
  • 网络quantitative prediction
  1. 低渗块状砂岩气藏底水锥进的定量化预测

    Quantitative Prediction of Botton Water Coning in Low Permeability Block-sand Gas Reservoir

  2. 初论工程地质量化预测结论的可靠性

    Preliminary discussion on the reliability of quantitative prediction conclusions

  3. 我们甚至可以用其进行量化预测。

    We can even use that vision to make quantitative predictions .

  4. 突水量数量化预测模型及其应用

    Quantitative model for predicting mine inflow and its application

  5. 矿井构造量化预测技术的研究进展

    Advance of quantitative prediction method of mine structure

  6. 电针预测周围性面瘫的预后多因素量化预测高血压脑出血预后

    Quantification Forecasting Prognosis of Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrhage

  7. 本论文完成了钛合金立式离心铸造过程缩松半定量化预测模型的建立。

    A semiquantitative prediction model of shrinkage porosity for titanium alloy castings has been established .

  8. 柳杉种子败育率数量化预测模型研究初报

    Sterility Factors of seeds in Cunninghamia Lanceolata On the Quantized Forecasting Model of Japanese Cedar Sterile Seeds

  9. 讨论了这两个问题的定量化预测与控制措施,并阐述了它们的相互关系。

    Researches on how to predict and control these problems are discussed , The relationship between them is also stated .

  10. 目前,对于旅游机场旅客吞吐量的研究多是关于影响因素的定性分析,缺乏量化预测。

    At present , the study of tourism airport passenger throughput focuses on the qualitative analysis , while its error is large .

  11. 本文首次提出一个新的研究领域-工程地质量化预测(评价)结论的可靠性分析。

    In this paper , a new research field of engineering geology is put forward on the reliability analysis of quantitive prediction conclusions .

  12. “信用矩阵”理论的先进性在于,它根据借款者的信用等级量化预测信用风险并提出了“边际风险”的概念。

    The theory of CreditMetrics has its advance that it forecasts credit risk according to a debtor'credit ranks and provides us a concept of Marginal Risk .

  13. 然而,由于室内外气候条件的不确定性,自然通风的最终效果量化预测始终是一个难题,这将造成建筑设计早期方案的难以抉择。

    However , due to uncertainty of outdoor condition , the prediction of effect of Natural ventilation is still a problem to solve , which leads to difficulty in choosing architecture design plan .

  14. 为了实现矿井构造相对复杂程度量化预测的全程自动化,以矿井构造定量评价指标的自动统计与存储技术为突破口,研制完成矿井构造量化预测系统软件MSPS。

    A system software , MSPS , to predict the relative complexity of mine structure quantitatively and automatically has been developed after solved the problem in digitizing and saving automatically of evaluating indexes .

  15. 为了能使矿井构造量化预测技术在更多的矿井中推广应用,探讨了评价单元自动剖分、信息提取与存储、评价指标量化等矿井构造量化预测全程自动化实现技术的主要算法

    The automation technique of quantitative prediction of mine structure , such as automatic dissection of assessment units , access of information , digitizing of assessment indexes , are introduced to easily use the method of quantitative prediction of mine structure in more coal mines

  16. 论文提出了环境扰动度的概念,构造了环境扰动度的测度模型西安理工大学硕士学位论文及其影响因素的量化预测模型,并对企业家市场化环境扰动度进行了测度研究;

    The paper puts forward the concept of the environment disturbing degree , constructs a predicting model of the environment disturbing factors , forms a measuring model of the environment disturbing degree , and uses the environment disturbing degree - measuring model to measure entrepreneur marketization environment disturbing degree .

  17. 基于AHP的企业动态联盟冲突量化及预测

    Numeralization and prediction of conflict of dynamic alliance-oriented enterprise based on AHP

  18. 自上世纪90年代以来,英国央行(bankofEngland)一直使用扇形图来量化通胀预测中固有的不确定性。

    The Bank of England has been using these fan charts since the 1990s to quantify the uncertainty inherent in inflation forecasts .

  19. 煤矿水害的多源信息及定量化方法预测研究与应用

    The study and application of forecast method of multi-source information and quantitative analysis of coal mine water disaster

  20. 高炉铁水硅含量的自组织经验进化预测模型主要由动态数据特征提取、动态模式量化以及预测经验的记忆、存储、积累和进化三部分组成,其预测经验可分为直接经验和间接经验。

    Self-organization experience evolution prediction model of prediction of silicon content in hot metal consists of extracting dynamic feature from data , classifying dynamic pattern and treating and improving prediction experience , which is composed of first hand experience and second hand experience .

  21. 量化计算在预测NMR参数和固体催化剂酸性中的应用

    Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Science Application of Quantum Chemical Calculation in Predicting NMR Parameters and Acidity of Solid Catalysts

  22. DPCM图象传输系统中,对量化后的预测误差所采取的代码分配方案影响到系统对信道误码的敏感程度。

    In a DPCM image transmission system the codeword assigment for quantized predictive differences has influence on the performance of channel error sensitivity of the system .

  23. 本文从编码的概念和基本理论出发,论述了自适应差值脉码调制(ADPCM)编码的算法,重点介绍了自适应量化和自适应预测算法。介绍这一系统的原理、构造及操作。

    This article mainly describes the concept and principle of encoding in the first and second chapters . The third chapter mainly describes Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation ( ADPCM ) algorithm , adaptive quantizing and adaptive predicting algorithm .

  24. 演化论是否可以量化并且加以预测?

    Can the theory of evolution be quantitative and predictive ?

  25. 速度量化在岩性预测中的应用

    Application of Velocity Quantification in Lithologic Prediction

  26. 建立了数据存取的热度计算模型,对数据存取负载的数据热点进行量化计算和预测。

    Heat computing model of data access is built for calculating and predicting the data workload hot spot in quantifying .

  27. 对感觉加权滤波器的优化方法是修改感觉加权滤波器频域表达式中的系数,用未量化的线性预测系数代替量化后的线性预测系数。

    The quantized LP coefficients are replaced by the unquantized LP coefficients in the frequency domain expression of the feel weighted filter .

  28. 建立以矿床规模为模型的区域矿床成矿潜力指标,一方面可用于区域矿产资源规模的定量化评价和预测;成矿深度2200~2450m。

    Regional ore-forming potential indicator modeled in the ore deposit scale is established . In the ore deposit , the mineralization depth is 2200 ~ 2450 meters .

  29. 运用该模型对3所高校人力资源管理状况进行了综合评价,得出评价等级,为高校人力资源管理提供可量化并带有预测性的科学评价方法。

    The model was used to comprehensively evaluate human resource managment of three universities , and get the evaluation grading , which provides a scientific method for quantitatively evaluating the human resource management in university .

  30. 本论文的应用部分主要是应用灰色时间序列的相关理论对西部大开发中失业与就业问题的量化分析与预测模型这一课题进行了研究。

    In the application section of this theme , the issue about quantization analysis and predictive model of unemployment and employment in the Large-scale Development of the Western is studied by relative theories of grey time-series .