
kē zhèng
  • tyranny;oppressive government;harsh government;tyrannical government
苛政 [kē zhèng]
  • [oppressive government;tyrannical government;tyranny] 指苛刻烦琐的政令

苛政[kē zhèng]
  1. 妇女哭着说:“这里有老虎,但是没有苛捐杂税和繁重的摇役啊!孔子听到这儿,回过头来,对弟子们说:“你们记住,老虎吃人,可是苛政比老虎还要凶猛啊!”

    The woman sobbed , saying : " There are tigers here , but there are no exorbitant9 taxes , levies10 or heavy corvee here ! " When Confucius heard this , he turned to his disciples and said : " Remember , tigers devour1 people , but tyranny is fiercer than tigers ! "

  2. 总统向我们许诺,这是一场反对苛政的战争。

    This , the president promised us , was a war against tyranny .

  3. 不得不忍受多年苛政的国家。

    A country that has had to tolerate years of misrule .

  4. 世界在漠然的苛政中为善者承受极大的痛楚。

    The world suffers most from the disinterested tyranny of its well wisher .

  5. 她把她的国家的经济崩溃归咎于四十年的苛政。

    She blames her country 's economic collapse on forty years of misrule .

  6. 狂热的,强烈的苛政猛于虎

    Tyranny is more fierce than the tiger .

  7. 茫然的双眼不再哭泣,苛政憔悴了你们的脸!

    With hollow eyes that cannot weep , and for words your faces wan ?

  8. 这个听起来很像苛政;,让我告诉你原因。

    Now this sounds like a draconian measure ; let me tell you why .

  9. 阿拉伯各国人民的愤怒一直都针对本国统治者的苛政。

    The anger of Arabs has been directed at the tyranny of their own rulers .

  10. 最高法院首席法官查理?埃文斯?休斯指出:这种逮捕是‘最典型的苛政’。

    Chief justice Charles Evans Hughes characterized these arrests as one of " the worst practices of tyranny " .

  11. 生活在暴虐的专制统治下的人们很容易理解孔子的苛政猛于虎也这句话。

    Those who have lived under despotic monarchical power will understand Confucius saying , A brutal monarch is even worse than a tiger .

  12. 至公元前五世纪,中国大陆与朝鲜半岛的居民因战争、苛政大量地涌入日本列岛,使日本社会发生了飞跃式的变化。

    To 5th century BC , many residents of Chinese mainland and Korean peninsula migrated to Japan , which made Japanese society changed rapidly .

  13. 《启示录》中的四位骑士是假想的人物,他们被想象成在世界上散播战争、征服、苛政与死亡。

    The four horsemen of the Apocalypse were imaginary people thought to spread war , conquest , rough justice and death in the world .

  14. 孔子听到这儿,回过头来,对弟子们说:“你们记住,老虎吃人,可是苛政比老虎还要凶猛啊!”

    When Confucius heard this , he turned to his disciples and said : " Remember , tigers devour people , but tyranny is fiercer than tigers ! "

  15. 我们有一小伙人聚在一起,决心再不忍受我们所遭受的苛政了。

    A small band of us had got together and made up our minds that we could no longer put up with the misrule from which we were suffering .

  16. 忍受不了秦朝苛政的老百姓,就逃到桂林山中来,开垦种植,生活过得非常艰苦。

    Those people who are unable to stand the tyrannical rule of the Qin court then escape to these mountains and hills where they reclaim some land and lead a hard life off it .