
ní huǒ shān
  • mud volcano;hervidero;macaluba;maccaluba
泥火山[ní huǒ shān]
  1. 初步建立了泥火山极端微生物分类体系,丰富了我国的极端微生物资源。

    Establish classification extremophiles system in mud volcano and enrich extreme microbial resources in China .

  2. 海底天然气水合物的聚集与烃流体的垂向运移有关,泥火山底辟构造控制了海底天然气水合物的聚集和分布;

    The accumulation of natural gas hydrate beneath the seafloor is related with the vertical migration of hydrocarbon fluid , and diapir structure of mud volcano has controlled the accumulation and distribution of the hydrate .

  3. 本研究采用了DNA指纹图谱技术结合传统的培养方法,阐述了泥火山土壤真菌群落结构和动态变化,及其与环境的相关因素。

    This study used DNA fingerprinting techniques combined with traditional training methods , explained mud volcanic soil fungal community structure and dynamics of change , and its relationship with the environment .

  4. 结果表明,泥火山可培养细菌的生态策略总体上是随环境温度及营养而变化,兼性寡营养细菌表现较为特殊,部分具有稳定的生态策略,另有部分为r-K策略连续统。

    Results indicate that mud volcanoes cultivate bacterial ecological strategies were generally varied with the environment temperature and nutrient condition . However , the facultative oligotrophic bacteria behaved unique , some with a steady ecology strategy , while others were r-K continuum of strategies .

  5. 台湾地区温泉与泥火山气体来源之探讨

    The gas sources of hot springs and mud volcanoes in Taiwan

  6. 露西为更好地理解泥火山提供了一个绝佳的机遇。

    Lusi presents a golden opportunity to learn more about mud volcanoes .

  7. 泥火山&天然气水合物存在的活证据

    Mud Volcano & One Live Evidence of The Existence of Gas Hydrates

  8. 世界最大的泥火山

    The World 's Largest Mud Volcanoes

  9. 同样尚不清楚的还包括驱动泥火山的高压系统以及触发它们的环境。

    Equally unclear are the high-pressure systems that drive mud volcanoes and the circumstances that trigger them .

  10. 上述两处地下装置均未受到爆震的严重影响。地震的超临界水流体退相爆发成因&以汶川大地震震中爆裂式泥火山场景为例

    Neither of the underground installations was greatly affected by the blast . Supercritical Water Fluid Explosion Genesis of Earthquake

  11. 地震的超临界水流体退相爆发成因&以汶川大地震震中爆裂式泥火山场景为例GB1344-1992矿渣硅酸盐水泥、火山灰质硅酸盐水泥及粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥

    Supercritical Water Fluid Explosion Genesis of Earthquake " Portland blastfurnace-slag cement , portland pozzolana cement and portland fly-ash cement "

  12. 泥火山、张裂隙充填脉、碳酸盐壳、深海生物群是流体活动的直接体现;

    Mud volcano , veins filled in fractures , carbonate crust and benthic biological communities are direct indications of fluid activities .

  13. 实际钻探结果也证实,泥火山和水合物的形成与聚集有较为密切的关系。

    Results of drilling are proved that there are close relationships between the form and accumulation of gas hydrates and mud volcano .

  14. 经分析认为,泥火山的形成须具备泥浆源、断层通道和含天然气三大要素。

    According to analysis , three factors should be existed during the forming of mud volcano , mud source , fault passage and natural gas bearing .

  15. 南海东北部边缘台西南盆地泥火山特征及其与油气运聚关系

    The Characters of the Mud Volcanoes in the North-east Marginal of the South China Sea and the Relationship with the Accumulation and Migration of Oil and Gas

  16. 泥火山,它是地层内部圈闭气体由于压力释放上冲的结果,也是气体向上运移的通道。

    The mud volcano can be regarded as the result of the pressure of inner gases upthrusted from the lower strata , and the migration of gases from deeper strata .

  17. 海底泥火山、甲烷气柱、甲烷气裂缝、双似海底反射等大量的证据,都有助于揭示天然气水合物体系的动态演化的特征。

    Submarine mud volcanoes , methane plumes , methane vents , double bottom-simulating reflections ( dBSR ) and other evidences can help to uncover the characteristics of the dynamic evolution of gas hydrate .

  18. 本文扼要介绍了独山子地区特有的地质背景&最新的造山运动、独特的泥火山喷出物、广阔的戈壁平原和特殊的洼地沉积。

    This paper briefly describes the peculiar geologic background of Dushanzi area , such as the newest erogenic movement , distinctive materials produced by mud eruption , broad gobi plain and particular deposits of depression .

  19. 海底天然气渗漏不仅影响海底沉积物的物理性质,而且还极大地改变海底地形地貌,它能在海底形成麻坑、泥火山、冷泉碳酸盐岩以及化学自养生物群落等现象。

    Marine gas seepage not only influences the physical properties of the seafloor sediments , but also significantly alters the geomorphology of the seafloor , such as the occurrence of pockmarks , mud volcanoes , authigenic carbonate and cold seep communities on seafloor .

  20. 根据不同分区地震地面效应强弱程度的差异,建议在土地利用上应避南就北,即避开泥火山和山前洼地而就戈壁平原。

    According to the differences of ground effects in each zone , it is suggested that land utilization should avoid the southern zone but dwell on the northern zone , i. e. avoid the mud volcano and mountain front depression , but dwell on the gobi plain .

  21. 震动可能引发山泥倾泻甚或火山活动。

    The shaking in earthquakes can also trigger landslides and occasionally volcanic activity .

  22. 新疆北部泥盆系火山碎屑浊积岩层序结构特征及其地质意义

    Sequence Structural Characteristics of the Devonian Volcanoclastic Turbidites in Northern Xinjiang and Their Geological Significance

  23. 矿田地层为泥盆系火山岩建造及下石炭统火山-沉积岩建造。

    The stratigraphy is shown as volcanic formations of Devonian and volcanic-sedimentary formations of Lower Carboniferous .

  24. 东、西准噶尔泥盆系火山碎屑风暴岩类型、特征及其地质意义

    Types , characteristics and geologic significance of the Devonian pyroclastic TEMPESTITES in East and West junggar , Xinjiang

  25. 这两种火山岩建造的岩石学、岩石化学和微量元素地球化学均有明显不同,各种地质条件表明,泥盆系火山岩产于裂谷拉张环境,而石炭系火山岩产于造山挤压环境。

    The obvious difference of two volcanic rock suits in petrology , petrochemistry and trace element geochemistry shows that the Devonian ones were formed in a rift - extension environment , while the Carboniferous in an orogenic compression environment .

  26. 在火山-断陷成盆期,深湖相泥质岩与火山岩呈现垂向或侧向的接触关系,是火山岩油气藏形成的主要因素。水平井在火山岩底水油藏开发中的应用

    The vertical or lateral contacts between the deep lacustrine argillaceous rocks and volcanic rocks are the key factors of the formation of volcanic reservoirs during the volcanic-fault depression period & basin forming . An Application of Horizontal Well in Development of Volcanic Reservoirs with Bottom Water

  27. 在天然气水合物勘探中,海底的泥底辟和泥火山构造是重要的研究对象。

    Both shallow and deep gas plays are present in the mud diapir belt .