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  • chief of staff
  1. 经济合作与发展组织(OrganizationforEconomicCooperationandDevelopment)幕僚长、本次峰会准备工作的负责人加芙列拉·拉莫斯(GabrielaRamos)表示,在供应链通用标准方面达成协议将具有重大意义。

    Gabriela Ramos , chief of staff at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the person responsible for summit meeting preparations , said that reaching agreement on common supply chain standards would be significant .

  2. 高盛执行副总裁约翰?罗杰斯曾担任之前三任CEO的幕僚长,他说:我始终相信,公司文化是让我们度过危机最重要的因素之一。

    I will always believe that the culture was one of the most important factors in getting us through the crisis , says John Rogers , the firm 's executive vice president and chief of staff to its last three CEOs .

  3. 那里指明,收信人中还包括美国国家安全委员会(NationalSecurityCouncil)网络安全协调员J·迈克尔·丹尼尔(J.MichaelDaniel)、美国副贸易代表罗伯特·霍利曼(RobertHolleyman)、美国知识产权执法协调员的幕僚长亚历克斯·尼杰洛(AlexNiejelow)。

    Noted as receiving copies were J. Michael Daniel , the cybersecurity coordinator at the National Security Council ; Robert Holleyman , the deputy United States trade representative ; and Alex Niejelow , the chief of staff to the United States intellectual property enforcement coordinator .

  4. 在道格接替雷米·丹顿(RemyDanton)空出来的位子、成为幕僚长之前,联络总长塞思也在谋求这个职位。

    Before Doug negotiated his way into the chief of staff position vacated by Remy Danton , Seth , the communications chief , lobbied for the job .

  5. 我想我们可以得出结论,唐熙华不会把公关当作他的第二职业了,白宫幕僚长拉姆伊曼纽尔(RahmEmanuel)表示。

    I think we can all conclude that Tony Hayward is not going to have a second career in PR , said Rahm Emanuel , the White House chief of staff .

  6. 在与洪都拉斯总统的幕僚长奥克塔维奥桑切斯(OctavioSánchez)的一次会晤中,罗默教授向前者呈交了他们的一些研究结果。

    Some of their findings were presented in a meeting Prof Romer had with Octavio S á nchez , chief of staff to the Honduran president .

  7. 事实上,埃文斯是保尔森被阿里巴巴挖走的第二个门生。阿里巴巴负责企业事务的资深副总裁吉姆威尔金森(JimWilkinson)曾是保尔森在财政部的幕僚长。

    In fact , Mr Evans is the second prot é g é of Mr Paulson 's to be snapped up by Alibaba - Jim Wilkinson , the group 's senior vice-president for corporate affairs was Mr Paulson 's chief of staff at the Treasury .

  8. 幕僚长肯定告诉她逮捕内侍的理由。

    The superintendent must 've told her why he arrested him .

  9. 如果我是幕僚长,我会逮捕他的。

    I 'd arrest him , if I were the superintendent .

  10. 杰克,柯敏斯是总统的幕僚长。

    Cummings is the president 's chief of staff , jack .

  11. 那就是说,幕僚长可能就是最坏的人。

    That is , the superintendent might be the worst one .

  12. 幕僚长想把他怎么样?

    What 's the superintendent going to do with him ?

  13. 琳达·瓦斯奎兹,总统的幕僚长

    Linda Vasquez , the President 's chief of staff ...

  14. 可他毕竟是盖乌斯波塔的幕僚长。

    But the fact remainshe was chief of staff to Gaius baltar .

  15. 并将继续作为幕僚长为国家效命。

    And will continue serving as chief of staff .

  16. 彼得,我是你的幕僚长。

    Peter , I am your chief of staff .

  17. 琳达·瓦斯奎兹,沃克的幕僚长

    Linda Vasquez , Walker 's chief of staff .

  18. 如果想要份差事,去幕僚长那里找我。

    If you want a job , visit me at the superintendent 's place .

  19. 他和幕僚长是什么关系?

    What 's he to the superintendent ?

  20. 给我我的幕僚长。

    Deliver me my chief of staff .

  21. 幕僚长是干什么的?

    What 's the superintendent 's job ?

  22. 总统的幕僚长可极少亲临国会

    It 's quite rare for a president 's chief of staff to climb the Hill .

  23. 她还是美国著名风险投资公司凯鹏华盈的运营合伙人和幕僚长。

    She is also an Operating Partner and Chief of Staff at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers .

  24. 与此同时,前白宫代理幕僚长米克·穆瓦尼已辞去北爱尔兰特使一职。

    Meanwhile , former acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney has resigned his post as special envoy to Northern Ireland .

  25. 他(布什总统)应该把他的幕僚长叫进来,递给他一封只有一句话的信:亲爱的约翰:辞职吧。老头子。

    He ( President Bush ) should call in his chief of staff and hand him a one-sentence letter : Dear John : Please quit .

  26. 包括白宫现任幕僚长在内的许多人都说过,千万不要浪费危机。

    Many , including the present chief of staff in the White House , have said that a crisis is a terrible thing to waste .

  27. 克里斯蒂宣布,他已经解雇了副幕僚长,之后他前往新泽西州利堡市亲自向市长马克·索克里奇道歉。

    Christie , who announced the fire of his deputy chief of staff , later traveled to Fort Lee in New Jersey to apologize personally to mayor Mark Sokolich .

  28. 在白宫,副幕僚长乔尔.卡普兰说,布什总统会与一些共和党议员保持接触,以便赢得他们对汽车业拯救计划的支持。

    At the White House , Deputy Chief of Staff Joel Kaplan says President Bush would be in touch with individual Republican lawmakers to win their support for the plan .

  29. 很快,改变巴拉拉命运的时刻来临了。而改变他命运的人便是现任纽约州州长安德鲁•库默的幕僚长本•劳斯基。

    A turn of fate soon came from his friend and fellow Southern District prosecutor Ben Lawsky , now chief of staff to New York 's governor , Andrew Cuomo .

  30. 白宫幕僚长丹尼斯·麦克多诺表示,美国接受这个提议,但是朝鲜必须准备好用行动来支持谈话。

    White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough says the US is open to the idea , but North Korea has to be ready to back up any negotiations with action .