
  1. 英国航海史学家孟席斯(GavinMenzies)历时14年收集资料和研究后,于2002年3月提出郑和船队早在哥伦布前72年就航行到美洲;

    Gavin Menzies , British seafaring historian , spent 14 years collecting data and doing research , and put forward the theory in March 2002 that ZHENG Hess fleet had reached the Americas 72 years earlier than Columbus ;

  2. 郑和船队复原研究概述

    The replica research of Zheng he 's composite fleet

  3. 郑和船队远渡重洋,却没有任何掠夺它国的行为。

    The Zheng He 's fleet he sailed the world but didn 't rob other countries .

  4. 郑和船队的政治特性表明了政治精英的主导地位。

    The political character of Zheng He 's voyages indicates the primacy of the political elites .

  5. 同时,郑和船队显而易见的强大阵容,意味着中国皇帝获得了亚洲各国的敬畏。

    At the same time , the fleet 's obvious strength meant that the Emperor of China commanded respect and inspired fear all over Asia .

  6. 郑和船队对中东地区的访问地点众多,是一场全方位、多层次、时间长、影响远的外交活动。

    Zheng 's voyage , arriving at plenty of places in this region , was indeed a comprehensive diplomatic activity with long duration and deep influence .

  7. 提要:在蒸汽机发明之前的风帆时代,庞大的郑和船队必须依赖季风和洋流的帮助才能顺利航行。

    In the " Era of Sailboat " when steam engine had not been invented , Zheng He 's largescale fleet had to rely on monsoon and ocean current to navigate smoothly .

  8. 根据当地传说,遇上船难的郑和船队水手游上了岸、跟当地妇女通婚,这样的想法已然成为法茂氏族个人神话中很重要的一部分。

    According to local legend , shipwrecked sailors from Zheng 's fleet made it to shore and married local women , a belief that has become a central part of the Famao 's personal mythology .

  9. 郑和船队对中东的访问是郑和下西洋活动的重要组成部分,是明政府通过海路联系中东、东非地区的重要外交举措。

    Visit to the Middle East was a significant part of Zheng He 's navigation and also an important diplomatic measure taken by Ming government to get in touch with Middle East and Eastern Africa .

  10. 郑和船队比哥伦布探险早80多年,得以七下西洋,且来往无虞,足见其良好的医学保障工作起到重要作用。

    Yet Zheng 's fleet , 80 years earlier than Columbus'voyage , was able to go to the western seas for seven times without serious illness , indicating the important role of excellent medical supplies .

  11. 通过对十五世纪中、西方远航船队的比较,昭示世人郑和船队的伟大。

    Through a comparison of the Chinese oceangoing fleet with the Western one in the fifteenth century , this paper is intended to show the power of Zheng He 's fleet to the people all over the world .

  12. 郑和的船队由三百艘大船及三万多名水兵组成。

    Zheng 's fleet had more than 300 ships and 30000 sailors .

  13. 中国商人跟随郑和的船队探索了整个印度洋,一直到达了非洲。

    Chinese merchants explored all of the Indian Ocean , reaching Africa with the voyages of Zheng He .

  14. 本文对郑和远洋船队七下西洋的医学保障工作进行了初步探讨。

    In this paper the author makes a preliminary discussion on the medical supplies in Zheng He 's seven trips .

  15. 船队沿印度西海岸返航,于1407年返回中国。沿途中,印度古里的使臣以及亚洲数个国家和中东地区的使臣,纷纷登上郑和的船队拜访中国。

    On the way back it sailed along the west coast of India and returned home in 1407 . Envoys from Calicut in India and several countries in Asia and the Middle East also boarded the ships to pay visits to China .

  16. 也是在明代,由郑和率领的船队曾到印度洋进行了七次大规模探险航行。

    It was also in Ming dynastythat the fleet of ships led by ZhengHe expedited for seven times to the Indian Ocean on a large scale .

  17. 赛哈智修建的三座清真寺成为郑和下西洋船队中广大穆斯林官兵的精神支柱。

    These three mosques built by Sai Hazhi served as spiritual support for the Muslim soldiers in Zheng 's fleet .

  18. 这是明帝国海军统帅郑和率领的船队,展现慑人威仪,在印度洋中绵延数里。

    Stretched across miles of the Indian Ocean in terrifying majesty is the armada of Zheng He , admiral of the imperial Ming navy .

  19. 每到一处,郑和和他的船队都会人乡随俗,并在平等互利的基础上,通过友好协商进行贸易活动。

    Showing them due respect , he bartered or dealt with them through consul-tation and negotiation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit .

  20. 郑和奉旨率领船队七下西洋,正是推行明王朝和平睦邻外交政策的具体体现。

    Under the emperor 's order , Zheng He sailed his fleets to the Western Seas seven times , as a physical demonstration of this new visionary international policy of the Ming kingdom .

  21. 中国明朝的著名航海家郑和,曾率船队到达红海沿岸和非洲东海岸。

    Zheng He , the famous Chinese navigator of Ming Dynasty , once led fleets to the Red Sea and the east coast of Africa .

  22. 福州的民间手工业、丰富物产为郑和下西洋提供了物质基础。郑和船队将福州作为驻泊基地和开洋起点,是福州悠久船文化使然。

    Fuzhou provided vessels , human talents , and material basis for Zheng 's fleet , and it was the anchoring and starting point also because of its great ship culture .