
  • 网络TAP;David Tepper;Type;ITAIPU;tip and tap;Imhotep
  1. “作为第一代的全球化世代,N世代更加聪明,反应更快,比前代更能包容多样化。”泰普史考特先生争论道

    As the first global generation ever , the Net Geners are smarter , quicker and more tolerant of diversity than their predecessors ," Mr Tapscott argues . "

  2. 尽管他没有对另一个集会发表评论,但另一位与会者特胡迪.因赫泰普却很愤怒。

    He had no comment on the other rally , but another participant , Tehuti Imhotep was angry .

  3. 埃及北部一村庄;它是埃及最古老的金字塔斯泰普金字塔的所在地。拉普拉斯流体动力学说

    A town in northern Egypt ; site of the oldest Egyptian pyramids ( the Step Pyramid ) . Laplace 's hydrodynamical theory

  4. 泰普史考特相信互联网会产生一个改良的,更多家庭生活的互助版,他把这种家庭称为“开放式家庭”。

    Mr Tapscott believes the internet is producing an improved , more collaborative version of family life , which he calls the " open family " .