅游业是现代旅游业发展的趋势,也是生态旅游业的发展方向。

    In protection forest ecosystem balance , under the premise of moderate development forest landscape resources , development of forest tourism development trend of modern tourism , ecological tourism development direction .

  19. 调查、分析了蒙山国家森林公园的植物区系、类型、演替和森林植物景观资源的构成,对公园的森林植物景观资源特征进行了综合评价,提出了植物景观资源旅游开发与保护的构想。

    Through investigating , analyzing the floras , their succession and constitute of the landscape of plant resources in Mengshan National Forest Park , this paper conducted and evaluated the landscape of plant resources and conception of their exploitation and protection .

  20. 城市森林景观要素的组成、配置和利用是否合理,与城市森林景观资源的管理、生态环境改善和保护、生物多样性的保护、可持续发展等密切相关。

    The reasonable of constitution 、 configuration 、 utilization of urban forest landscape element is tie up with urban forest resource management 、 eco-environmental improvement and protection 、 biodiversity conservation and sustainable development .