
  • 网络Machine teaching;machine instruction
  1. 我们可能借用机器教学程序使学习吉他等乐器更为容易吗?

    Will we be able to play any musical instrument such as a guitar easily with a process the machine teaches us ?

  2. 机器翻译对翻译教学的促进

    The Promotive Effect of Machine Translation on Translation Teaching

  3. 机器测绘实践性教学工作程序化

    Programming of practical teaching in mechanical mapping

  4. 另一方面,引入机器学习机制对教学策略进行自我完善调整,提高远程教学系统的自适应,自学习能力。

    On the other hand , we introduced machine learning mechanism to adjust pedagogical strategies .

  5. 拟用无机器的程序化教学实验方案,以完成现代体育教学形式下的体操教学要求。

    The purpose of this study was to fulfil the requirements of gymnastics teaching under the condition of modern physical education by utilizing the experimental plan of the without machine programmed instruction .