- 名sovereign right

Mr Yang declined to elaborate on the air patrols but reiterated that China had a sovereign right to establish an " air defence identification zone " over the region if it chose .
The boldest argument for war is that the United States and other countries face the prospect of an " armed attack " by Iraq , thus justifying the sovereign right to use force in self-defense .
The coastal State can conduct legislation upon the activities that violate the security interests of EEZ . This is the sovereignty right of the coastal State in its EEZ , and the solution direction provided by the development of the international norms for these residual rights .
Perspectives on the Sovereign Rights of the Exclusive Economic Zone
Canada exploit momentum , actively expand Arctic waters control pioneered use eco right expansion national sovereignty rights typical cases .
The Republic of China shall enjoy and exercise sovereign rights of utilizing the energy stemming from the water , currents and winds or other activities .
This paper finishes by stating that whichever States gain sovereignty rights will be free to fully exploit the region with the rest of the world helpless to stop them .
In the case that sovereign states have transferred more and more sovereign rights , it is the final dominating right and not the so - called basic rights that represents sovereignty .
Once exercised on the premise of respecting the national security interests , sovereignty right , and jurisdiction of the coastal State , will such freedom of passing through be safe and secured .
By exploring and analyzing the definition , and origins of the natural prolongation principle , it concludes that the natural prolongation principle in essence belongs to the State that enjoys sovereign rights of the continental shelf .
Especially in the new area of exclusive economic zone , the partition of coastal countries ' sovereign rights , exclusive jurisdiction , the freedom of high sea , and other countries ' rights is not very clear .
In the 10th rule of Chinese criminal law , approbating negatively the regulation of foreign criminal judgment is not reasonable , which can be presented as follows : first , violating the developing tendency of modern law of nations ;
Therefore , in this newly established area , the mark for rights of sovereignty of costal States and exclusive jurisdiction and freedom of the high sea and rights of other States is not quite certain at the very beginning .
The EEZ has been established by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea , the 1982 UN Convention has also stipulated that the coastal states have the stipulated sovereign rights and jurisdictions in 200 nautical miles EEZ .
The EEZ is a special sea that differs from high seas and territorial sea , the sovereign rights of the EEZ of a coastal state is a part of the economic sovereign rights of the state , the convention 's stipulations respect state sovereignty .
Hua said the right to freedom of navigation and the air should not be abused or infringe on the sovereignty , rights and security of littoral states , which are protected by international law .
There are a wide range of sovereign rights .
But the practice of these two views may lead to " sovereignty administration " and " rights administration " .
This theory points that monetary policy is subordinate to the rights of national sovereignty , it could be released or restricted in some cases .
By instigating mass intrusion of its vessels and personnel into waters of Huangyan Dao , the Philippines blatantly violated China 's sovereignty and sovereign rights therein .
Professional Autonomy : Transformation from the Proper Right to Realistic Right
It is the sacred right of each and every sovereign state and a fundamental principle of international law to safeguard national unity and territorial integrity .
Owners ' exclusive right is the leading one of Homeowner Right , and the person with exclusive right has the right of possessing , using , benefiting and disposing to the exclusive parts .
In order to differentiate and analyze the relations between sovereignty and international law , it 's important to make clear the nature of sovereignty , different concepts of sovereignty and the rights of sovereignty and their relations .
The balance of rights and obligations in economic sovereignty has been paid heed to by all countries ; and there appears a tendency of the coexistence of yielding and sharing , along with strengthening and weakening of economic sovereignty .
Each state has permanent sovereignty to the international water resources located within its territory . It has the sovereignty right of utilizing the resources equitably and reasonably . At the same time , it bears the obligation of not causing significant harm to other states in utilizing the resources .