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  1. 肝总动脉、肝固有动脉的始端外径分别为:(4.29±0.94),(3.26±0.72)mm;

    The outer diameter of the common hepatic artery , artery was ( 4.29 ± 0.94 ),( 3.26 ± 0.72 ) mm ;

  2. 利用背散射电子(BSE)研究奥陶纪部分笔石的始端发育和分枝方式

    Interpretation of the proximal development and branching divisions of some early and Middle Ordovician graptolites based on BSE images

  3. 由于电压相量在故障线路始端检测,而电流相量在线路上检测,因此提出GPRS移动通信技术和同步相量测量技术相结合的实现方案,并且介绍了故障定位装置的相关设计。

    The voltage vector is tested in the transformer substation , while the current vector is tested on the line . So it puts forward to a technique scheme based on GPRS mobile communication technology and synchronized vector measurement , and introduces the structure of fault location device .

  4. 建立了20m到100m不同弦长以及0到100mm不同沉降幅值的余弦式轨道结构不均匀沉降分析模型,研究了轨道板上的弯矩分布规律,重点比较了沉降曲线始端截面与中间截面的弯矩大小。

    Uneven settlement model of cosine type with different settlement chord and amplitude is established to analysis the distribution of slab moment , and section moment between the start of settlement curve and the end of settlement curve are compared .

  5. 涡旋压缩机型线始端的设计及加工

    Profile design and processing of initial end of wraps in scroll compressor

  6. 采用对称圆渐开线加直线修正涡圈始端型线的研究

    Wrap Profile Modification Using Symmetrical Circular Involute Plus Dual Line-Segment

  7. 顺序按压总人工解锁按钮和进路始端按钮。

    Press the main manual release button and route beginning button in sequence .

  8. 其结果,足底内侧动脉始端外径,男性为1。

    The result shows that the original outer diameter of medial plantar artery is1 .

  9. 涡旋机械的涡旋体始端型线研究

    Study on Top Profile for Scroll Fluid Machines

  10. 按下进路始端按钮。

    Press the route beginning button .

  11. 通过进路始端按钮;

    Beginning button of through route ;

  12. 单总管排气系统始端模件多维流场的测量与数值模拟

    Measurement and Numerical Simulation on Multi-dimensional Flow Field in the Closed Junction Module of the Single Plenum Exhaust System

  13. 粘结在磁带上的一英寸长的铝片,用来指示磁带已驱动到有效部分的始端。

    An inch-long piece of aluminum glued on the tape signalling the tape drive to begin a valid tape .

  14. “当代中国哲学”只能在历史中确定其叙述的始端和视阈,在历史的接受中为自己的存在意义寻找理由。

    It is in the historical reception that " contemporary philosophy " seeks the grounds for its survival significance .

  15. 供暖水系统为二级泵系统,二级泵配备变频调速装置,控制管网始端压差,系统采用变频调速泵定压。

    The heating system uses double circuit pumping with frequency conversion , and controls the pressure drop at the main pipes .

  16. 采购是企业产品增值过程的起点,是企业核心业务流程的始端。

    : The purchase of enterprises are starting point of business process and product 's value increasing comes up with the purchase .

  17. 结论:导致灌注曲线始端下挫现象产生的主要原因是饱和现象和失相,而与注射造影剂无关;

    Conclusion The main reasons of DPB are not the injection of contrast medium , but the saturation and dephasing of proton .

  18. 认为,峰顶设在连接峰顶平台与加速坡竖曲线的始端较为合理;

    The more reasonable position of hump crest is the point Where the hump platform connects with the vertical curvature of accelerating grade .

  19. 这个循环不断重复,只要逻辑日志的末端不到达逻辑日志的始端。

    This cycle repeats endlessly , as long as the end of the logical log never reaches the beginning of the logical log .

  20. 介绍配电网输电线故障时,根据输电线路始端所测得的电流的变化情况而提出的一种自适应保护方案。

    Based on the current changes measured at the initial points of transmission lines when faults occur , a self-adaptive protection plan is put forward .

  21. 对于始端进行修正的圆渐开线型线,只要两涡圈的啮合处于圆渐开线啮合,则本文所作的几何分析同样适用。

    The geometrical analysis for unrevised involutes of circle is fit for revised profile when the mate of scrolls is on the mesh of circle involutes .

  22. 利用电压、电流在始端、终端上的约束关系,运用传输线的电路集中参数等效模型理论确定边界条件;

    The constraint of voltage and current is be considered and lumped equivalent circuit mode at boundary network collaborated at the same time in finding boundary conditions .

  23. 第二语言的课堂教学过程应该是从语言结构的非交际性介绍的始端向交际性运用的终端推进和深化的连续的过程。

    The process of teaching a second language in classroom should be a continuous one that leads and deepens the non-communicative introduction of language structure to the goal of communication .

  24. 在扫描系统(光学字符认别,阴极射线管),光点从一行的末端到下一行的始端的运动。

    In a scanning system ( optical character recognition , cathode ray tube ), the movement of the scanning element from the end of one scanned line to the beginning of the next .

  25. 但水平井射孔完井也存在着射孔成本高、易引发边底水锥进、水平段始端提前水淹等问题,导致井关闭或者报废。

    But in the process of horizontal perforated completion , there are some problems such as perforation cost , easy to lead to bottom water or edge water coning , and so on .

  26. 作为企业价值创造的始端,物资供应也应该由传统的管理模式向新的管理模式转变,以适应供应链环境下企业健康发展的要求。

    As the beginning of value creation , the materials supply mode should be moved from traditional management to new one to meet with the requirement of healthy development under the condition of supply chain .

  27. 为提供与选择性腹腔动脉造影插管有关的应用解剖学资料,在56例成人尸体标本上,观测了腹腔动脉起始部位、外径、干长度以及始端与椎骨的对应关系。

    The initial point , the diameter , the length and the corresponding relation between the vertebrae and the initial point of the celiac artery were observed and measured to provide the conference data for the selective arteriography .

  28. 为了提高涡旋压缩机的综合性能,提出了涡旋齿始端多对圆弧修正,这是一种能生成完全啮合型线的圆弧类修正方法。

    In order to improve the overall performance of scroll compressors , a profile modification method using multi-pairs of circular arcs in the starting part , which can generate perfect meshing profile , is proposed for the first time .

  29. 论中国动漫产业链条始端到中端的合理发展过程

    System of Animation Industry in USA , Japan and South Korea and Their Experience for China 's Reference on the Establishment of Animation Industry Line On Reasonable Development of Chinese Animation Industry Chain from the Beginning to the Middle Period

  30. 该逻辑分析仪可以实现始端触发和终端触发,可根据触发方式分别显示触发前、后所保存的逻辑状态,并显示触发点位置和时间标志线移位。

    This logic analyzer can realize the triggering at the beginning or the end , and according the trigger mode it also can display the saved logic states before or after the triggering and triggered position , time line mark .