
  • 网络service-oriented;Service orientation;Service Oriented;soa
  1. 然后,详细研究了Web服务技术和面向服务架构,明确了Web服务的定义、实现方式以及面向服务架构与Web服务之间的关系。

    Secondly , author studies Web Services and SOA carefully , including the definition and manner of Web Services , and the relationships between Web Services and SOA .

  2. 尽管许多情景应用程序爱好者认为面向服务的体系结构是重型的(heavyweight),但二者也有有惊人的相似之处(本文前面的内容已经提到)。

    While many SA enthusiasts see SOA as a heavy weight , there are some striking similarities between the two ( as indicated earlier in this article ) .

  3. 汽车映射到面向服务的系统(Srvice-Orientedsystem,SOsystem)。

    Car maps to a service-oriented system ( SO system ) .

  4. 面向服务的体系架构与Web服务应用研究

    Application Study of Service - Oriented Architecture and Web Services

  5. 构建面向服务架构的INTERNET应用研究

    Study the Internet Application of E-government Based on SOA

  6. 在这些面向服务和服务关键型应用程序中,Web服务测试具有相同的重要性。

    In these service-oriented and service-critical applications , web service testing assumes equal significance .

  7. Web服务技术为业务系统引入了面向服务的体系结构这个概念。

    Web services technology introduces the notion of a service-oriented architecture to a business system .

  8. 现在,让我们回到面向服务的应用程序和Web服务。

    Now let 's switch back to the realm of service-oriented applications and Web services .

  9. 它通过组合、编排和协调Web服务,自上而下地实现面向服务的体系结构。

    It achieves top-down service-oriented architecture using the method of composing , orchestrating and coordinating Web services .

  10. 在此上下文中,服务组件体系结构(ServiceComponentArchitecture,SCA)是面向服务的组件模型。

    In this context Service Component Architecture ( SCA ) is the service-oriented component model .

  11. 面向服务架构(SOA)是一个企业化的概念。

    Service-oriented architecture ( SOA ) is an enterprise concept .

  12. 这三个功能是面向服务的范型(ServiceOrientationParadigm)的直接提供者。

    These three functions are direct providers of the service orientation paradigm to all other architectural activities .

  13. 面向服务的体系结构(SOA)永远不能建立在真空中。

    A service-oriented architecture ( SOA ) is never established in a vacuum .

  14. 面向服务架构的Web服务是一种新兴的分布式计算模型,它是以服务的形式封装应用并对外发布。

    Service-oriented-architecture is a new distributed computing technology . It is in the form of service for encapsulation , application and publishing .

  15. Web服务作为一种面向服务的分布式计算技术,提供了一种建立基于Web的复杂松耦合分布式系统框架。

    As a service oriented distributed computing tech-nology , web services provide a framework to build complex web based loosely-coupled distributed systems .

  16. 最后提出了面向服务(SOA)的WEB智能高速公路数据集成平台。

    Finally a service-oriented ( SOA ) WEB intelligent highway data integration platform has been constructed . 3 .

  17. WEBService是一种面向服务的分布式计算模式,具有良好的、真正意义上的系统平台异构性和语言的独立性。

    Web Service is a service-oriented distributed computing paradigm , the technology allows applications to be run in different platforms and programming language-independent manner .

  18. 在他接下来的文章里,Ash讨论了如何将面向服务的基础数据化的实用手段。

    In his follow-up post , Ash discuses practical approaches to data-orienting a service-oriented infrastructure .

  19. 基于Web服务安全规范的Web服务安全模型和方法有助于解决保护面向服务的应用程序的难题。

    The Web services security model and approaches based on the Web services security specifications help meet the challenges of securing service-oriented applications .

  20. Web服务作为Internet的下一个革命性进步,具有支持跨平台、跨语言开发及支持面向服务的应用集成等特点。

    Web services is a new and emerging Internet technology , which supports cross-platform application , cross-language development and service oriented application integration .

  21. 他在分布式计算方面有丰富的经验,包括面向服务架构(SOA)。

    He has extensive experience with distributed computing , including Service-oriented Architecture ( SOA ) .

  22. 随着与SOA(面向服务体系架构)的融合,网格应用日益丰富和多元化。

    Fusing with SOA ( Service Oriented Architecture ), Grid applications are becoming increasingly richer .

  23. 基于MDA的面向服务平台对象建模工具的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Object Modeling Tool of Service-Oriented Platform Based on MDA

  24. 作为一种面向服务的计算模式,Web服务具有松散耦合、与平台无关等优点,能简化跨组织应用的共享与集成,得到了快速发展和应用。

    As a service-oriented computing model , Web Services technology is loosely-coupled and platform-independent , and it simplifies the application integration between different organizations .

  25. 基于各种冗余策略的Web服务容错方法被广泛应用于面向服务的关键性系统的可靠性和性能保障。

    Web service fault tolerance approaches based on various replication strategy has been widely used on the reliability and performance guarantee of critical systems .

  26. 本文结合使用P2P和面向服务的分布式计算技术,构建了一个使用P2P技术的面向服务的分布式系统。

    In the paper , we construct a service-oriented peer-to-peer system via the technologies .

  27. 元服务信息是结合WEBService技术,采用面向服务和面向对象的描述思想,对网格环境中资源及服务的抽象描述。

    Meta-service information is the abstract description of resources & services in grid environment , which combines Web Service technology , and adopts idea of service-orientation and object-orientation .

  28. 面向服务的体系结构(SOA)通常将是应对这些挑战的理想方法。

    A Service Oriented Architecture ( SOA ) will generally be a perfect way to meet these challenges .

  29. 此流程是面向服务的体系结构(Service-OrientedArchitecture,SOA)和Web2.0开发的极好示例。

    This process is a great example of Service-Oriented Architecture ( SOA ) and Web2.0 development .

  30. 目前,面向服务的构架(SOA)和Web服务技术已经被广泛应用于企业级商业开发中。

    At present , technologies of SOA ( Service Oriented Architecture ) and Web services has been widely used in enterprise-class commercial development .