
  • 网络virion;virus particle;nucleocapsid;Viron
  1. SARS-CoV的纤突蛋白(Spikeprotein)是病毒粒子的一种主要结构蛋白。

    The spike ( S ) protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus ( SARS-CoV ) is a major virion structural protein .

  2. 病毒粒子长为215nm直径30~50nm。

    The length of virion is 215 nm and the diameter is 40-50 nm .

  3. 成熟的肉瘤和血病的病毒粒子呈C型结构。

    The mature sarcoma and leukemia virions have type C morphology .

  4. 成熟病毒粒子包含11节段双股RNA基因组,可编码6种结构蛋白和5种非结构蛋白。

    Mature virus particles contain an 11-segmented double-stranded RNA genome , which encodes six structural and five nonstructural proteins .

  5. X线OP可疑组和各阳性(+、++、+++)组,每组均检出病毒粒子,其大小形态与超微结构都与C型肿瘤病毒相似,为放射学诊断提供了病原证据。

    In size , morphology , and ultrastructure they resembled avian type C oncoviruses . The observation provides pathogenic evidence for OP radiological diagnosis .

  6. 对其定位研究发现,该蛋白连在BV病毒粒子上。

    By localization analysis , this protein is attached to the BV particle .

  7. 两株NPV的病毒粒子结构多肽均含有21条多肽,其中各多肽分子量有所差异。

    Virions of both viruses contain 21 polypeptides .

  8. 经双链RNA(ds-RNA)抽提、寄主反应测定、病毒粒子和内含体的形状观察,初步确定该病毒为马铃薯X病毒(PotatovirusX)。

    It was primarily identified as potato virus X by double-stranded RNA analysis , host reaction tests and morphological observation of virus particles and inclusions .

  9. 结果用甘油密度梯度离心,可从病毒粒子中分离由NP、3P和RNA组成的RNP。

    Results The RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of influenza virus was isolated from virus particles by stepwise centrifugation in different salts .

  10. 自然感染三生烟的含坏死卫星RNA分离物8S1侵染普通烟,病毒粒子分散于细胞质,在液泡中未观察到结晶体,叶绿体产生囊泡结构,部分病毒粒子处在叶绿体空泡中。

    Virus particles of CMV 8 S1 , an isolate with necrosis satellite RNA and originally from naturally infected tobacco , scattered throughout the cytoplasm and in the vacuoles of abnormal chloroplasts .

  11. 口蹄疫146S病毒粒子IgG的纯化及其免疫活性的鉴定

    Purification IgG of 146s Virus Particle of Foot and Mouth Disease and Identification Its Immuns Activities

  12. 结果电镜下可观察到PERV的圆形病毒粒子;

    Results Retroviral particles were round under electron microscope .

  13. 病毒粒子为杆状,大小为366×90nm。病毒核酸为一环状DNA,长度约为37.2μm。

    Virions have a mean size of 366 × 90nm , The virus genome is a circular DNA macromolecule with length of 37.2 μ m.

  14. 取双阳性血清经氯化铯梯度离心,获得了形态与HBV相似的病毒粒子,其比重为1.30,分子量为2.2×10~5道尔顿。将其与抗HB(?)

    Virus particles similar to HBV were achieved . The proportion in 1.30 , and molecular weight in 2.2 × 10 ~ 6 . The virus is pig HBV like virus .

  15. S、M、N蛋白是SARS-CoV的三种主要结构蛋白,S是病毒粒子最主要的结构蛋白,它在介导病毒粒子与宿主细胞受体的结合以及诱导产生中和抗体方面起重要作用。

    The spike ( S ) protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome ( SARS ) is a major virion protein . It plays an important role in interaction with receptor and inducing neutralizing antibody .

  16. 提取同源重组后的腺病毒粒子转染AD-293细胞,待重组腺病毒在AD-293细胞中传代稳定后,经PCR技术检测,扩增到了MOMP目的基因;

    The recombined adenovirus particles containing the MOMP gene were extracted and used to transfect AD-293 cells .

  17. 但是F蛋白在获得膜融合活性并使病毒粒子有感染性之前,必需要被细胞内的furin蛋白酶切割成两个二硫键连接的小亚基。

    Cleavage of the F protein into two disulfide-linked subunits by a cellular convertase ( furin-like ) is necessary for the low-pH-triggered membrane fusion activity and viral infectivity .

  18. 证明用离子交换层析法纯化兔抗口蹄疫146S病毒粒子血清IgG效果良好。

    Results show that there was a good effect when use ion-exchange chromatography to purify IgG of 146S virus particle of FMD .

  19. DPVgI基因在感染晚期大量转录的现象提示基因编码产物可能参与成熟病毒粒子的囊膜化装配。

    The increasing transcription of DPV gI in the late infection stage suggests that DPV gI protein may closely related to the assembly and maturation of DPV .

  20. 结果表明病毒粒子呈轮状、大小为70~80nm;

    The results showed that the average size of the isolated virus was 70 ~ 80 nm .

  21. 病毒粒子等轴对称,直径约25nm,部分粒子被染料渗透而中空。

    The particles were isometric , c. 25 nm in diameter , some of which were hollow .

  22. 结果表明:病料接种MDCK细胞产生明显的细胞病变(CPE),电镜负染观察接毒细胞培养物见有典型的犬瘟热病毒粒子。

    The results showed that the infected material could cause cytopathogenic effect ( CPE ) in MDCK cells . Typical virions of CDV were observed in culture fluids with negative staining electron microscope .

  23. 多角体为四面体、六面体或不规则形,大小约为0.71.5μm。具外膜的病毒粒子杆状,长约260320nm,宽约6070nm。

    The polyhedra are tetrahedral , hexahedral or irregular in shape , measuring about 0.7 & 1.5 μ m.

  24. 对中国油菜芜菁花叶病毒1号株系进行了生化性质分析,中国油菜芜菁花叶病毒1号株系的病毒粒子平均大小为790×13nm;

    The average size of the Turnip mosaic virus NO.

  25. 在病毒粒子中央部可观察到拟核(核衣壳),其直径约为40nm。

    The nucleoid ( nucleocapsid ) could be observed in the center of virus particles , and the diameter was about 40 nm .

  26. 通过电镜进一步观察发现,WSSV粒子只存在于精巢、输精管和精囊的结缔组织中,而在其他组织和生殖细胞中均未发现病毒粒子。

    The infected rate in the seminal vesicles infected by WSSV was the highest , while that in the vas deferens was less , and that in the testis was the least .

  27. 成熟的病毒粒子呈卵圆形,表面桑椹状,大小平均为190nm×350nm;

    The mature virions are oval with mulberry like surface , measuring 190 ? nm × 350 ? nm in size .

  28. 该病毒粒子无囊膜,呈20面体对称,直径一般为33~37nm。

    Purified virus was nonenveloped , icosahedral symmetry with a triangulation number of 3 , and 33 ~ 37nm in diameter .

  29. 在电镜下观察,可看到直径约100~160nm,周围有疏松突起,排列成花冠状的病毒粒子。初步鉴定了分离株是鸡传染性支气管类病毒(IBV)。

    The virus particles were observed to be about 100 ~ 160 nm in diameter and possessed widely spaced , club-shaped surface projections , ranged in corona The field virus was determined as Chick Infectious Bronchitis Virus by preliminary identification .

  30. 在电镜下观察到病毒粒子呈球形,无囊膜,有可见的双层衣壳结构,外壳直径75nm,内核直径50nm;

    The virion showed spherical , no envelope , having double deck capsids , with outer capsid of 75 nm in diameter , with inner capsid of 50 nm in diameter ;