
guāng hé zuò yòng
  • photosynthesis
光合作用 [guāng hé zuò yòng]
  • [photosynthesis] 借助于光、有时借助近红外光或近紫外光来完成的化合物的合成作用;尤指当含叶绿素的细胞(如绿色植物的细胞)受到光照射时,其中所发生的由二氧化碳和氢源(如水)生成碳水化合物的过程

光合作用[guāng hé zuò yòng]
  1. 我们现在研究的课题是光合作用。

    Our current research topic is photosynthesis .

  2. 叶绿体就是光合作用发生的地方。

    Chloroplasts are the structures in which photosynthesis happens .

  3. 细菌光合作用的色素是细菌叶绿素。

    The photosynthetic pigment in bacteria is bacteriochlorophyll .

  4. C4植物光合作用中主要同功酶的测定

    Determination on the main isoenzyme in the photosynthesis of c_4 plants

  5. C4光合作用的基因工程研究进展

    Advances in Genetic Engineering of C_4 Photosynthesis Pathway

  6. CO2和温度对网纹甜瓜群体光合作用的影响

    Effects of CO_2 and Temperature on Canopy Photosynthesis of Muskmelon

  7. 包含CO2因子的冬小麦叶片光合作用农业气象简化模型研究

    Studies on Simplified Agro-meteorological Models on Leaf Photosynthesis of Winter Wheat Including CO_2 Impacts

  8. CO2/pH对三种藻生长及光合作用的影响

    Influence of CO_2 / pH on growth and photosynthesis of three kinds of algae

  9. 大气CO2浓度升高对光合作用的影响

    Effects of the rising co_2 levels on Photosynthesis

  10. CO2加富对紫花苜蓿光合作用原初光能转换的影响

    Effect of elevated co_2 on the primary conversion of light energy of Alfalfa photosynthesis

  11. 降低锌离子浓度会影响叶绿素的合成,减少光合作用中CO2的固定。

    Chlorophyll content and assimilation of CO2 in photosynthesis decreased during Zn concentration decreased .

  12. 增强UV-B辐射对C4植物和CAM植物光合作用的影响

    Effects of Enhanced UV-B Radiation on Photosynthesis of C_4 and CAM Plants

  13. 表明要使高浓度的CO2对C3植物光合作用起更好的作用,增施氮肥是必要的。

    It shows that nitrogenous fertilizer should be applied when C_3 plants are grown under the environment of high CO_2 concentration .

  14. 海带(LaminariaJaponica)幼孢子体生长和光合作用的N需求

    Nitrogen Requirement of Growth and Photosynthesis in the Juvenile Sporophyte of Laminaria japonica

  15. 两种女贞光合作用研究鹅掌楸和女贞同化CO2和释O2能力的比较

    STUDY ON PHOTOSYNTHESIS IN TWO SPECIES OF LIGUSTRUM LUCIDUM CO_2 Absorbing and O_2 Releasing of Liriodendron chinese and Ligustrum lucidum

  16. 但Bt玉米植株的光合作用和部分生理生长性状也发生了一定的变化。

    But Bt corn plant was also found some physiological and ecological changes .

  17. Pathway分析发现这些差异基因涉及最多的是核糖体、光合作用、氧化磷酸化、嘌呤嘧啶代谢和叶绿素合成途径中。

    These genes involved in ribosome , photosynthesis , oxidative phosphorylation , purine and pyrimidine metabolism and chlorophyll biosynthesis .

  18. 中午由于群体光合作用增加和放风的影响,CO2浓度降至最低;

    At noon for letting in fresh air and photosynthesis of colony enhanced , the CO_2 concentration descend to the lowest ;

  19. 不同生长阶段遮荫对番茄光合作用、干物质分配与叶N、P、K的影响

    Effects of Shading on Photosynthesis , Dry Matter Partitioning and N 、 P 、 K Concentrations in Leaves of Tomato Plants at Different Growth Stages

  20. 主茎下部衰老叶片的SOD、POD活性明显降低、叶绿素含量减少、光合作用功能衰退。

    SOD and POD activity descended apparently , and chlorophyll contents and photosynthesis declined in senescent leaves of lower stem .

  21. 研究表明:高产麦田的CO2不足是限制小麦群体光合作用提高的重要因素。

    The results indicated that insufficiency of CO_2 concentration in the high-yield wheatfield was one of main factors restricting canopy apparent photosynthesis ( CAP ) .

  22. Cu~(2+)对蓝藻Spirulinamaxima光合作用的抑制机理

    Mechanism of Cu ~ ( 2 + ) Inhibiting Photosynthesis of Spirulina maxima

  23. 由于颖果表皮上无气孔,推测其进行光合作用所需的CO2来自颖果的呼吸作用;

    Because of no stoma on the epidermis of pericarp , it was concluded that the CO_2 needed in photosynthesis come from the respiration of caryopsis ;

  24. Hg抑制根系正常生长,妨碍水分吸收,从而抑制光合作用。

    While Hg inhibited the normal growth of the roots and hindered absorption of water , thus affecting photosynthesis .

  25. 该文测定并研究了不同水分处理下,不同黑杨无性系的长期水分利用效率(WUEL)、叶片δ~(13)C、光合作用、气孔及其相互关系。

    Foliar carbon isotope composition (δ ~ ( 13 ) C ), long-term water use efficiency ( WUE_L ), photosynthesis , and stomata of different Populus deltoids clones were studied under different water treatments .

  26. UV-B辐射对香蕉光合作用和不同氮源利用的影响

    Influence of UV-B radiation on Photosynthesis and nitrogen utilization of Musa paradisiaca grown in different nitrogen sources

  27. 民用塑料释放的HCl对田间大豆光合作用和生长的影响

    Effect of HCl gas released from civil plastic products on growth and photosynthesis of soybean plant in the field

  28. 果实中可溶性固形物、总酸度、Vc含量也有所改善。CO2最适施用时间为一天中光照和温度对草莓光合作用最有利的时间。

    According to the temperature and duration of day , the optimum application time of CO_2 was the time when light and temperature were most favorable to the photosynthesis of strawberry .

  29. 采用PEG渗透胁迫的方法,进一步验证了干旱对草莓光合作用、气体交换以及光合反应中心活性的影响。

    Osmotic stress was used to testify the effects of soil drought on photosynthesis , gas exchange and activities of PS reaction center .

  30. 以Rubisco抗体建立单向免疫扩散法,定量测定Rubisco含量,研究小麦叶片光合作用日变化过程中Rubisco含量及其活力的变化。

    Rubisco content was quantified by simple agar diffusion .