
  • 网络money begets money;Money money
  1. “以钱生钱的人需要缴纳的税费比真正用劳动来赚钱的人要低得多。”巴菲特对CNNMoney说。

    " People who make money with money are getting taxed at a far lower rate than people who make money by their own labor ," Buffett told CNNMoney .

  2. 谢谢收看“钱生钱有道”教程。

    Thanks for watching video How To Make Your Money Work For You

  3. 那么英国投资者只擅长钱生钱吗?

    Are British investors just better at wringing a return from their money ?

  4. 将上述四种专业技能结合起来,以钱生钱就会容易得多。

    Combine those four technical skills and making money with money is easier .

  5. 他们用钱生钱。

    They use money to make money .

  6. 让钱生钱。

    Give birth to your money .

  7. 钱生钱!

    Spend money to earn money !

  8. 一方面我是资本主义的坚定信奉者,喜欢以钱生钱的游戏;

    One part of me is a hard-core capitalist who loves the game of money making money .

  9. 我在此给出了有关财商的数字例子,在这一例子中控制金钱的能力就是以钱生钱的能力。

    I gave this numerical example of financial intelligence , in this case the ability to direct money to make more money .

  10. 问题的关键在于,钱生钱需要本钱,要如何保证每个人都能有些钱来走上致富之路呢?

    The point is that it takes money to make money , so how about making sure that everyone starts out with some ?

  11. 但是年轻人不让钱生钱,却把钱花在衣服、车子和突发奇想的假期上,还在酒吧耗费时间。

    Instead you 're just spending it on clothes and cars and fancy vacations and a lot of times in bars I 'm sure .

  12. 如果你让钱生钱,象我的一些超级富豪朋友那样,你的比例可能会比我低一点。

    If you make money with money , as some of my super-rich friends do , your percentage may be a bit lower than mine .

  13. 我们都有自己处理金钱的方法,但这里有些省钱技巧可以让你“钱生钱”:

    We all have our own methods of dealing with money , but here are a couple of saving tricks that will grow your money :

  14. 在英美两国,许多人现在把金融服务业与制造业进行对比,认为金融业是“用钱生钱”的空虚行业,而制造业则是“制造产品”的实体行业。

    In the UK and the US , many today compare financial services unfavourably with manufacturing the empty " making money from money " against the solid business of " making things " .

  15. 虚拟经济是与实体经济相对应的概念,是以证券、期货、产权等形式存在的虚拟资本的交易活动,即直接以钱生钱的活动。

    The virtual economy is a concept that corresponds with the economic entities , based on securities , futures , property rights and other forms of virtual capital transactions , that is the money directly to the activities of health money .

  16. 投资基金是一条钱生钱的财致富之路,虽然这条道路并不平坦,但从基金投资的长线角度看,投资基金致富是劳动致富的有益补充。

    Investment fund is a " Money for money " road to financial wealth , although this road is not flat , from the long-term fund investment perspective , getting rich through fund investment is a useful complement to the labor-rich .

  17. 拥有三千万资产的人士,即高资产值人士,投资股票和债券,但他们也购入公司,投资冷门证券,如航空租赁基金让钱生钱利滚利。

    People who have at least $ 30m in assets - dubbed ultra high net-worth - invest in stocks and bonds , but they also grow their money by buying companies and investing in unusual securities , such as airline leasing funds .

  18. 那你就可以用这笔钱进行投资,然后钱生钱,让金钱为你服务。

    Because you 're getting yourself in debt and you 're taking money that could have been invested and be making money for you and working for you .