
  • 网络Honshu;honshu island
  1. 天照的主要圣殿坐落在伊势,即本州岛上。

    Amaterasu 's main sanctuary is situated on Ise , on the island of Honshu .

  2. 日本本州岛西南端一城市,临朝鲜海峡。人口269167。

    A city of extreme southwest Honshu , Japan , on Korea Strait . Population , 269,167 .

  3. 本州岛南部一工业化的城市,濒临大阪湾。

    An industrialized city of S Honshu in Japan on Osaka Bay .

  4. 26日,我乘车来到箱根(日本本州岛东南部城镇)和富士山。

    On October 26 , I took a bus to Hakone and Mount Fuji .

  5. 但是到1800年,我们可以看到本州岛岛的北部开始到库页岛,都还是虾夷人的领地。

    By1800 , we can see that up to Kuye Island , there were dwellers of Xiayi people .

  6. 这是一只生成在日本本州岛的小雪猴或者叫日本猕猴,它正在玩雪球。

    A snow monkey , or Japanese macaque , plays with a snowball on Honshu island in Japan .

  7. 日本本州岛中东部城市,东京近郊工业区和近郊居民区。人口321182。

    A city of east-central Honshu , Japan , an industrial and residential suburb of Tokyo . Population , 321,182 .

  8. 据日本气象局,日本本州岛东海岸遭遇7.1级地震。

    Japan 's Meteorological Agency says a magnitude-7.1 earthquake has struck off the east coast of Japan 's Honshu Island .

  9. 泰国也已经扩大了检测的范围并且请求商人避免从日本的本州岛进口蔬菜和水果。

    Thailand also has expanded the scope of its tests and asked traders to avoid importing fruits and vegetables from Japan 's Honshu island .

  10. 美国地质调查局表示,由于周五在日本发生的强烈地震导致日本本州岛发生了2.4米位移。

    The main island of Japan has shifted 2.4 metre due to Friday 's powerful tremor GetWord (" tremor "); , says the US Geological Survey .

  11. 周五,韩国说将立即禁止从受辐射影响区域进口农产品。泰国也扩大了检测范围,并要求贸易商避免进口日本本州岛的水果和蔬菜。

    Singapore said it found radioactive contamination in four samples of vegetables imported from Japan and has extended the ban on food imports to two more prefectures .

  12. 地震发生在日本主岛本州岛的东海岸,这是有史以来最强烈的地震之一,震级达到里氏九级。

    The quake struck near the east coast of Honshu , Japan 's main island . It was one of the most powerful ever recorded a magnitude nine .

  13. 舞鹤[日本本州岛中西岸港市]-一艘北朝鲜船在日本海岸警卫队船只监看之下装载自行车和冰箱。

    North Korean ship packs a load of used bicycles and refrigerators while a Japanese Coast Guard boat stands watch at the Maizuru port October 13 , 2006 in Maizuru , Japan .

  14. 但是,这个还没有取名字的女婴的发现给大家带来了新的希望,其他人也有可能在本州岛东海岸数英里的废墟下幸存。

    But the discovery of the unnamed child has given fresh hope that others might be found alive in the shattered landscape which covers scores of miles of the east coast of Honshu island .

  15. 为了帮助日本受灾的本州岛东北地区重振旅游业,日本人力资源服务巨头保圣那集团将为那些帮助宣传东北地区的国外网络“红人”提供免费旅行。

    To revive tourism in the disaster-hit Tohoku region , human resources giant Pasona Group Inc. will offer free trips to foreign " stars " on social networking services to help spread the charms of the northeastern region .

  16. 有人希望福岛核电站不再向海洋排放辐射性废水之后,本州岛东北部地区能够成为“天人合一”(人和自然更加和谐相处)的蓝图,这些人自然是盼望新视角出现。

    That is the hope of some who want Tohoku , Honshu 's north-eastern region , to become a blueprint for a more harmonious balance between man and nature - once the Fukushima nuclear plant stops pouring radioactive bilge into the ocean .

  17. 国际原子能机构称,本州岛发生第二场6.5震级的地震,震区靠近东海核电厂,目前尚无更详细信息。

    The IAEA has said it had received information from its International Seismic Safety Centre that a second earthquake of magnitude 6.5 had struck Japan near the coast of Honshu , near the country 's Tokai plant . Reuters said it gave no further details .