
  • 网络People Proposition
  1. 一些学术人员主张变革户口制度,这样农民工就能够充分利用像教育、医疗等公共服务。

    Many academics are arguing for residency permit rule changes so that the children of migrant workers might be able to take full advantage of public services like education and health care , in the cities .

  2. 研究人员也主张,仅仅根据一个DNA碱基对的遗传变异,就可以评估不同种族的健康风险。

    Researchers have also advocated assessing health risks within ethnic groups based on inherited variations in just one DNA base pair .

  3. 在过去的几十年里,许多外语教师,教材编著者以及研究人员都主张在听力训练中使用真实材料以迎合现实生活交际的需要,即使在英语学习的初级阶段也是如此。

    In the past decades many specialists , material designers and researchers have been advocating that the use of authentic materials rather than inauthentic materials in listening training can meet the needs of real life communication in the world even at an early stage of English learning .

  4. 新德里设法否认这种主张,作出了不同寻常的揭露&中国维护的不止是一条控制线,它定期派出巡逻人员到向外主张的边界。

    In seeking to deny that claim , New Delhi has made an unusual revelation-that China maintains more than one line of control and sends regular patrols right up to the outer claimed perimeter .

  5. 为此他创立了特种考试制度;实行分区定额,优待边远地区;重视专门职业及技术人员考试;主张学校改革,确保政府考试科目与学校教育科目的基本统一,密切学校考试与政府考试的联系。

    So he created the special examination system , was well treated in remote areas , attached importance to specialized vocational and technical examination , advocated school reform to ensure the examination subjects of school education and government examination subjects uniform , contact the school examination with the government examination .