
  • 网络Ontology;ontological;ontological argument;Ontologie
  1. 康德关于经验的评论著作最终与本体论和形而上学混为一谈。

    Kant 's work on the critique of experience became ultimately indistinguishable from ontology and metaphysics .

  2. 基于本体论和词汇语义相似度的Web服务发现

    Web Service Discovery Based on Ontology and Similarity of Words

  3. 基于本体论相互属性的Web资源元数据模型

    Meta Model of Web Resource Based on Ontological Mutual Attribute

  4. 基于本体论和标记图相似性的Web服务匹配算法

    An Algorithm of Web Service Matching Based on Ontology and Label Graph Similarity

  5. 一种基于本体论的Internet信息个性化检索系统的Agent实现模型

    An Agent-realized Model of Personalized Internet Information Retrieval System Based on Ontology

  6. 介绍如何用语义Web服务本体论来集成工作流,同时提出一个基于语义Web服务工作流集成的模型。

    Meanwhile , a model for composing web service workflows with semantic descriptions was proposed .

  7. 本体论(ontology)的引入为面向Web的智能检索提供了新的方式。

    Using ontology provides a new intelligent searching method based on Web .

  8. 本体论与语义Web

    Ontology and Semantic Web

  9. 本文首先简要介绍了语义web的主要理论和技术,并重点分析了本体论。

    In the thesis the primary theory and technology of the semantic web are firstly presented , then the analysis of Ontology theory .

  10. 通过结合本体论和Agent技术设计出了一种基于本体论的课件资源检索系统。

    An agent-realized design of course objects retrieval system based on ontology by combing the ontology and the agent technology was presented .

  11. 一种基于UML的本体论建模方法

    A UML-based Method of Modeling Ontology

  12. 基于本体论的E-MAIL分类方法

    An Ontology-based Method for E-MAIL Classification

  13. 基于本体论和SNMP的骨干设备性能监测

    The Research of the Backbone Equipment Performance Monitoring on Ontology and SNMP

  14. 本文首先分析了语义Web的体系结构及其相关知识,然后对本体论的逻辑基础一描述逻辑进行了研究。

    This thesis firstly analyzed the framework of the semantic Web and other related knowledge , and then we make the research on the base of logic about ontology .

  15. 基于OWL本体论映射的数据库网格语义模式集成研究

    A Framework of Semantic Schema Integration Based on OWL Ontology Mapping in Dart Database Grid

  16. 在基于本体论和语义Web的产品信息基础结构研究国家自然基金课题的支持下,论文就这个问题进行了深入的研究。

    In this thesis , we have deeply investigated this problem under the support of the National Science Fund Project - " The study of Product Information System Based on Ontology and Semantic Web " .

  17. 支持数据库E-R模型设计的本体论及其获取方法

    Ontology of Supporting Database E-R Model Design and Its Getting Method

  18. 本文介绍了本体论的起源和发展、定义、描述语言和应用,并且具体分析了本体论在信息检索中的应用,构建基于Ontology的Web信息检索系统。

    The paper introduced the origination and development of ontology , the definition of ontology , as well as ontology description language , and then constructed the system of Information Retrieval based Ontology .

  19. XML作为一种结构化元标记语言,可以有效地描述本体论,从而弥补HTML语言在网络协同制造时信息表达能力的不足。

    Moreover , it is also explored that the structured language XML helps to express ontology conveniently to compensate for the traditional weakness to render networked collaboration project by HTML .

  20. 本文提出了一种在数据库网格中OWL本体论映射机制如何用于基于语义的数据库模式集成。

    Brings forward a framework on how to integrate database schemas using OWL ontology mapping which is based on semantic in Database Grid .

  21. RDF和OWL是体实现语义web的基本语言,目前己成为W3C推荐标准;面向Web服务的本体论语言如OWL-S则从本体论的角度对web服务的进行语义描述。

    The base semantic web language RDF and OWL has become the recommendation of W3C , and other web service-oriented languages such as OWL-S try to describe web service semantics from ontology perspective .

  22. 第二章在分析大批量定制模式(MC)下配置设计领域知识的基础上,提出基于本体论和知识规则的MC配置设计方法。

    In the second chapter , based on the analysis of product knowledge structure for mass customization , the article puts forward a method of mass customization configuration based on ontology .

  23. 针对上述问题,本文首先分析当前国内外产业界和学术界的研究现状,结合本体论和可信计算技术,对Web服务的主要非功能属性在语义层次上进行形式化研究。

    First of all , current research status of industry and academic are analyzed . Combined with ontology and trusted computing technologies , the basic non-functional properties of Web services are formalized on the semantic level . Then , in this theory , the two existed methods are synthesized .

  24. 本体论的理论基础是描述逻辑,OWLDL和描述逻辑有很好的对应关系,因此我们在建立知识库时使用了OWLDL。

    The theoretical base of ontology is description logics system , OWL DL and description logics have a good corresponding relation , so we use the OWL DL to build the knowledge base .

  25. 在本体论上,SSK仍然坚持康德式的自然与社会的二元论,而后SSK则打破了这种二分,认为自然与社会共同地建构了科学;

    From the ontology perspective , SSK claims the dualism between nature and society , however , Post-SSK break through this dualism and holds that both of nature and society construct science together ;

  26. 该模型采用本体论技术和XTM技术实现,结构上分为三层:本体层、XTM层和资源层。

    This model is implemented using the ontology and XTM . It has a three-layer structure : ontology layer , XTM layer and resource layer .

  27. 它是面向本体论知识表示语言OKRL的一个组成部分,支持对领域概念、属性和关系,以及表示为规则的公理的形式化描述。

    It is one component of ontology-oriented knowledge representation language ( OKRL ), which supports the formalization description for domain concept , attribute , relation , and axiom that is described as formula .

  28. 另外,实现了一个基于本体论的语义检索系统&农业领域的果品语义检索系统(FruitSRetrieve),验证了提出的系统框架和面向对象构建法的可行性。

    Third , this paper implemented one system of the semantic retrieve based on the Ontology , which is Fruit Semantic Retrieve System ( FruitSRetrieve ) in agriculture field , which proof the feasibility of the framework and Object Oriented Building Method .

  29. 授权规则与哈特法律本体论的建构

    The empowered rules and the structure of Hart 's law ontology

  30. 对话是当代西方本体论语言哲学探讨的一个重要命题。

    Dialogue is one vital proposition of modern ontology linguistic philosophy .