  • potato;yam
  • 〔~莨〕a.多年生草本植物,地上有缠绕茎,地下块茎,可用来染棉、麻织品;b.这种植物的果实。

  • 〔~蓣〕多年生草本植物,茎蔓生,块根为圆柱形,可食。通称“山药”。

  • 〔甘~〕a.一年生或多年生草本植物,蔓匍匐地面。块根可食,亦可制糖和酒精;b.这种植物的块根。均通称“红薯”、“白薯”;亦称“番薯”、“山芋”、“地瓜”、“红苕”。

  • 〔马铃~〕a.多年生草本植物,地下块茎可食;b.这种植物的块茎。均亦称“土豆儿”、“山药蛋”、“洋芋”。


(甘薯、马铃薯等农作物的统称) potato; yam:

  • 白[甘,红]薯

    sweet potato;

  • 木薯


  1. 青紫薯色素抑制~(60)Co辐射小鼠胸腺淋巴细胞凋亡机制

    Mechanism of purple sweet potato pigments inhibit ~ ( 60 ) co γ - ray induced apoptosis in mouse thymocytes

  2. 鲜薯产量为1610~3755kg/667m2,其中以9904-2(3755kg/667m2)为最高,比米拉(CK)增产44.98%。

    The fresh potato yield of 9904-2 variety is the highest ( 3755 kg / 667m 2 ), 44.98 % higher than CK .

  3. 油腻的炸薯条令她恶心。

    The greasy chips made her feel sick .

  4. 解放前他靠吃野薯度日。

    Before liberation he subsisted on wild potatoes .

  5. 在土豆枝叶的下面,还有鲜橙色的薯虫蛋呢。

    And on the under side of the leaf of the potato vine are the bright orange eggs of the potato bug .

  6. 青紫薯色素保护小鼠抗~(60)Coγ-射线辐射所致氧化损伤的作用

    Antioxidative effect of Ipomoea Batatas Poir Cv Anthocyanins on mice irradiated by ~ ( 60 ) Co gamma ray

  7. 本文研究了马铃薯结薯期叶面喷施不同浓度B、Cu对其叶绿素含量、光合速率及产量的影响。

    The influence of different concentration of B , Cu on the content of chlorophyll , photosynthetic rate and yield of potato was studied .

  8. 在单薯重和T/R值不变的条件下,适度提高密度是增加产量的主要途径。

    The main way of increasing yield was to increase plant density properly in the constant condition of single tuber weight and T / R value .

  9. 板栗幼林间作西瓜、马玲薯试验表明,间作林的土壤有机质、有效P、水解N含量均比人工抚育林、化学除草林的高;

    The experiment shows that the contents of soil organic matter , available P and hydrolyzable N of intercropping forests are respectively higher than those of artificial tending forests and chemical weeding forests .

  10. 采用PEG渗透胁迫方法研究了遗306、渝薯8号、Ayamurasaki3个甘薯品种的光合作用变化。

    Studies on leaf photosynthesis of 3 sweet potato varieties ( Yi 306 , Yushu and Ayamurasaki ) by using PEG osmotic stress .

  11. TDP处理甘薯种薯的最佳时间为1小时;

    The best length of time for treating seed tuber with TDP is 1 hour .

  12. PVY不仅降低马铃薯的产量,还严重影响马铃薯的品质,是种薯退化的主要原因。

    Meanwhile PVY can affect quality of potato severely , and cause potato seed to degrade .

  13. 取马铃薯种薯的芽眼、芽及其他不同部位并用NaOH法提取晚疫病菌DNA,再用引物08-3和08-4进行特异性扩增以检验种薯是否带晚疫病菌。

    The sprout eye site , sprout and the other part tissues of potato tubers were taken and the genomic DNA of Phytophthora infestans in these potato tissues were extracted by method of NaOH .

  14. 研究了不同浓度水杨酸(SA)对马铃薯脱毒试管苗生长、分化及试管微薯诱导和发育的影响。

    Ffects of Salicylic Acid ( SA ) on growth and differentiation of potato shoot land on induction and development of potato tuber were studied under different concentrations of SA .

  15. 甘薯茎尖和薯块的多酚含量与绿原酸及其异构体的含量、比例与其DPPH清除能力相关。

    The DPPH-scavenging activities of vine tips and roots of sweetpotato were related positively to polyphenolic content and chlorogenic acid and its isomer content .

  16. 在海拔2000m左右的地区,脱毒薯的有效种植年限至多为3代;

    The virus freed potato shall be valid at most for 3rd generation where there is the areas with an elevation of 2000 m.

  17. 热激薯根不仅诱导一组新的HSP合成,而且原有蛋白质继续合成。

    The result of sweet potato roots being heat-shocked for 48 hours at 38 ℃ is that a new set of HSP synthesis occurs in addition to normal protein synthesis .

  18. 栽培品种85T-14-3、86-2及Favorita的块茎、微型薯和试管薯为起始材料,应用根癌农杆菌Ti质粒系统成功地建立了一种方法简单、速度快和频率高的遗传转化体系。

    Cultivars 85 14 3,86 2 and Favorita were used in Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer . A simple , rapid and efficient transformation system was established .

  19. 且可以用于试管薯、微型薯生产,而具有一定的生产意义。2.得马铃薯蛋白质SDS-PAGE的优化体系:分离胶为12%,凝胶厚度为0.75mm,加样量为10ul。

    System of SDS-PAGE was optimized , conditions being running gel 12 % , gel thickness 0.75 mm , and loading amount 10 ul .

  20. 研究薯蔓多糖(PSPV)对动物的非特异性免疫和特异性体液免疫调节作用。

    Purpose : To investigate the immunoregulation effect of polysaccharides from sweet potato vines ( PSPV ) .

  21. 每生产1000公斤薯块,三要素的吸收量是:N4.38±0.36(公斤);

    Absorbing capacity of three elements are : N4.38 ± 0.36 ( kg );

  22. 采用1~2%的氢氧化钠溶液保温60min以上,提取的产品总膳食纤维含量达到80.70%,是薯渣粉含量的2.84倍,淀粉含量2.40%,而蛋白质和脂肪含量分别为0.49%、0.38%。

    Dietary fiber content of the finished product could be 80.70 % . The content of starch and protein is 0.49 % , 0.38 % .

  23. 本文研究了大孔树脂对薯蔓黄酮(FSPV)吸附分离特性。

    To study the absorption and separation of the macroporous resin for flavonoids from sweet potato vines ( FSPV ) .

  24. 主要研究结果如下:(1)薯玉和薯豆两种间作模式对马铃薯生长、产量、品质以及NPK吸收、氮的利用效率影响各异。

    The main results are as follows : 1.Effects of potato / maize intercropping and potato / kidney bean intercropping on yield and quality of potato and NPK absorption and nitrogen utilization efficiency vary from one to another .

  25. 剥离茎尖前对薯苗热疗(37±1℃)20d,可使脱毒率提高到62.2%。

    20-day heat treatment ( 37 ± 1 ℃) to sweet potato seeding before the meristem tip being cut down could improve the virus-free ratio , up to 62.2 % .

  26. 因此,我们在恒河畔的瓦拉纳西(Varanasi)仔细寻找河边台阶上的死尸时,一直努力忽视路上许许多多的购物中心和麦当劳薯饼汉堡(McAlooTikki)的广告。

    That 's why we work to screen out the many shopping malls and signs for McAloo Tikki in Varanasi as we search for dead bodies near the ghats ;

  27. 化学发光法和电子自旋共振(ESR)捕集技术检测青紫薯色素对超氧阴离子(O2-)、羟自由基(OH.)、过氧化亚硝基(ONOO-)和脂类自由基的清除作用。

    The scavenging properties of anthocyanin from Ipomoea batatas on superoxide anions ( O ~ - _2 ), hydroxyl radical ( OH ~ ·), peroxynitrite ( ONOO ~ - ) and free radicals of lipids were determined with chemiluminescence and electron spin resonance ( ESR ) techniques .

  28. 可见,ZR含量升高不利于大薯的形成,ABA对于高淀粉类品种的鲜薯产量不利,GA3则有利于低淀粉类甘薯淀粉产量的提高。

    In general , that the ZR content became going up was not beneficial to big tuberous root formation , the ABA was disadvantageous to tuberous root yield of high-starch cultivar , and GA3 could make for increasing starch yield of low-starch variety . 5 .

  29. 北京辛普劳食品加工有限公司(BeijingSimplot)是美国辛普劳(J.R.Simplot)在中国成立的一家合资企业,向麦当劳中国供应炸薯条和炸薯饼。中国是麦当劳最大的全球市场之一。

    Beijing Simplot , a Chinese joint venture involving J.R. Simplot of the US , supplies French fries and hash browns to McDonald 's in China , one of its biggest global markets .

  30. 研究了薯蔓多糖(PSPV)对四氧嘧啶致糖尿病小鼠的降血糖作用。

    To observe the hypoglycemic effect of polysaccharides from sweet potato vines ( PSPV ) on experimental diabetic mice , mice were divided into different groups .