
bù yī
  • cloth gown;clothes made of cloth;cloth gown worn by scholars not in government
布衣 [bù yī]
  • (1) [clothes made of cloth]∶麻布衣服(古时老百姓只能穿麻布衣服)

  • (2) [cloth gown worn by scholars not in government]∶平民百姓

  • 臣本布衣。--诸葛亮《出师表》

  • 有布衣毕昇。-- 宋. 沈括《梦溪笔谈.活板》

布衣[bù yī]
  1. 卡拉赞各BOSS掉落及其布衣职业需求分析。

    The BOSS karaoke Zan falling demand analysis and commoner career .

  2. 该架构有些类似沃伦·巴菲特(WarrenE.Buffett)的产业帝国伯克希尔-哈撒韦公司(BerkshireHathaway),那是一个巨型集团,旗下业务包括铁路和“鲜果布衣”(FruitoftheLoom)内衣。

    The structure is reminiscent of that of Berkshire Hathaway , Warren E. Buffett 's industrial empire , a giant conglomerate that includes railroads and Fruit of the Loom underwear .

  3. 他身穿一身旧布衣,头戴白色的四方帽。

    He wears dirty ragged overall and a white square cap .

  4. 于是一介布衣,潜心在山林中独居修行。

    Then he gave up everything to remain a recluse practitioner .

  5. 穿着或销售印度产的绸衣和布衣。

    The wearing or selling of silks and cottons from india .

  6. 穿着一件破旧的外衣她穿着布衣和破旧的鞋。

    She is wearing a cotton dress and shabby shoes .

  7. 布衣沙发干洗液;

    The cotton garment sofa dry cleans the fluid ;

  8. 公元11世纪中叶,北宋布衣毕异成功地对古老的雕版印刷工艺实现了重大改革,发明了活字版印刷。

    In the middle of 11 century , Bi sheng invented type printing .

  9. 但一些人就会问了,为什么非要费那么大劲儿去阿布衣吃饭呢?

    But why , some ask , would you bother with El Bulli ?

  10. 叫她替我做件麻布衣衫全棉色织绒布男女衬衫

    Tell her to make me a cambric shirt

  11. 第二章布衣考及布衣意识的内涵。

    Chapter Two : Origin and Connotation of the Sense of " Civilian intellectual " .

  12. 从平民意识的双层结构看殷商的布衣将相

    Considering " Commoner Generals and Ministers " of Shang Dynasty from Double-deck Structure of Populace Consciousness

  13. 你不是在和布衣决斗,你在和一个高级锁甲/级板甲战斗。

    You are NOT fighting cloth , you are fighting high end mail / low end plate .

  14. 引言部分简要介绍布衣的源流,并对论文的研究范围和研究意义进行界定。

    The introduction part briefly introduces the origin of plebeian poets , field of study and significance .

  15. 而布衣之侠是司马迁心中是真正的游侠形象。

    Sima Qian and the commoner of the paladin is the real Ranger image of the heart .

  16. 来到阿布衣的第一印象非常具有误导性是它似乎再平常不过了。

    The first - and most misleading - impression on reaching El bulli is how ordinary it all seems .

  17. 我们达成的共识是,必须粉碎阿布衣的神话。

    The one thing on which we all agreed was the need to bust the myths of El Bulli .

  18. 自我反省,要是我理屈,即使面对穿着粗布衣的平民,我也会害怕;

    Self-reflection , if I 'm wrong , even in the face of poor civilians , I will fear ;

  19. 布衣魂&读《臣本布衣》兼议当代散文

    The Spirit of " Commoner " & Read " I Am Originally a Commoner " and comment the contemporary prose

  20. 素有生态家园之称的永清,流传着多少古老传说;市井多野,生活着多少身怀绝技的布衣草根。

    Yongqing known as the eco-home have a number of ancient legend ; Also have great number of talent people .

  21. 千百年来,上至帝王将相下及布衣百姓,无人不祈求青春永驻。

    For thousands of years , from kings to normal people , few of them do not beg for lifelong youth .

  22. 除了部分先富起来的人的存款外,真正属于工薪阶层布衣百姓的存款又有多少呢?

    Except for some people to get rich first deposit , a real working-class cotton garment deposits and how many people ?

  23. 无论是西汉还是东汉都不乏布衣出身并对社会做出过大贡献的官员。

    Whether or Western Han and Eastern Han Dynasty have no shortage of commoner origin have made great contributions to society officials .

  24. 的确,在阿布衣餐厅搞到一张桌位很难,如果坚持利用常规方法则更是如此。

    Yes , it is hard to get a table at El Bulli , particularly if you stick to the conventional approach .

  25. 这一餐,或者说盛宴,价格160欧元,阿布衣也许将其中大部分花在了人工和配料上。

    El bulli probably spends much of the 60 it charges for a meal , or rather banquet , on labour and ingredients .

  26. 传承布衣文化营造乡土景观&以贵阳市偏坡布依族乡村寨规划为例对贵阳市城乡儿童体质状况对比分析

    Inherit the Bouyeis ' Culture and Create the Vernacular Landscapes A Comparative Study on the Physiques of Children in Rural and Urban Guiyang

  27. 他从一介布衣子弟通过不断努力奋斗,成为朝廷大员,在这个过程中汪由敦的人生轨迹是值得探寻的。

    From the children of ordinary commoner , through sustained efforts , as the court high-ranking officials , his life path is worth exploring .

  28. 布衣职业也许花在修装备上的钱比板甲职业要少,但他可能会把这些省下来的钱花到施法材料等方面。

    While a cloth wearer may spend less in repairs than a plate wearer , he 'll likely spend more money on things like reagents .

  29. 布衣是平民知识分子,布衣精神是平民知识分子完美人格的典型体现。

    The implication of BU-YI refers to the civilian intellectuals and spirits of BU-YI are typical performance of the perfect personality of the civilian intellectuals .

  30. 刚洗的夏装轻薄的棉布和亚麻布衣衫堆满了我的床铺,就像五颜六色的彩虹,等待着去阁楼冬眠。

    Freshly washed gauzy cottons and light linens are spread out on my bed , waiting in a rainbow row for transfer to their attic hibernation .