
  • 网络Landscape heterogeneity
  1. 上海城市绿地景观异质性分析

    Analysis on Landscape Heterogeneity of Geen Space Landscape in Shanghai

  2. 贵州省平坝县森林景观异质性研究

    Study on forest landscape heterogeneity of Pingba County of Guizhou

  3. 本文从城市景观异质性出发,论述了城市生态景观的维护。

    Then , we discuss the issue of urban ecologic landscape .

  4. 贵州山地景观异质性及其维护和发展

    Landscape heterogeneity ' maintenance and development in mountainous area in Guizhou province

  5. 景观异质性高,分布相对均匀;

    Landscape heterogeneity was high , each landscape type is comparatively well-proportioned ;

  6. 湖泊富营养化过程中的景观异质性变化

    The change of landscape heterogeneity in the entrophication of lakes

  7. 景观异质性与生物多样性关系探讨

    An approach to relation between biological diversity and landscape heterogeneity

  8. 乌鲁木齐城市景观异质性研究

    A Study on the Heterogeneity Urban Landscape of Urumqi

  9. 以景观异质性理论指导城市景观建设

    Using the theory of landscape heterogeneity to guide the construction of urban landscape

  10. 基于SPOT5图像的小城市城区绿地系统景观异质性分析&以邹城市为例

    Analysis on Green System Landscape Heterogeneity of Small City Based on SPOT Image

  11. 从景观异质性分析近自然森林经营

    Analysis of Nature-Approximation Forest Management with Landscape Heterogeneity Theory

  12. 干旱绿洲&荒漠生态系统景观异质性及其对气候变化的可能响应研究

    The Landscape Heterogeneity of Arid Oasis-Desert Ecosystem and Possible Response to Regional Climate Change

  13. 耕地的突出优势变小,整体景观异质性程度上升。

    The regional landscape diversity has increased because of the cultivated land dominance reduction .

  14. 蔡家川林场森林景观异质性高,森林类型丰富多样。

    The forest landscape of the farmheterogeneity was high , the forest types were diversity .

  15. 复垦区景观异质性研究

    Research on landscape heterogeneity of Reclamation Region

  16. 珠江三角洲东部常平地区景观异质性研究

    A study of landscape heterogeneity for the Changping area in the eastern part of Zhujiang Delta

  17. 生态空间理论与景观异质性

    Spatial ecology and landscape heterogeneity

  18. 景观异质性研究评述

    Review on landscape heterogeneity

  19. 研究地区的景观异质性高,斑块破碎,异质景观要素斑块交错镶嵌于景观中。

    There were high heterogeneity and fragmentation of the landscape and all heterogeneous factors were in the form of mosaic .

  20. 浙江省观光农业基于循环经济的景观异质性分析与景观格局优化

    Landscape Heterogeneity Assessment and Landscape Pattern Optimization of the Sightseeing Agriculture in Zhejiang Province Based upon the Concept of Recycle Economy

  21. 2在对研究区域内景观异质性的梯度分析表明,两条样带上的景观指数曲线表现出相类似的趋势。

    The gradient analysis of landscape heterogeneity in survey region demonstrates that two landscape exponential curve on belt transect have similarity tendency .

  22. 结果表明,该地区丹顶鹤繁殖生境的面积不断减小,景观异质性和破碎化程度不断增强,生境质量不断下降。

    The results showed that the area of red-crowned cranes breeding habitat was reduced while the heterogeneity and the fragmentation was increased .

  23. 针对这一问题,在土地利用格局分析的基础上,提出运用景观异质性指标对受损景观的生态恢复和重建进行定量分析,从而提高结果的精确性和成功率。

    Aimed at this problem , this paper brings forward that application of landscape heterogeneity indices will ensure success and precision of ecological restoration .

  24. 主要研究了三大丹霞地貌集中分布区的景观异质性。

    According to its spatial distribution patterns and regional differences , three major Danxia landform concentrated areas in China are identified in this paper .

  25. 分析结果表明,绿洲-荒漠生态系统结构和功能、格局与过程之间的联系和反馈是景观异质性的根本本质。

    The results show that the relationship and feedback among the structure , function and process of oasis-desert ecosystem is real essence of landscape heterogeneity .

  26. 本文在分析贵州山地景观异质性特点和存在问题的基础上,提出贵州山地景观异质性的维护与发展对策。

    Based on the analysis of the basic characters and existing problems of mountain landscape heterogeneity in Guizhou province , this paper advances some countermeasures to maintain and develop it .

  27. 沼泽湿地和浅水湖泊湿地在数量和规模上都有较大的缩小趋势,斑块形状复杂化,景观异质性增强,破碎化程度加深。

    The " Ark " on Wetland World Wetland Day 3 . The landscape pattern indexes indicate that the amount and scope of marsh and lake wetland has been trend of reducing .

  28. 选取了斑块数、平均斑块面积、斑块形状指数、破碎化指数、分维数、景观异质性指数和景观均匀度指数等指标进行研究分析。

    Several targets , such as patch number , average patch area , form index of patch , fragmentation index , sub-dimension , heterogeneity index of landscape and homogeneity index of landscape were studied .

  29. 使景观异质性增加,形成条状景观切割带,灌丛、草甸景观连续性、整体性降低,景观破碎化程度增大,使原先的自然景观受到人为干扰。

    The landscape heterogeneity increases , a strip-shaped landscape with cutting , thickets , meadow landscape continuity , integrity is reduced , the degree of landscape fragmentation increases , so that the original natural landscape affected by human disturbance .

  30. 不定期的洪水干扰维持了河流与其洪泛湿地不同程度的水文连通性,成为维持河流洪泛湿地景观异质性和生态系统平衡的重要营力。

    Irregular flooding disturbance keeps the different degrees of hydrological connections between river channels and flood plain wetlands , and is likely to be a fundamental driving force in maintaining the riverine landscape heterogeneity and the balance of ecological systems .