
  1. 士人与大众文化心理的交融&元杂剧三国戏的文化透视

    Cultural Perspective of the plays of the Three Kingdoms of the Yuan Dynasty

  2. 元杂剧三国戏的人物形象塑造中寄寓着元代士人的独特文化心理与人物美学理想。

    The characterization of The Three Kingdoms plays in the Yuan poetic drama represents the particular cultural psychology of the Yuan scholars and the aesthetic ideal of dramatic characterization .

  3. 像戏曲中的传统戏的题材沿续数百年而不变,因而常见的三国戏、水浒戏、西游戏和民间故事戏的人物造型和典型情节,几乎都成了民间艺术作品的主要内容。

    As the content of the traditional music-drama was unchangeable for hundreds of years , so the contents like romance of three kingdoms , the water margins , journey to the West and folk stories that the audiences know well are often shown in the folk art works .

  4. 但是,三国戏与小说文本毕竟存在着不少差距,尤其是全书的整体结构与某些细节难以如实表现,因而对《三国演义》的文本传播又有一定的负面影响。

    However , the differences between the opera and the novel text , especially as to the overall organization and some details , cannot be reflected as the primitive textual book , which lead to some negative effects as to the communication of the historical story on the Three Kingdoms .

  5. 汉末以后由于社会风气的转变,建安三国的嘲戏风气使俳谐文学迎来历史上第一个发展高峰;

    In the latter period of East Han Dynasty , the open social ethos made the humorous literature have the first peak .

  6. 三国时期的嘲戏之风、诙谐文章与其政治原因

    The Political Cause of the Humorous Satirical Talk and Essays in the Time of Three Kingdoms