
  • 网络Quantum physics;quantum mechanics
  1. Dirac的符号法是学习量子物理的人所必须习惯的语言,它对物理本质的深刻反映在某种程度上超越了时代,它的内涵与美仍然需要进一步的认知。

    Dirac symbolic method is a language , which must be used by everyone for studying quantum physics . In some sense , its profoundly reflect to physical nature has beyond the era , and its connotation and beauty still needs further awareness .

  2. 近期,杨&巴克斯特方程及其相关理论在量子物理的应用方面有很大进展,本文主要介绍其在Berry相位、热纠缠、纠缠猝死等方面的应用。首先,Yang-Baxter系统在Berry相方面的应用。

    Recently , Yang-Baxter Equation and its theories have made great progress in the applications of quantum physics . In this paper , we mainly introduce its applications of the thermal entanglement , the ESD and the Berry phase . Firstly , Yang-Baxter system is applied to the Berry phase .

  3. 总的来说,基于相应量子物理系统的需要,对于量子逻辑的研究主要集中在两个方面:一个是从运算的角度,基本出发点是态(state),研究state的凸结构;

    In a word , in need of relevant quantum physical systems , there are two classes of methods for studying quantum logics : the operation approach and the algebraic approach . The former is based on the states in physical systems and studies the convex structure of states ;

  4. 早在2001年,吉新就与其他人共同创办了一家名叫IDQuantique的公司,希望借此把他在量子物理世界里发现的各种奇特现象应用到商业世界中。

    In 2001 , gisin co-founded a company called ID quantique with the aim of converting the strange phenomena found in the quantum world into commercial applications .

  5. 因此我不太想承认,这是我在CERN,是在瑞士的日内瓦,CERN是世界上最杰出的量子物理实验室。

    So maybe I don 't want to admit to that . This is me at CERN in Geneva , Switzerland , which is the preeminent particle physics laboratory in the world .

  6. 就不得不提量子物理和观察者这些东西了。

    Is what quantum physics and the observer is all about .

  7. 量子物理认为,这些全都是信息的波动。

    Quantum physics says it 's all just waves of information .

  8. 我得说量子物理已经是20世纪的过去。

    I would say that what quantum physics is to the20th century .

  9. 着重强调了纳米技术研究在量子物理领域中的重要性;

    This article emphasizes the significance of nano-technology research in quantum physics area .

  10. 因此我们需要一门全新的科学,它被称为量子物理。

    We need a new science down there . it 's called quantum physics .

  11. 量子物理的基础及其光学实验

    Optical experiments and the foundations of quantum physics

  12. 光电信息功能材料与量子物理

    Photoelectric Information Functional Material and Quantum Physics

  13. 量子物理中的非对易分析与超算符

    Hyper-operators and Non-commutative Calculus in Quantum Physics

  14. 从氢原子光谱的五步进展看量子物理的发展

    On quantum physics development from the perspective of the Five-step advancement of hydrogen atomic spectrum

  15. 谢尔登说:1935年,施罗丁格千方百机解释哥本哈根的量子物理理论。

    Sheldon : Anyway , in1935 , Erwin Schrodinger in an attempt to explain the copenhagen .

  16. 由量子物理理论和量子统计力学计算金属中热传导的速度

    Calculation of Velocity of Thermal Wave in Metals by Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Statistical Mechanics

  17. 量子物理中的质量问题&纪念量子论诞生一百周年

    Mass problem in quantum physics

  18. 从量子物理和荧光产生的机理入手对实验结果进行理论分析。

    The results of the experiment were analysed with quantum physics and the theory of fluorescence bringing .

  19. 」接近绝对零度的低温下,量子物理掌控一切,原子的行为开始变得像波。

    At temperatures near absolute zero , quantum physics takes over and atoms start to behave like waves .

  20. “因为你在其中应用了量子物理的理论,它是可能不成立的”

    " In terms of applying quantum mechanics to it , because it 's gonna break down . "

  21. 卡尔森休伊10岁的时候就被得州基督大学录取,主修量子物理。

    Accepted when he was only 10 , Carson Huey-You is attending Texas Christian University majoring in quantum physics .

  22. 我想如果要说有一个能做这事的话,量子物理有可能会帮助我们迈出向着正确方向前进的一步。

    And I think quantum physics , if anything could help us get a step up in the right direction .

  23. 令人震惊的是:在量子物理领域中就有哲学和超物理学的成份。

    Shocking news for you : in the realm of Quantum physics , there is an aspect of philosophy and mete-physics .

  24. 但是,量子物理统治着粒子世界,粒子的行为在我们看起来是很奇怪而无序的。

    Whereas , the Quantum physics rules in particle world , a particle seems to us to behave strangely , and randomly .

  25. 人们日益形成了一种共识:在量子物理转化为量子技术的过程中,量子控制理论将发挥关键性的作用。

    It has been recognized that quantum control theory is a key step in the procedure of transforming quantum physics into quantum technologies .

  26. 本文利用分子动力学模拟方法和量子物理从头算法,对单晶硅100表面的重构和弛豫进行模拟分析。

    This papers models and analyses the silicon crystal 100 surface reconstruction and relaxation with the molecular dynamics simulation and first principal theory abinitio calculation .

  27. 原则上讲,量子物理可以涵盖一切,但在现实中,讨论世界上的一样东西,需要很多不同层面的描述。

    In principle , quantum physics might include everything , but in practice to say anything about the world would require many different levels of description .

  28. 麦康纳的角色进入太空时,丢掉了地球日常生活的规则,进入了由量子物理和相对论统治的领域。

    When the McConaughey character goes into space he leaves behind the rules of everyday earthly life and enters the realm of quantum mechanics and relativity .

  29. 他这学期可以好好听波恩的量子物理讲座了,下学期还可以听柯朗注的微分方程。

    He might well have attended the lectures on quantum mechanics that Born gave that term , or those of Courant on differential equations the next term .

  30. 在工程应用领域,特别是模式识别、量子物理,通信领域等众多非线性信号处理方面得到了最为广泛的应用。

    In engineering application area , especially in nonlinear signal processing such as pattern recognition , quantum physics and communication it has a lot of novel applications .