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  • 网络report
禀告 [bǐng gào]
  • [report(to one's superior)] 旧指把事情报告上级或长辈

  1. 出门时,一定要先禀告父母;回来后,一定要再觐见父母。

    After coming home , we should see our parents again .

  2. 阿拉丁的母亲把她儿子的愿望向苏丹王禀告。

    Aladdin 's mother told the sultan about her son 's wish .

  3. 所以不必特别派人去禀告他。

    It would not do to send messengers to him .

  4. 你需要禀告一份避免相撞报告吗?

    Do you want to file an air miss report ?

  5. 禀告每一处犹太民族散居之地

    " A message to every land where the Jewish race is scattered "

  6. 那末,您明天禀告国王吗?

    To-morrow then you will speak to the emperor ?

  7. 我来禀告阁下:你的命令已经执行完毕。

    I am coming to tell your lordship that your orders have been obeyed .

  8. 在从前,他会一五一十,全禀告方翁的。

    In the old days he would always report every last detail to his father .

  9. 禀告女王陛下我永远忠于她。

    Tell the queen I love her .

  10. 船长向国王禀告称:这只猫不久就会生下小猫。

    The captain said to the king , @ This cat will bear some kittens soon .

  11. 他们将赛门留下,其余返回迦南城,将经过禀告雅各。

    They left Simeon behind and returned to Canaan , and told Jacob the whole story .

  12. 鄙人认为我将禀告之事与您的计划有所联系。

    I feel that what I have to tell you may have some bearing on your plans .

  13. 普罗尼尔斯禀告,哈姆雷特和欧菲莉亚之间的爱情才是哈姆雷特发疯的真正原因。

    He told them that the love affair between Hamlet and Ophelia was the true cause of his madness .

  14. 出门前要禀告父母,让他们知道你去了哪里,知道父母时刻关心子女。

    Before going out , tell your parents where you are going , as parents are always concerned about their children .

  15. 你愿意向神发誓,一切居实禀告,毫不欺瞒?

    Do you swear to tell the truth , the whole truth , and nothing but the truth , so help you God ?

  16. 除此而外,每年之内总管事人时而在信中禀告大灾,时而禀告歉收,时而禀告作坊、工厂改进的必要。

    Moreover every year the head steward wrote to him of conflagrations , or failures of crops , or of the necessity of rebuilding factories or workshops .

  17. 参孙上来禀告他父母说:“我在亭拿看见一个女子,是非利士人的女儿,愿你们给我娶来为妻。”

    When he returned , he said to his father and mother ," I have seen a Philistine woman in Timnah ; now get her for me as my wife . "

  18. 后来有一个怒形于色的老仆役走来禀告罗斯托夫家里人,说公爵不能接见,公爵小姐请他们到她面前去。

    At last one old footman came out with a wrathful air , and announced to the Rostovs that the prince was not receiving , but the princess begged them to walk up .

  19. “大人,”他说道,“伦敦旅馆的老板派人来禀告您,说有一个给马尔塞夫子爵送信的人在那儿等您。”

    " Your excellency ," he said ," the master of the hotel de Londres has sent to let you know that a man is waiting for you with a letter from the Viscount of morcerf . "

  20. 过了些日子,有一天驯鸟师来到宫殿,禀告国王,其中一只鹦鹉已经可以在高高的天空中飞翔,但另一只从来到王宫的那一天起就从来没有离开过它站立的树枝。

    As time passed , one day the trainer came to the palace and informed the king that though one of the parrots was flying majestically high in the sky , the other one was not moving from its branch since the day it had arrived .