
  1. 在爬崎岖的蓝钟山之前有一段很难走的上行缓坡路。

    It was a tough course over a gradual ascent before the big climb of Bluebell Hill .

  2. 安徽钟山铁矿植物重元素X射线荧光研究及环境指示意义

    Studying and significance of instructing environment about heavy elements of plants by XRF in Zhongshan iron mine , Anhui Province

  3. 利用同步辐射X射线荧光分析技术,对安徽省钟山铁矿矿区的8种植物叶片内重元素进行了研究。

    By means of SR X-ray fluorescence , we have studied the heavy elements in leaves for 8 species of plants in Zhongshan mine , Anhui province .

  4. 在与欧盟贸易专员KarelDeGuchtbi进行的非正式会谈中,中国商务部副部长钟山表示贸易壁垒不可接受。

    In an informal meeting with EU 's Trade Commissioner Karel De Guchtbi , China 's Vice Commerce Minister Zhong Shan said that trade protectionism will not be acceptable .

  5. 雄伟的钟山下,是我的可爱的家乡。

    Under grand Zhong Mount , it is my lovely hometown .

  6. 钟山风景名胜区旅游开发整合研究

    On unification of tourism resources of scenic and historic area of Zhongshan

  7. 广西钟山方言音系

    The Phonology of the Zhongshan Dialect in Guangxi Autonomous Region

  8. 虎踞龙盘鉴钟山&江苏省档案馆

    Jiangsu Provincial Archives : A Witness to the History

  9. 广西钟山主要水稻土肥力变化浅析

    Approach in g to the change in fertility of major paddy fields in Guangxi

  10. 弧形爆破在钟山铁矿的应用

    Application of Arc Explosion in Zhongshan Iron Mine

  11. 在当代纯文学期刊中,《钟山》是一家名刊。

    ZhongShan is one of the most famous pure literary periodical in the contemporary .

  12. 钟山县牛品种改良工作的调查

    Investigation on cattle breed improvement in Zhongshan County

  13. 钟山文化是一种具有鲜明特色和民族历史积淀的文化类型。

    Zhongshan culture is a culture type which has striking features and enduring ethical history .

  14. 钟山风景区陵墓旅游资源的旅游区位特性分析

    Analysis on the Tour District Characteristics of Mausoleum and Tomb Tourism Resource in Zhongshan Scenic Area

  15. 钟山表示,英国商品在中国进口中所占比例不到1%。

    UK goods accounted for less than one per cent of Chinese imports , he said .

  16. 广西钟山珊瑚矿田的构造变形、动力学演化与控矿关系

    Relation between structural deformation , dynamic evolution and metallization in Shanhu orefield , Zhongshan county , Guangxi

  17. 南京钟山风景区旅游环境容量初步分析与调控建议

    The Preliminary Analysis and Regulation on Tourism Environment Capacity in Eastern Suburb Scenic Area of Nanjing City

  18. 走向有序的城郊风景名胜区管理&以南京钟山风景名胜区为例

    Towards the Systematic Management of Famous Sceneries in City Suburbs & Zhongshan Scenic Site in Nanjing as Example

  19. 作为文学媒体,《钟山》深度介入了当代文学的发展进程。

    As a kind of Literal media , ZhongShan deeply involved in the process of the contemporary literature .

  20. 根据钟山职业技术学院的品牌建设现状和不足,提出实施品牌构建策略的建议。

    According the circumstance of Zhongshan Vocational and Technical College , author puts forward proposals of implementing brand building strategies .

  21. 作者对产自云南马关-麻粟坡矿带、广西钟山八步矿区的黑色电气石进行了矿物组成及化学成分的分析测试。

    It shows that there are apparent differences in black tourmalines mineral components and chemical elements from their different producing mines .

  22. 南京钟山是南京文化的主要发祥地之一,也是传承南京文化的重要载体。

    Zhongshan is one of the main birthplaces of Nanjing culture , and is also an important carrier for inheriting Nanjing culture .

  23. 在发布会上,钟山首先高度评价了中美两国过去数十年间经贸合作的成果。

    At the press conference , Zhong Shan highlighted the progress in the Sino-US trade and economic cooperation in the past decades .

  24. 钟山表示,各方应采取减免关税、取消壁垒、畅通贸易等举措。

    Zhong says all parties should take measures such as reducing or removing tariffs , eliminating trade barriers and facilitating unfettered trade .

  25. 在12月27日中国的贸易部副部长钟山宣布中国将继续扩张其在世界贸易中的份额。

    On December27th Zhong Shan , the country 's vice-minister of trade , declared that China will continue to increase its share of world exports .

  26. 作者对红嘴相思鸟在金钟山北坡五种林型中的分布数量作了调查。

    The number and the distribution of Red-billed Leiothrix among five type standing forests in the North slope of Jin-zhong mountain were investigated by authors .

  27. 通过《钟山》这一面窗口,我们可以看到各种文学话语、文学力量的多元交汇与复杂互动。

    Zhongshan is a window of the contemporary literature . we can see a variety of literary discourse and literary power in multiple intersection with complex interaction .

  28. 在两会采访通道接受采访时,商务部部长钟山告诉记者,贸易战没有赢家。

    On the sidelines of the ongoing session of the National People 's Congress , commerce minister Zhong Shan told reporters that trade wars have no winners .

  29. 论近城风景名胜区保护的意义和价值&以南京市钟山风景名胜区为例

    Discuss on the meaning and value of protection of scenic and historic areas near city & in the instance of scenic and historic areas of Zhongshan of Nanjing

  30. 钟山风景区对机动车限行的政策使得旅游景点可达性水平的提高只能依靠景区内公共交通系统的优化。

    The limit for motor vehicle in the Zhongshan Mountain National Park making the improvement of scenic spots ' accessibility can only rely on the optimization of public transit system .