
  • 网络Qian Zhongshu;Ch'ien Chung-Shu
  1. 钱锺书的诗译论

    Ch'ien Chung-shu 's theory of poem translation

  2. 钱锺书是中国当代著名学者和作家。

    Qian Zhongshu is a well-known modern chinese scholar and writer .

  3. 钱锺书关于史传文学理论问题的若干阐释

    Qian Zhongshu 's Interpretations Issues of Literary Theories of Historiography

  4. 钱锺书诗学思想研究

    Study on the Poetic Theory of Qian Zhongshu

  5. 钱锺书作为学贯中西的一代学术大师,著作等身。在他的学术与创作中,既彰显了古典精神,也反映了全球意识。

    Qian ZhongShu is a famous Chinese academic master . His academic research and Literature Creation reflect both the classic spirit and global awareness .

  6. 钱锺书对西方文化的了解颇深,在广泛阅读的基础上提出了很多真知灼见。

    Qian ZhongShu knew the Western Culture very well , with the foundation of Extensive reading , he had put forward many penetrating judgments .

  7. 钱锺书作为中国现当代一名极富才情的文学家,长期的创作实践让其有着丰富深厚的艺术审美体验。

    Qian Zhongshu was a talented writer in modem times in China . Because of his long-term literary creative practice , he had abundant aesthetic experience .

  8. 钱锺书的文学阐释观突出地表现在他对现象与意义的关系的理解上,他认为意义存在于现象之中,离开了现象,意义无从谈起。

    Qian Zhongshu 's comprehension of the relationship between phenomenon and significance showes prominently his literary expositive viewpoint . He maintaines that significance lies in phenomena and can not do without phenomena .

  9. 钱锺书先生作为一个古今中西文化诗学的通骑驿之现代学者,一度成为学界关注的一个文化现象而得到研究。

    Mr. Qian Zhongshu , a modern scholar , the talent and go-between in both ancient and modern Chinese and Western cultural poetics , once became a cultural phenomenon attracting great attention of the academic circle where many researches have been made .

  10. 而本文的目的,就是希望在现有钱锺书研究资料的基础上,通过对钱氏诗学思想作整体深入的探讨与剖析,从而全面透彻地展示和阐明其内在丰厚精深的理论蕴含及重大的学术价值。

    Basing on the foundation of the present research material about Qian , the purpose of this paper is to explain and exhibit the intrinsic profound theory and the great academic value of his works explicitly , by exploring his poetics ideas thoroughly .

  11. 连类举似和互映相发,作为钱锺书文学批评的一种阐释策略,指的是通过对具有互文关系的文本(话语)的发掘、呈现与思考,来进行意义的解释与抉发。

    " Lian Lei Ju Shi " and " Hu Ying Xiang Fa " as an elucidatory strategy of QIAN Zhong-shu 's literature criticism refers to the discovery , presentation and reflection of texts with intertextuality relations and to the interpretation and choice of meaning .