
  • 网络data granularity
  1. 综合考虑最小数据粒度和组合数据粒度,以及结构粒度,给出了面向并行数字地形分析的数据分发方法。再次,为了充分利用多核集群系统的硬件优势,任务并行能够更好地提高并行处理效率。

    Based on atom data granularity and poly data granularity , along with structure granularity , data distribution method facing PDTA is provided . Thirdly , to fully take advantage of multi-core cluster systems , task parallel can better improve overall parallel processing efficiency .

  2. 从数据粒度的选择、纯操作型数据的去除、模式的建立三个方面讲述了数据仓库的建模方法。

    This paper discusses the method of data warehouse modeling from three prospects of the selection of data granularity , the wiping off of the pure operating data and the setting up of the OLAP modeling .

  3. 两个并列的Flex图表,在图表上部有历史数据粒度级别的标签

    Two flex charts side by side , with the labels for their history granularity level positioned above the charts

  4. 应用数据粒度,可以便利快速的得到全厂性工程、单项工程等不同级别的预算数据。

    The budgetary data of both the whole project and its sub-project arc available by way of data granularity and aggregation .

  5. 在此基础上,针对该平台不能满足当前用户对查询响应时间要求的问题,从数据粒度和分区设计、数据存储方式、用户查询语句优化、平台整体优化等方面提出了解决方案。

    On this basis , the paper gave the solutions against the query response time problem of users from Granularity of data designing and storage of data and query sentence optimization and the overall platform optimize .

  6. 该系统融入了自贡市本地的分析理念,分析的数据粒度细,分析具有较好的时效性,能够更好地辅助各级市场人员分析营销现状,指导市场营销策略。

    The system is integrated into the analysis of the local concept of Zigong that use fine granularity of data and better timeliness . This system is able to support the status quo at all levels of the market for analysis of marketing , and to guide marketing strategy .

  7. 请使用API中的适合接口的使用情况的方法和数据类型粒度,以尽可能减少序列化开销。

    Use a granularity of methods and data types in the API that fits well with the use cases of the interface to minimize serialization costs .

  8. 根据机载SAR距离多普勒(RD)成像算法,提出了基于数据处理粒度的SAR成像处理实时性的分析方法,并对机载SAR实时成像处理系统进行了分析。

    Aimed at range Doppler ( RD ) imaging algorithms , the real-time analysis based on granularity is proposed , and the implementation of a real-time imaging system is given .

  9. 根据需求的要求,完成对业务处理流程的设计;对各个接口数据服务粒度,及功能的设计;对整个数据分析API平台模块的设计;对数据存储的设计。

    The business process , the each interface granularity , the module of the entire API platform of data analysis , the data storage and the business function were well designed according to the needs of requirements .

  10. 本文基于统计学理论,提出了一个视频数据多粒度语义分析和提取的通用解决方案。

    Based on statistics theory , a generic framework for multimedia content semantic analysis is proposed in this dissertation .

  11. 首先介绍了实时信号处理机的结构,分析了数据处理粒度及其并行流水处理结构。

    The configuration of the real-time processor was introduced , the granularity of the data being processed and its parallel pipeline structure were analyzed .

  12. 这种方法提供相比文件级管理更小的数据管理粒度,并且它考虑外设需求,在平衡存储系统负载和提高存储系统性能上有明显优势。

    A smaller granularity of data management compared to file-level management is provided and the demands of devices , balancing workloads of the storage system and improving the performance of the system are considered .

  13. 针对神经网络方法在后评价中、尤其是社会评价中的不足,提出了相应的解决办法,即社会效益评价指标体系的标准化和数据采集粒度的细化。

    Aiming at disadvantages of the neural network method in highway evaluation , especially in its social benefit evaluation , corresponding methods are presented to standardize the social benefit evaluation index system and to divide the data collection .

  14. 但是随着应用系统的发展,传统的用户访问控制技术需要解决两个问题,即实现对于数据项粒度级别的数据访问控制和让用户能够成为访问控制策略的制定者。

    But with the development of the application system , the traditional user access control need solving tow problems . The one is to realize the data access control at the cell granularity level , and the other is to make the user be the maker of the access policy .

  15. 与ER形成对比的是,在一个集群中,无法控制数据复制的粒度;而是始终复制整个服务器的数据。

    In contrast to ER , in a cluster , you cannot control the granularity of data replication ; the entire server 's data is always replicated .

  16. 采用数据库加密的方式为在DBMS外层增加数据库加密系统,加密的内容是敏感数据,加密粒度是字段。

    Puts forward the way of database encryption , the encrypting contents is sensitive data , the encrypting granularity is segment .

  17. 数据划分的粒度越小,能够参与计算的P2P网络节点越多,工作流的效率提升效果越明显。

    Therefore , the smaller grain sizes of the data partitioning are , the more P2P network nodes participate in computing , the higher efficiency of the workflow executions is improved .

  18. 基于OSGi框架设计实现的数据中间件构件粒度细、总体结构灵活、扩展性与动态性都能得到较好满足。

    Design and implementation of OSGi framework based on data from the middleware components , fine granularity , the overall structure of flexible , scalable and dynamic can get better met .

  19. 时态数据的变粒度分段存储策略及其效益分析

    Segmented Storage with various Chronons in Temporal Databases and Efficiency Analysis

  20. 超市购物系统中数据仓库的粒度研究

    Research of granularity based on the design of database warehouse in the supermarket shopping

  21. 相关数据的不同粒度聚类结果论证和说明了聚类粒度分析法的实效性。

    The results of clustering of the experiments show the efficiency of the granular analysis .

  22. 数据分类的粒度与是否消息分为多个部分之间有一定的关系。

    There is naturally a relationship between the granularity of the data-typing and the break-down of the message into parts .

  23. 我曾开发的一个项目拥有细节粒度事务级别的财务数据和日期粒度级别的程序实现。

    One project I developed had financial data at the detail grain transaction level and program accomplishments at a day grain level .

  24. 通过对声纳数据的粗粒度划分,将处理过程进行任务划分并映射到多线程,实现主控板数据处理过程的流水线作业。

    This method divides sonar data into pieces to make process into tasks which are mapped to multi-thread , in further to implement parallel pipeline of total data process on sonar main control board .

  25. 论文从概念、逻辑、物理层次进行了数据模型和粒度模型的设计,基本完成了数据仓库的设计。

    The paper from the concept , the logic , the physical level has carried on the model design of the data model and the granularity model , basically has completed the data warehouse design .

  26. 多维数据模型的变粒度存储策略研究

    Research of Various Granularity Storage Method of Multidimensional Data Model

  27. 数据仓库设计中低粒度数据的分割策略研究

    Study on Lowclass Granularity Data Division Strategy in Data Warehouse

  28. 数据处理技术在粒度图像分析中的应用

    Data Processing Technique Applied in Grain Size Image Analysis

  29. 而且这个数据对我们而言粒度不够。

    Also , the data wouldn 't have been granular enough for us .

  30. 在多层架构的分布式软件系统中,如何在层间交换数据,采用何种粒度的对象交换数据,是系统构建时经常遇到的问题。

    It is a common problem for the designer to exchange data in different layers and use which kind of granularity in multi-layers architecture software system .