
ɡāo yánɡ
  • uplift;raise high;carry forward
高扬 [gāo yáng]
  • [raise high] 高高升起或飞扬

  • 旗帜高扬

  • 灰尘高扬

  • 情绪高扬

  1. 因此,道德建设必须高扬理想的旗帜,实现道德评价标准理想性和现实性的有机统一。

    Consequently , we must uplift the ideal flag to realize the unity of the ideal and the reality of moral standards in the moral construction .

  2. 弘扬优秀传统文化,就要高扬与时俱进的旗帜,推进社会主义先进文化建设。

    In order to bring honor the excellent traditional culture , we must uplift the banner of advancing with the times and advance the construction of socialist advanced culture .

  3. 格雷格Bretz高扬,星期五在Superpipe总决赛,在第14届冬季极限运动会在阿斯彭。

    Greg Bretz flies high , Friday , during the Superpipe Finals at the14th annual Winter X Games in Aspen .

  4. 北京林业大学研制了BJL系列低流量、高扬程林用消防泵,但在动力匹配方面的研究仍属空白,因此对BJL系列林用消防泵的动力匹配进行优化研究具有重要意义。

    Beijing Forestry University developed the BJL series low-flow high-lift forest fire extinguishing pump . However , the research on the aspect of the dynamic matching is still blank .

  5. 相对于美国消费者的消费,亚洲的消费已经高扬。

    Relative to American consumer spending , Asian consumption has soared .

  6. 奥运之帆高扬在中国海疆&海尔·青岛号大帆船中国沿海行纪实

    On-the-spot Record of China Coastal Cruise of " Haier-Qingdao " Sailboat

  7. 何种原因造成商品房空置率与房价同时高扬?

    Commercial housing vacancy rate and what causes prices while vigor ?

  8. 高扬程泵站的水力自动化提水泵站空流段流量配合问题探讨

    Inquisition of Discharge Matching for Hollow Flow Section of Lift Pumping Station

  9. 王弼美学:高扬本体之大美

    Wang bi 's Aesthetics : Developing Highly the Great Beauty of Essence

  10. 第二,对文艺复兴特别是启蒙运动以来人的理性地位的高扬;

    Secondly , upgrading human ration which develops since Renaissance especially Enlightment .

  11. 教育在高扬功利的同时,又不知不觉地走向功利的极端。

    Utility education is going into an extreme place while it is exaggerated .

  12. 其实质是主体意志的高扬。

    Its essence is the principal subject of will .

  13. 体现在文学作品中,便是人道主义的高扬。

    In literature , the soar of the humanitarianism is the obvious embodiment .

  14. 科技时代应高扬人文精神

    Uplifting the Humanistic Spirit in Scientific and Technological Time

  15. 高扬程泵出口水流动力切断的过渡过程计算

    Calculation of a Transient Broken Process for a High Head Pump Outlet Power

  16. 他说从高扬三来的韩老板。

    He says it 's president Han from gyungsan .

  17. 现代启发式教学,作为理性思潮的结晶,人本主义精神的化身,高扬了人的主体性本质。

    Modern heuristics is the quintessence of rational thought , embodiment of humanism .

  18. 说我不管什么风都把帆高扬,

    That I have hoisted sail to all the winds

  19. 她是个客客气气,双眉高扬,冷冰冰的貌似坦尼斯的女人。

    She was a courteous , brow-lifting , ice-armored woman who looked like Tanis .

  20. 第二,对审美主体价值的高扬;

    Secondly , it uplifts the subjectival value ;

  21. 高扬人文精神旗帜培养独立健全人格

    Raise Highly the Banner of the Human Spirit Train the Independent and Full Character

  22. 高扬主体性创作原则;

    Raising high the subjection principle of creation ;

  23. 江苏高扬企业集团组织结构设计研究

    Research on Organization Designing of Gaoyang Group

  24. 玛丽·路大步走过我们的桌子,下巴高扬,意志坚定。

    Mary Lou directly strode past our table , chin held high with iron determination .

  25. 高扬理想主义的旗帜

    Lifts up High the Idealism Flag

  26. 公玉米花高扬。

    Male flowers stand up high .

  27. 提高低比转数高扬程泵性能的应用研究

    An Application Research on Increasing the Performance of the Low Specific Speed and High Head Pumps

  28. 它否定了封建社会对人欲的压制,高扬人性解放的旗帜;

    It negated the feudal society 's suppression of human 's desire and advocated human nature .

  29. 她们在这个追求的过程中把自己原来高扬在社会和家庭中的主体意识自动隐退。

    Their original subject consciousness about society and family automatically retreated in the process of pursuit .

  30. 船山对人的关注与论述,高扬了人的主体精神与人的价值,突显了中国人文传统的主题,闪烁着人文启蒙之光。

    It stressed the theme of traditional humanism , and glimmered with the light of human initiation .