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nì gǔ
  • have entrenched belief in the ancients;obstinately follow ancient ways
泥古 [nì gǔ]
  • [have bigoted belief in the ancients;stick to ancient ways and thoughts] 拘泥古代的成规或说法,不知变通

  • 高谈泥古不须尔。——刘迎《河防行》

  • 泥古不化

  1. 白蛇传的改写要以现代意识为基点,传说不可能在泥古中复活。

    The modern sense is essential to rewrite the legend .

  2. 他们尚古但不泥古,强调在传统的基础上出以自己的面目,这是其二。

    Secondly , they respected classics but not were constrained by them , and emphasized their own characteristics based on tradition .

  3. 然而他师古不泥古,提倡借古开今;避俗就雅,坚持绘画艺术的审美本质;

    However , he did not learn it without change , adhere to the aesthetic nature of painting , to promote the Past to present ;

  4. 同时他在学习古人传统精华的同时,又不为其束缚,即师古不泥古。

    At the same time he learned the essence of ancient traditions , while not for the shackles of the old teachers do not learn it .

  5. 宗璞善于继承传统文化精华而又不泥古,为了更好地表现对人的理解,她欣然借鉴多种现代派技法丰富自己小说的艺术表现力。

    In order to better express the understanding to the characters in her works , she readily draws lessons from various modernist schools to enrich the artistry of her works .

  6. 在文化问题上,钱玄同保存国粹的思想进一步系统化,提出了师古、存古、复古但不泥古的主张。

    When it comes to the culture , he put forward the thought of " model the ancients , preserve the ancient , return to the ancients and not to rigidly adhere to the ancients " .