
  • 网络Ben Bernanke;Ben S. Bernanke;Ben S Bernanke
  1. 正当你对本·伯南克(BenBernanke)失去信心之际,他就像魔术师一般从口袋里拿出一只“兔子”&6000亿美元的二次量化宽松计划。

    Just when you were losing faith in Ben Bernanke , he pulls a $ 600 billion rabbit out of his pocket .

  2. 当本·伯南克(BenBernanke)还是美联储理事而非主席时,他为了解释究竟发生了什么问题,提到了储蓄过剩的出现。

    In explaining what had happened , Ben Bernanke , when still a governor of the Federal Reserve rather than chairman , referred to the emergence of a savings glut .

  3. 50岁的本·伯南克则被看作是一匹可能爆冷门的黑马。

    Bernanke , 50 , is viewed as the dark horse .

  4. 对本·伯南克担任主席而言不仅智慧和知识至关重要

    Ben Bernanke 's intelligence and knowledge served him well as Chairman

  5. 本·伯南克是联邦储备局的头儿。

    AZUZ : Ben Bernanke is the head of the Federal Reserve .

  6. 本·伯南克预测经济将出现缓慢恢复,主要是因为企业限制招聘。

    Ben Bernanke expects a slow recovery , mainly because businesses limit hiring .

  7. 本·伯南克发表讲话之时,立法者正试图对金融监管条例进行重大检查。

    Bernanke 's testimony comes as lawmakers attempt a major overhaul of financial regulations .

  8. 美国参议院已确认珍妮特·耶伦将取代本·伯南克,成为美联储新任主席。

    The U.S. Senate confirms Janet Yellen as the first woman to lead the Federal Reserve .

  9. 将本·伯南克视为容易受影响的人等于在老虎钳上打洞(这句话谁能帮忙修改一下)。

    CALL a man like Ben Bernanke a pushover and you deserve a punch on the jaw .

  10. 简单地说,本·伯南克在执行中国人民银行的货币政策。

    To simplify , Ben Bernanke is running the monetary policy of the People 's Bank of China .

  11. 她得到了支持,但一些批评人士担心她会遵循与本·伯南克相同的政策。

    She has support , but some critics are worried that she 'll follow the same policies as Ben Bernanke .

  12. 美联储主席本·伯南克周二出现在国会联合经济委员会时听上去更有希望。本·伯南克:“我们仍然预期经济活动将会走出低谷,然后在今年年底回升。”

    BEN BERNANKE : " We continue to expect economic activity to , then to turn up later this year . "

  13. 本·伯南克表示,迫使国会采取任何特殊措施并不是美联储的职责。

    Ben Bernanke says it 's not the Federal Reserve 's role to try to force Congress to take any particular action .

  14. 对不少券商来说,本·伯南克仍是那个曾想到通过空降钞票来抑制通缩的美联储理事。

    Many bond traders remembered him as the Fed governor who had once mused about preventing deflation by dropping money from the sky .

  15. 你现在看到的人物是本·伯南克,美国中央银行美联储的主席。

    Ben Bernanke , whom you see right here , is the chairman of the Federal Reserve , the country 's central bank .

  16. 没联储主席本·伯南克周二表示,现在,经济衰退很有可能即将结束。但是他表示,就业市场的低迷可能要持续到明年。

    Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said Tuesday that the recession " is very likely over at this point . " But he said the labor market could remain weak through next year .

  17. 伯南克:“大家好,我是本·伯南克,美联储主席。美联储是美国的中央银行……”

    BEN BERNANKE : " Hi , I 'm Ben Bernanke , chairman of the Federal Reserve System . The Fed , as it 's often called ... ( is the central bank of the United States ) . "

  18. 近年对全球经济政策有重大影响力的经济学博士中,前美联储主席本·S·伯南克;

    economists who have exerted great influence on global economic policy in recent years , the former Federal Reserve chairman , Ben S. Bernanke ;