
  • 网络settlement in local currency
  1. 他表示,两国迟早会用本币结算一部分双边贸易。

    He said the two sooner or later would handle some bilateral trade in their own currencies .

  2. 亚洲市场:中巴拟绕过美元以本币结算两国贸易&货币市场对此反应平淡。

    Asian Session : China and Brazil discuss bypassing the dollar for international trade – currency markets remain slow .

  3. 中方支持哈方提出的上合组织成员国扩大货币互换和本币结算的建议。

    China supports the Kazakh proposal of increasing currency swap and trade settlement in local currencies between SCO member states .

  4. 本文分析了中俄边境贸易本币结算存在的难点和问题,提出了促进对俄本币结算的法律和政策建议。

    This paper analyzed the difficulty and problem of local currency settlement of the Sino-Russian border trade , putted forward the law and policy suggestions to promote the currency settlement between china and Russian .

  5. 在上周末的国际清算银行的年度大会上,中国和巴西讨论了如何绕过美元以本币来结算两国贸易的问题。

    The BIS'annual general meeting this weekend saw the emergence of talks between China and Brazil on how to bypass the dollar for trade between the two countries .

  6. 中方愿推动与中东欧国家互设金融分支机构,签署更多本币互换和结算协议,为各国企业贸易投资提供更多便利。

    China is willing to work with CEE countries to promote the opening of financial branch institutions in each others countries , sign more agreements on local currency swap and settlement , and provide more facilitation for the trade and investment activities of our companies .

  7. 对中国企业而言,用本币进行跨境贸易结算的吸引力显而易见。

    F or Chinese companies , the attractions of settling cross-border trade in their own currency are clear .

  8. 随着两国公民频繁来往和经济联系日益密切,中方愿积极考虑在泰设立人民币清算银行,鼓励两国企业更多使用本币进行双边贸易结算。

    As our personnel and economic exchanges get closer , China will actively consider setting up an RMB clearing bank in Thailand and hopes that Chinese and Thai companies will settle more cross-border trade in our respective currencies .

  9. 五是加强金融合作,共同防范新的风险,扩大双边本币互换的规模和范围,增加跨境贸易本币结算试点,强化清迈倡议多边化合作等。

    Fifth , we need to strengthen financial cooperation to jointly guard against new risks . We need to increase the size and scope of bilateral currency swap , expand the pilot program of settling cross-border trade with local currencies and enhance cooperation on the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization .