
  • 网络peat resources
  1. 毛乌素沙地泥炭资源及其开发利用

    Development and Utilization of Peat Resources in the S and s

  2. 中国厚层泥炭资源及其开发利用

    Thick - bedded peat resources and their exploitation and utilization in China

  3. 基于GIS的中国泥炭资源性质评价

    Appraisal of the Peat Resource in China with GIS

  4. 黑龙江省国营农场泥炭资源普查报告

    Report on survey of peat resource in Heilongjiang state farm area

  5. 泥炭资源的基本属性、理化性质和开发利用方向

    Basic Attributes and Characters of Peat and the Ways of Peat Utilization

  6. 黑龙江省泥炭资源及泥炭地保护

    Protection of peat resources and peat land in Heilongjiang Province

  7. 我国泥炭资源的储量、特征与保护利用对策

    The Deposit , Characteristic and Exploitation Strategy of Peat Resources in China

  8. 中国泥炭资源蕴藏的空间格局分析

    Analysis on spatial pattern of peat distribution in China

  9. 数据动态更新;数据输出等功能,而且可以提供相关泥炭资源信息的服务。

    And it also can give service to the information of relative peat resources .

  10. 中国泥炭资源地理信息系统的建立与应用研究

    Establishment of China Peat GIS and Its Application

  11. 预测并论证了至2000年泥炭资源的供需及保证程度。

    The supply and requirement of the resources in the year 2000 are forcasted as well .

  12. 吉林省泥炭资源

    Peat resource in Jilin Province

  13. 黑河地区泥炭资源利用及破坏状况遥感分析

    Using remote sensing to analyse the state of using and destroying of morass resource in Heihe District

  14. 辽宁省泥炭资源及其利用

    Peat resources of Liaoning Province

  15. 介绍了黑龙江省泥炭资源储量和源特点;

    This paper introduced the reserves and analysed the characteristics of mud and charcoal in Heilongjiang Province .

  16. 泥炭资源的综合利用

    Comprehensive Utilization of Peat

  17. 湿地中蕴藏有丰富的生物资源、泥炭资源、水资源,而其本身又是重要的土地资源。

    Wetland abounds in living things resources , peat resources and water resources and important land resources as well .

  18. 对神农架大九湖湿地泥炭资源进行了调查、采样、检测与评价。

    Survey , sampling , detection and evaluation were performed for peat resource in Big Nine lake wetland in Shennongjia area .

  19. 陆地卫星图象在埋藏泥炭资源普查中的应用&皖南地区埋藏泥炭影象识别标志

    Application of Landsat Image in buried peat resources reconnaissance & the identification mark of buried peat Landsat Image of Southern Anhui

  20. 着重指出岩溶洼地类型是广西泥炭资源的主要矿床类型。

    The author would like to point out that the peat deposited in karst depression is the main type in Guangxi .

  21. 广西泥炭资源丰富,就地取材利用泥炭腐植酸,将是保护广西的土壤资源、实现可持续发展的有效措施。

    To preserver the soil resources and to realize sustainable development , a variety of turfs should be planted in Guangxi Province .

  22. 通过对这些专题图层的分析,研究泥炭资源在时间和空间的分布情况,最后得出泥炭资源的时空迁移规律。

    Analyzing these thematic maps and studying the space-time distribution of peat resources , conclude about the space-time transferring rule of peat resources .

  23. 分别概述了国内外泥炭资源储量、分布特点及其理化特性。

    The physical and chemical characteristics and distributed characteristics and reserves of peat resources respectively at home and abroad were summarized in this paper .

  24. 普查报告详细地说明了黑龙江省国营农场范围内泥炭资源的分布,数量及用途,并对今后如何合理开发利用提出了建议。

    The distribution , quantity and use of peat resource in HeilongJiang State Farm area are described , and suitable development and utilization are also proposed on the report .

  25. 基于对我国泥炭资源的储量、质量、主要开发利用方向等分析评价,就如何科学有效地勘查、管理、保护及开发利用问题,提出了有关建议。

    Based on the assessment of reserve , quality , major uses of peat , the author puts forward some Suggestions on exploration , management , protection and exploitation of the resources .

  26. 我国对沙区资源的开发利用已扩大到多个领域,沙区用材林基地建设、泥炭资源开发利用、热管技术应用、石油天然气开采等都初具规模。

    There have been lots of fields of sand area resources development in China including forest construction for timber base , peat resource development and utilization , thermal tube technique application , exploration of petroleum and natural gas , and all are with certain scales .

  27. 专业的园艺栽培基质-诺万播,源于优质的泥炭藓资源。

    The Novarbo Substrates for professional horticulture are based on sphagnum peat .

  28. 建立国际泥炭沼泽资源信息系统

    The Construction of the International Peat Resource Information System

  29. 泥炭矿产资源分析及开发利用

    Analysis of peat resources

  30. 本文研究、分析了国内外泥炭矿产资源的储量、分布、质量、开发利用、生产、市场、价格及发展趋势;

    This paper deals with the reserve , distribution , quality , development , production , market , price and trend of peat resources in China and abroad .