
  • 网络Endowment effect
  1. 任何行为经济学家都能迅速诊断出,你是一个“禀赋效应”(endowmenteffect)的受害者。

    And any behavioural economist would quickly diagnose that you are a victim of the " endowment effect " .

  2. 一个从行为经济学家转行的无赖会利用“禀赋效应”(endowmenteffect)这是一种人们将更高价值赋予感觉自己已拥有物品的趋势。

    A behavioural economist turned rogue would exploit the " endowment effect " a tendency for people to put a higher value on something that they feel they already own .

  3. 本文还证实,自我主体意识是禀赋效应、现状偏爱现象、沉没成本谬误、占便宜悖论、Ellsberg悖论和分离效应等异常现象产生的真正原因。

    This article also proves that subjective self-consciousness is the real cause of some abnormal phenomena , such as endowment effects , status quo bias phenomenon , sunk cost fallacy , the paradox of profiting at other people 's expense , Ellsberg Paradox , isolation effects , etc.

  4. 实验4是模糊决策中的禀赋效应的研究。

    Experiment 4 is a research on endowment effect in ambiguous decision making .

  5. 交换不对称被误认为禀赋效应理论和期望理论的证据?

    Exchange Asymmetries Incorrectly Interpreted as Evidence of Endowment Effect Theory and Prospect Theory ?

  6. 本实验选用了两个非理性偏差效应:比率偏见效应和禀赋效应。

    The study used two irrational effects which were ratio-bias effect and endowment effect .

  7. 禀赋效应及其对经济学理论的影响

    Endowment Effect and Its Influence on Economy Theories

  8. 这是禀赋效应。

    It 's called the endowment effect .

  9. “禀赋效应”是一种非理性偏好,即珍惜你拥有的东西,而不是去改变它。

    The endowment effect is an irrational preference to keep what you have rather than switch .

  10. 这便是禀赋效应。

    This is the endowment effect .

  11. 消费者情绪因素对商品认知价值的影响&一个禀赋效应的研究框架

    The Impact of Consumer Emotions on the Perceived Value of Merchandise & A Research Framework of Endowment Effect

  12. 这些结果都说明禀赋效应扩展性的存在,而且可能是通过提高自我的作用来实现的。

    Thus , the extensibility of the endowment effect may come out by enhancing the function of the self .

  13. 第三章结合禀赋效应、心理账户、框架效应和关联效应分析了企业家的创新行为。

    In chapter three , the author analyse entrepreneurs ' innovation behaviors using endowment effect , mental account , framing effect and context effect .

  14. 实验5是在不同领域(得和失)对模糊决策偏好和模糊决策中的禀赋效应的检验。

    Experiment 5 is a research on the endowment effect for the risky alternative and ambiguity alternative in different domains ( gain and loss ) .

  15. 换言之,污染避难所效应不成立,要素禀赋效应对环境影响起决定作用。

    In other words , Factor Endowment Effect plays a decisive role on the environmental effect of free trade while Pollution Heaven Effect is not the case .

  16. 禀赋效应是行为金融学的一个理论分支,指当个人一旦拥有某项物品,那么他对该物品价值的评价要比未拥有之前大大增加。

    Endowment effect is a part of Behavioral finance theory which means the increased value of a good to an individual when the good becomes part of the individual 's endowment .

  17. 本研究从模糊保险金和禀赋效应的角度出发,探讨了当模糊备择项变成自己的禀赋时,被试在模糊决策中的决策偏好。

    In this study , in the ambiguity medium and endowment effects perspective , we future discussed subjects ' decision preference , when ambiguity alternative became into ones ' own endowment .

  18. 大量实验考查了禀赋效应的产生机制和影响因素,但目前还没有研究对禀赋效应扩展性进行探讨。

    Recently , large bodies of behavioral studies investigated the mechanism and factors of the endowment effect . However , there are no studies that examine the extensibility of the endowment effect .

  19. 文化禀赋的国际贸易效应分析,是将文化禀赋作为一种内生变量,引入国际贸易函数。

    The analysis of culture endowment effect in international trade is to introduce culture endowment , as an inherent variable , to the function of international trade .
