
  • 网络Intractable disease;the difficult and complicated cases
  1. 对于类风湿性关节炎(RA)等临床常见病、疑难病,中医药辨证施治(分证论治)是具有优势的治疗手段。

    The treatment based on differentiation of syndromes in Chinese Medicine ( CM ) has manifested its superiority to some chronic and common diseases .

  2. 方法:用stryker外科腹腔镜对12例腹腔疑难病进行检查。

    Methods : Cases of 12 with suspected enterocoelia diseases by the laparoscope were examined by the Stryker surgical laparoscope .

  3. 目的:子宫内膜异位症(简称内异症,EMs)是育龄女性的常见病、多发病和疑难病,近年来该病发病率明显升高。

    Objective : Endometriosis ( abbreviated form of a name endometriosis , EMs ) is a common disease frequently-occurring disease and difficult disease of childbearing age women , In recently years , morbidity of this disease markedly improved .

  4. 疑难病研究&儿童假性甲状旁腺功能减退症

    A difficult and complicated case study : Pseudohypoparathyroidism in children

  5. 攻邪排瘀、整体调治治疗多种疑难病

    The treatment of various Refractory diseases by dispelling pathogen and dissipating stasis

  6. 癫痫是神经内科的常见病、疑难病之一。

    Epilepsy is one of the common and difficult diseases of neurology .

  7. 慢性疑难病证的选方与用药

    Chronic Difficult and Complicated Diseases : the Selection of Prescriptions and Administration

  8. 疑难病研究&原发性骨结外淋巴瘤

    A difficult and complicated case study : primary extra nodal lymphoma of bone

  9. 一些疑难病可用针灸治愈。

    Some difficult disease can be cured with acupuncture .

  10. 我问他∶这个先天性的疑难病是怎麽来的?

    I asked him Where does this hereditary disease of mine come from ?

  11. 腹腔镜检查对腹腔疑难病的诊断价值

    The diagnostic value of laparoscopy to complicated abdominal diseases

  12. 是临床常见的疑难病。

    That is a common clinical disease difficult .

  13. 疑难病研究&生物素酶缺乏症

    Difficult and complicated case study : biotinidase deficiency

  14. 腹腔镜下活检术诊断腹部疑难病&附66例报告

    Laparoscopic biopsy for the diagnosis of abdominal complicated diseases : A report of 66 cases

  15. 本文就应用大方治疗疑难病的必要性作初步探讨。

    This paper discusses the necessity of large prescriptions in the treatment of obstinate diseases .

  16. 总结和分析了门诊部疑难病会诊中心100例会诊病例。

    To improve service quantity of outpatients , the article analyses the consultations of100 difficulty outpatients .

  17. 不孕症是妇科常见多发病,也是疑难病之一。

    Infertility is a common disease in women , and it is difficult to treat it .

  18. 门诊100例疑难病会诊分析和体会

    Analysis and experience on consultations outpatients

  19. 目的:探讨外科腹腔镜在诊断腹腔疑难病中的作用。

    Objective : To explore the effect of surgical laparoscope in diagnosing suspected diseases in enterocoelia .

  20. 目的评价腹腔镜下活检术诊断腹部疑难病的价值。

    Objective To evaluate the role of laparoscopic biopsy in the diagnosis of abdominal complicated diseases .

  21. 对于各种原因引起的骨髓炎,脊髓空洞症,骨关节病及各种疑难病。

    Osteomyelitis , spinal cord cavity disease , bone arthropathy and various difficult disease arousing to various cause .

  22. 特发性肺间质纤维化是临床中的少见病、疑难病,至今尚无有效治疗方法。

    Idiopathic pulmonary interstitial bro sis is a rare and stubborn disease with scarcely e active treatment till now .

  23. 非创伤性股骨头坏死是骨科临床上的常见病、疑难病。

    Nontraumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head is a common disease in osteopathy clinic which is difficult to be treated .

  24. 这种方式治愈由病毒引发的各种顽固性疑难病,从根本上实现了历史性突破。

    Cured in this way caused by the virus , a variety of intractable disease problems , fundamentally achieved a historic breakthrough .

  25. 加强疑难病病例的管理,是提高医疗质量的重要环节之一。

    It is one of the important links in improving quality of medical care to strengthen management of difficult and compicated cases .

  26. 受其宣称能为疑难病患者量身定做胚胎干细胞的诱惑,甚至有人成立后援会自愿为其研究提供所需卵子。

    The claim for patients with abilities of embryonic stem cells tailored , even someone established voluntarily for its research provides support for the eggs .

  27. 高位肛瘘是肛肠科疑难病之一,其管道穿越肛门外括约肌深部以上,给治疗带来很大困难。

    The canal of high anal fistula lies through or above the deep headquarter of external sphincter , which brings much difficulties for the therapy .

  28. 目的:单纯性肥胖病属慢性病、多发病和疑难病,本病的现代疗法进展不大,药物疗法副作用明显,远期疗效不理想,其他疗法缺乏对该病进行全面系统的整体研究。

    Objective : Simple obesity is a chronic disease and is difficult to treat . Modern biomedicine has not yet shown promising treatments for simple obesity .

  29. 应用络病理论治验疑难病非药物疗法&经络、络脉特色诊疗

    Treating Spiny Diseases under Guidance of the Theory of Collateral Disease Non-Drug Therapy : Diagnosis and Treatment Featured by Collaterals and Channels , Collaterals and Vessels

  30. 王道坤教授使用纯中药治疗血管性皮肤病疑难病证,疗效满意,费用低廉。

    Professor Wang Daokun used pure drugs to treat the knotty cases of vascular dermatosis , the treating effect was pleased and the expenses was cheap .