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ɡù ɡuó
  • Homeland;old country;motherland;hometown;native land ;native place
故国 [gù guó]
  • (1) [country with a long history]∶具有悠久历史的古国

  • 所谓故国者,非谓有乔木之谓也,有世臣之谓也。--《孟子.梁惠王》

  • (2) [motherland]∶祖国,本国

  • 见故国之旗鼓,感乎生于畴日。--南朝梁. 丘迟《与陈伯之书》

  • 生活习惯基本上保持故国的一套

  • (3) [native countryside]∶故乡,家乡

  • 取醉他乡客,相逢故国人。--唐. 杜甫《上白帝城诗》

  • (4) [old capital]∶旧都。南宋时指汴京

  • (5) [old haunt]∶指旧地;古战场

  • 故国神游,多情应笑我,早生华发。--宋. 苏轼《念奴娇.赤壁怀古》

  1. 小楼昨夜又东风,故国不堪回首月明中。(李煜《虞美人》)

    The east wind visited again my small chamber last night ; | I could not bear to look back to my native land in the clear moonlight .

  2. 故国神游,多情应笑我,早生华发。(苏轼《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》)

    As my spirit wanders to the ancient kingdom , | you may well laugh at me for being so sentimental , | and growing grey hair so soon !

  3. CNN特派员景兰:日本电气公司的美籍员工约瑟夫·贾斯柏说,当然,这么做似乎有些极端,可是也许其中也有值得他的故国学习的地方。

    KYUNG LAH , CNN CORRESPONDENT : American NEC employee Joseph jasper says , sure , this seems a little extreme , but maybe there 's a lesson here for his home country .

  4. 在访问故国日本期间,他安排了这次访问。

    This visit was sandwiched between visits to his native Japan .

  5. 他们是故国的老朋友?

    What are they , friends from the old country ?

  6. 彭氏故国人居新城&徐州城市特色的保护与发展研究

    The Preservation and Development Study of Xuzhou Urban Identity

  7. 这里不是我们的故国了,爸爸。

    This is not the old country , dad .

  8. 故国可堪回首月明中&评析美国现代南方作家的怀旧情结

    An Analysis of the Nostalgic Affection of the Modern Southern Writers of America

  9. 他百感交集地联想到自己的故国家园。

    He was piercingly reminded of his homeland .

  10. 我已经离开故国,又要去异乡了。

    I am leaving on a jet plane .

  11. 她一下飞机就跪下来亲吻故国的土地。

    After stepping off the plane she knelt down to kiss her native soil .

  12. 闻歌而有故国之思。

    When I hear this song , I feel the Patriot rise within me .

  13. 在苦难中,重返故国的念头始终伴着他。

    The thought of returning to his native land never deserted him amid his tribulation .

  14. “防风故国”的上杨村,是江南稻作文化区。

    Shangyang village is a place with rice culture in the south of the Yangzi .

  15. 回到他故国的港湾。

    To his own native shore .

  16. 你可是我故国臣民

    Are you from my country ?

  17. 从这里,他离开故国,远赴他乡,最终来到中国,和中国人民并肩抗击日本侵略者。

    It was also where he left to join the Chinese in the fight against Japanese invasion .

  18. 当人们开始在他的故国的大厅里对我喝彩时,他就感到担忧了。

    When they started applauding me in the great halls of Old Country , he got worried .

  19. 《故国》正是他在历史与当代的经纬在线所作出的个人化选择。

    Collapsed Nation displays his personal choice made in reference to the crux of history and the contemporary .

  20. 本文从四个方面进行分析:人生经历、母语创作、故国回望和女性形象。

    There are four aspects : mother tongue writing , looking back the motherland and the images of women .

  21. 它的声音像画眉那样清脆,像人心那样充满了活力。远方飞回的候鸟听着它,像是听到了故国的歌曲。

    with a voice that told of home , like the voice that is heard by the bird of passage .

  22. 他们眷恋故国,心怀恢复理想,对新朝采取敌视和不合作态度。

    Antagonistic and not ready to cooperate , they are sentimentally attached to their lost Dynasty and cherish the desire of recovering their dynasty .

  23. 即使远离故国,夏都也给安东尼奥先生带来家的温馨,家的舒适。

    Segura , who relish the comfort and homelike atmosphere of Le Chateau in a city thousands of miles away from his home in Spain .

  24. 渊嘉黎把罪责归咎于角端,说她用剑杀了故国襄王,然后倡议废黜掉谈德德太子位直到真相大白。

    Yeongaryo accuses Kakdan of killing a King with a sword and suggests taking away Damdeok 's position as prince until the truth is revealed .

  25. 历史对于她们来说,不仅仅意味着怀旧思乡的个人记忆,血脉相连的文化传承,也表明了她们对故国的责任感和使命感。

    For them , history not only means personal memories , homesickness and inheritance of Chinese blood , but also reflects their responsibility and strong sense of missions .

  26. 凤凰的吉祥寓意、自由精神以及涅盘品性,是与海外华人思念故国、盼望祖国强大的愿望以及更深层次的精神追求密切相关的。

    The propitious moral , freedom spirit and nirvana character are closely related to oversea Chinese miss homeland , their hope on strong country and more deep spirit pursue .

  27. 1500年,授数学于罗马,任讲师,或谓教授。1503年返回故国,任波兰佛劳恩堡地方牧师。

    In1500 he had a lectureship or professorship of mathematics in Rome , but in1503 he returned to his native land , where he was a canon of Frauenburg .

  28. 你要知道你故国的无数百姓都在祈祷公主您的归来.我希望有一天能报答你的好意.拉卡洛,放下酒桶

    There are many in your homeland that pray for your return , princess . I hope to repay your kindness someday . Rakharo . Huh . Is something wrong ?

  29. 他将他的遗民情怀化作清净的精神追求,将他的故国情思裹入人类命运的扣问之中。

    He put his adherents of feelings , into his pure spiritual pursuit . And put his homeland emotions , wrapped into the destiny of mankind into the buckle asked .

  30. 山水行旅诗除了有对故国的思念和对兴亡的感叹,更多的是对祖国山河的赞美和歌颂。

    Landscape travel poems more praise and extol the motherland mountains and rivers , besides remembering of the homeland and the sigh of the rise and fall of the motherland .