
  • 网络Data Acquisition System;SCADA;das;DAQ;dcs
  1. 针对工业系统的实际需要,本文还设计完成了测量节点、管理节点和Lon网络收发模块等部分,完整的实现了数据采集系统的功能。

    Aiming at actual need of industrial system , measure nodes , management nodes and receiver and transmitter module of Lon network are designed in this paper . Furthermore , function of DAS is implemented perfectly .

  2. 简介了微机数据采集系统,结合供热的实际情况阐述了用此系统对工业蒸汽用户实施供热计量的重要意义,并对该采集系统进行了设计。

    DAS based on micro computer is introduced . The DAS is designed combining actual heating conditions for industrial steam user .

  3. 基于嵌入式Web服务器的科学级CCD数据采集系统

    Scientific Grade CCD Data Acquisition System Based on Embedded Web Server

  4. 基于PC的频谱分析仪内高速实时数据采集系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of High-speed Real-time Data Acquisition System in PC-Based Spectrum Analysis

  5. 基于DSP的线列阵流噪声数据采集系统

    Towed array flow noise data acquisition based on DSP

  6. APPLEⅡA/D数据采集系统在动态测试中的应用

    Application of APPLE ⅱ A / D Data Acquisition System in Dynamic Measurement and Test

  7. DSP控制下多功能数据采集系统研究

    Research on the DSP-controlled Multifunctional Data Acquisition System

  8. 对温室数据采集系统的底层网络与Internet的集成做了初步的研究。

    The integration of networking layers of the system bottom and the Internet is preliminarily studied in the paper as well .

  9. 高速CCD数据采集系统及接口技术

    High Speed CCD Data Acquisition System and Interface Technology

  10. 基于USB主机技术的车载数据采集系统的研制

    Design of Data Recorder System for Electric Vehicles Based on USB Host

  11. 用VC开发数据采集系统程序

    To Develop Data Acquisition System Programme by VC Window Socket

  12. 用廉价的热敏电阻作测温传感器,利用BASIC单片机的测量电阻的独特功能,可以设计一种新颖的粮温数据采集系统。

    A new grain temperature data acquiring system was desinged by using inexpensive thermistor and the unique function of measuring resistance of BASIC single chip computer .

  13. 基于USB接口的钢丝绳无损检测数据采集系统设计

    Design of Data Acquisition System for Wire Roped NDT Based on USB Interface

  14. 基于PC与数据采集系统的DSP&CPU芯片功能验证方案

    A Functional Verification Scheme for a DSP & CPU Chip Based on PC and Data Acquisition System

  15. 针对采用DSP的数据采集系统设计了一种基于USB的数据通讯接口。

    An interface based on USB is designed for Data Acquirement System with DSP chips .

  16. 应用FPGA实现的数据采集系统可以检测出偏振耦合检测仪中的微弱干涉光信号。

    At last , the data acquisition system with FPGA could detect weak photocurrent of interferential signal .

  17. 外同步CCD数据采集系统

    External Sync CCD Data Acquisition System

  18. 基于SoundBlaster声卡数据采集系统

    The Data Collecting System Based on the Sound Blaster Card

  19. 提出了一种USB总线的多路数据采集系统软硬件设计方案。

    The hardware and software design of multi-channel data acquisition system based on USB bus is introduced .

  20. 数据采集系统中用SRAM模拟双口RAM

    Simulating Dual-port RAM with SRAM in the Data Collecting System

  21. 计算机硬件的发展包括微处理器、数据采集系统、计算机总线、仪器总线、PC卡和外部解决方案;

    The advanced hardware include processor , data acquisition system , computer bus , instrument bus , PC card and external solution .

  22. 具有过压保护功能DMA方式下的高速数据采集系统设计与实现

    Design and Application of Overvoltage Protection Data Acquisition System with DMA Mode

  23. MD-2型磁变仪数据采集系统的研制

    Studies on model MD-2 data acquisition system of variometer

  24. 图象数据采集系统及其ASIC设计

    Image Data Acquisition System and its ASIC Design

  25. X射线探测用SSPA器件的数据采集系统

    Data Acquisition System of SSPA for X-Ray Detection

  26. DMA方式声信号数据采集系统

    DMA Format Acoustic Signal Data Acquisition System

  27. 基于uC/OS与MSP430的手持数据采集系统

    Portable Data Collection System Design Based On μ C / OS And MSP430

  28. 本论文探讨了嵌入式Linux系统的开发方法,并完成了基于嵌入式Linux的高速数据采集系统。

    This dissertation discusses the development method of embedded Linux system , and implements the high speed data acquisition system based on the embedded Linux system .

  29. 针对捷联惯导系统对于精度和实时性等要求,介绍了基于DSP的捷联惯导数据采集系统的构成及技术实现。

    The construction and techno-realization of strapdown inertial navigation data collection system are presented in accordance with the requests on precision and real time in this system .

  30. Windows95环境下VXI数据采集系统的软件设计

    The Software Design Under Windows 95 for VXI Data Acquisition System