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  1. 我驱车出城,先是向南来到山水海堤(Shanshuibeach),一望无际的金色沙滩上就我一个人,然后驱车往北,赶往二崁村(Erkan),那里坐落着大约50幢珊瑚墙打造、始建于20世纪初的闽南风格精致民居。

    I drove out of town , first south , to Shanshui beach , an expanse of golden sand I had virtually to myself , and then north to Erkan , a township of 50 or so exquisite Fujian-style houses with coral walls dating from the early 20th century .

  2. 大约始建于本世纪初,被称为无名公墓,因为他们大都不知道姓甚名谁。

    Around the beginning of the century or so . It 's called the cemetery of the no name because they often didn 't know who these people were .

  3. 楚国始都郢及初迁时间、地理位置,至今仍是悬而未决的重要课题。

    Ying , the original capital of the Chu State , and the exact time and place of its first movement is still a significant and suspending question for discussion up to now .

  4. 他们认为,地球上所有的东西来自于“一”,因为“一”与“元”,“始”,“初”有相同的意义,意为“源”。

    They hold the belief that all things on earth comes from " yi , " because " yi " has the similar meaning with " yuan " , " shi " , " chu " , meaning " the source . "