
biàn dì
  • everywhere;all over;all around
遍地 [biàn dì]
  • [all over;everywhere] 到处;处处

  • 见遍地旌旗炫耀。--《广州军务记》

遍地[biàn dì]
  1. 遍地都是死人。

    There were dead bodies everywhere .

  2. 试探遍地可寻,上帝恩典亦然。

    Temptations are everywhere , and so is the grace of god .

  3. 她轻轻地一遍又一遍地重复着他的名字。

    She kept repeating his name softly over and over again .

  4. 警察一遍又一遍地重放事故的片段。

    The police replayed footage of the accident over and over again .

  5. 在好莱坞,长腿金发美女遍地都是。

    Leggy blondes are two a penny in Hollywood .

  6. 军火堆了遍地。

    There was ammunition lying all over the place .

  7. 他真不愿早上5点就听到她一遍遍地反问。

    He could do without her rhetorical questions at five o'clock in the morning .

  8. 她觉得自己会死在遍地毒蛇的沙丘中。她说:“这简直是人间地狱。”

    She believed she would die in the snake-infested sand dunes . She said : ' It was hell on earth ' .

  9. 野花遍地。

    The country is covered with wild flowers . ; Wild flowers blossom everywhere .

  10. 遍地是鲜花。

    The place is covered with flowers .

  11. 研究发现,澳大利亚的壮丽细尾鹩莺会在孵化卵的过程中一遍又一遍地重复一种声音。

    Female Australian superb fairy wrens were found to repeat one sound over and over again while hatching their eggs .

  12. 生财之道”遍地皆是,然而许多人一生积攒下来的钱转眼之间付之东流

    Get-rich-quick schemes abounded , and many people lost their savings . “

  13. 但在遍地摄像头的年代,这么骗钱就更难了。

    But in an age of ever-present cameras , it 's getting a lot harder to pull off .

  14. 隆冬时节,积霜遍地,冰柱垂枝。

    It was the dead of winter , and the ground was covered in thick frost , and icicles were hanging from the trees .

  15. 还在那儿站着的鲁维,祖克曼先生和太太,三个人一起在那里站了大约一小时,一遍遍地读着网里的词,并观察着威伯。

    Lurvy was still standing there , and Mr. And Mrs. Zuckerman , all three , stood for about an hour , reading the words on the web over and over , and watching Wilbur .

  16. 但在魅力四射的鸟群下方,罗马却遍地狼藉,脏乱不堪。

    But beneath their charm , Rome is rotting , and it 's a hell of a mess . In the cold light of day , the other side of these gorgeous birds is clear .

  17. 一遍又一遍地输入同样的命令,但是make却是可以配置的,你们很快就会看到,在习题集2,3中,我会演示给你们看。

    Typing the same commands again and again and again make can be configured , as you 'll soon see in problem set2 or3 to do all these for you .

  18. 为每一个模块一遍又一遍地编写那些代码使得这并不比Ant好多少。

    Writing those over and over for each and every module would make it not much better than Ant .

  19. 今天早上打开QQ,火炬点亮的图片遍地都是。

    Open QQ this morning , the good friend that the picture that torch illumes is .

  20. 缓存那些频繁使用的寿命短的对象,避免一遍又一遍地重复重建相同的对象,并因此进行GC。

    Cache frequently used short-lived objects to avoid the need to repeatedly recreate the same objects over and over , and therefore invoke the GC .

  21. 我们一起学她们的歌,一遍遍地看她们的MTV。

    We learned their songs together and watched their MTV 's over and over again together .

  22. 约翰亨利和T-1000在瓦砾、碎片遍地的城市废墟,找寻一切他们所需要的。

    John Henry and the T-1000 made their way across the debris-filled land , taking in everything .

  23. 他一遍又一遍地找我,对我说他一心想成立Maveron。

    And he kept coming at me and telling me how much he wanted maveron .

  24. 普拉托市城墙外的ViaPistoiese,现在已变成一座温州中国城,遍地是餐馆、夜总会(非中国人禁止入内)和堆满中国商品的超市。

    Outside Prato 's city walls , Via Pistoiese has become a Wenzhou Chinatown with restaurants , nightclubs ( which bar non-Chinese ) and supermarkets stocked with Chinese goods .

  25. 由于和TGV(巴黎至里昂间的城际特快)轻松对接,欧洲之星列车甚至提供了2个季节性的站点:在夏季可以送你到阳光遍地的阿维尼翁,在冬季可以送你到法国阿尔卑斯山领略雪山美景。

    Thanks to easy connections with GTV , Eurostar trains even offer two seasonal destinations : sunny Avignon during summertime and the French Alps in winter where you could enjoy the snowy slopes .

  26. 这间位于二楼的餐馆采用墙纸和传统韩国装修,桌子位于落地窗旁,三清洞(samcheong-dong)主道的景色尽收眼底,主道是低矮区域,遍地是画廊和餐馆,周末人潮涌动。

    In this second-floor restaurant decorated with traditional Korean furnishings and flocked wallpaper , tables by the floor-to-ceiling windows afford a view of the main road through samcheong-dong , a low-rise area full of galleries and restaurants that is hugely popular at weekends .

  27. 埃及遍地的尘土都变成虱子了。

    All the dust throughout the land of Egypt became gnats .

  28. 我不想一遍又一遍地重复同样的东西。

    In a similar way you have to find out what ?

  29. 去的时候是春天,遍地绿草茵茵。

    They went in spring when green grass covered the ground .

  30. 这冰雪遍地的寒夜里只有狂风在喧嚷。

    And the quarrelling gales rage in an icy bleak night .