
  1. 林白水的社会启蒙思想探略

    Lin Baishui 's social enlightenment and conceptual strategies

  2. 林白水的新闻思想的个性和特色主要表现在两个方面:一是以开启民智为宗旨,大力倡导白话报刊;

    Lin Shuibai s views of journalism can summarized as follows : ( a ) enlightening ordinary people by promoting the publication of vernacular journals , magazines and news papers ;

  3. 急剧转型时期的社会、清末民初的动荡时局以及社会舆论的宣传等时代背景为林白水社会思想激进主义的形成起到了推进作用。

    Period of rapid transformation of society , the Late Qing Dynasty turbulent political situation and social background of public opinion and propaganda for the forest Whitewater formation of radical social thought played a role in the promotion .