
  1. 恒景全心全意地学习和苦练。

    Heng Jing put his whole heart into study and practice .

  2. 恒景骑者一只鹤,在一天内走了很长的路回家。

    Riding a crane , Heng Jing went a great distance back home in a day .

  3. 恒景用师傅的剑与瘟魔搏斗,并在几个回合内杀死了它。

    Heng Jing fought with his master 's sword and killed the devil in a few rounds .

  4. 一个名叫恒景的男孩发誓要帮助邻居和伙伴除掉它。

    A boy named Heng Jing swore to help his neighbors and fellow people to get rid of it .