
  • 网络Stalinism;stalinist
  1. 斯大林主义与苏维埃电影

    Stalinism & Soviet Cinema

  2. 在抛弃了教条主义的斯大林主义后,英国新马克思主义者的目光又被欧洲大陆的西方马克思主义理论吸引。

    After giving up dogmatic Stalinism , they were attracted by Western Marxism of the continent of Europe .

  3. 自从他1985年去世以来,他的遗孀一直致力于保存和发扬他的斯大林主义遗产。

    Since his death in 1985 his widow has carried the torch of his Stalinist legacy .

  4. 他在《极端的年代》(TheAgeofExtremes)一书中指出,斯大林主义恐怖导致的死亡人数更有可能

    In The Age of Extremes , he suggested that the deaths due to Stalinist terror are more likely

  5. 他在《极端的年代》(TheAgeofExtremes)一书中指出,斯大林主义恐怖导致的死亡人数更有可能是8位数,而不是7位数。

    In The Age of Extremes , he suggested that the deaths due to Stalinist terror are more likely measured in eight rather than seven digits .

  6. 根据最初于2006年对这个斯大林主义政权实施的制裁措施,欧盟(EU)禁止向朝鲜出口高品质雪茄和小雪茄,美国和日本则更进一步,把香烟也纳入禁运商品范围。

    While the European Union proscribed high-quality cigars and cigarillos under sanctions first slapped on the Stalinist regime in 2006 , the US and Japan went further and targeted cigarettes .

  7. 美国针对朝鲜最近的核试验及导弹发射,将对这个斯大林主义政权实施更严厉的制裁。巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)警告说,面对平壤的挑衅行为,美国不会继续其屈服的策略。

    The US is moving to impose tougher sanctions on North Korea over the Stalinist regime 's recent nuclear and missile tests , with Barack Obama warning that Washington would not continue a policy of capitulating in the face of provocative acts by Pyongyang .

  8. 再也没有很多斯大林主义经济的捍卫者了。

    There are no longer many defenders of Stalinist economics .

  9. 他是一名坚定的斯大林主义分子和莫斯科路线的积极追随者。

    He was a strong element of Stalinism and a positive follower of Moscow line .

  10. 两人都不受欢迎:沃夫是一名疲弱的反动主义者;奥威尔则因为他那非主流的反斯大林主义。

    Both were unpopular : Waugh as an effete reactionary ; Orwell for his unfashionable anti-Stalinism .

  11. 魁伟的橡木门;摩尔的魁伟的雕塑;斯大林主义者建筑的巨大面积;壮丽的规模。

    Massive oak doors ; Moore 's massive sculptures ; the monolithic proportions of Stalinist architecture ; a monumental scale .

  12. 哥穆尔卡、匈牙利的一些人就拿起这把刀于杀苏联,反所谓斯大林主义。

    Gomulka and some people in Hungary have picked it up to stab at the Soviet Union and oppose so-called Stalinism .

  13. 但他们能否成功可能取决于他们作为人类灵魂的工程师(用斯大林主义者的术语来说)有多优秀。

    But their success may be determined by how good they are - in Stalinist terminology - as engineers of human souls .

  14. 美国昨日证实,朝鲜上周实施了核爆炸,使这个斯大林主义国家成为“核俱乐部”第八个成员国。

    The US confirmed yesterday that North Korea last week conducted a nuclear explosion , making the Stalinist nation the eighth country to join the so-called nuclear club .

  15. 当然,这不能说,美国共和国怎么着都比阿尔巴尼亚好,对于它的迟缓,无人道,斯大林主义领导,阿瓦。霍查。

    Certainly , it would be impermissible to say that the American Republic is in any sense better than Albania under its late , unlamented , Stalinist leader , Enver Hoxa .

  16. 此次访问正值联合国就在多大范围、制裁的性质发生激烈争执之际以及在美国高层在外交上施压以迫使这个斯大林主义国家就范之前进行的。

    The move came amid intense haggling at the United Nations on the scale and nature of sanctions and ahead of a high-level US diplomatic drive to reign in the Stalinist nation .

  17. 中国棒极了!你给了整个世界一个精彩绝伦的奥运会,与此同时西方媒体还在喋喋不休的努力把你塑造成斯大林主义似的国家。

    Well done , China ! You have given the world a magnificent Olympics despite the efforts of the chattering classes in the Western media to portray you as some Stalinist state .

  18. 布朗先生已经因他在政府行政中的斯大林主义以及包括轻率的公共财政扩张政策和对养老金体系的损害等诸多事项受到指责。

    Mr Brown has been criticised for his " Stalinist " approach to government and much else besides , including an imprudent public-spending spree and the damage he has done to the pension system .

  19. 若匆忙得出结论称朝鲜用鱼雷击沉了那艘军舰,李明博将面临国内要求报复的巨大压力,可能导致韩国与不可预测、拥有核武器和斯大林主义政权的朝鲜出现危险的军事对抗升级。

    To rush to the conclusion that North Korea had torpedoed the ship would have put him under pressure to retaliate , risking a dangerous military escalation with his unpredictable , nuclear-armed Stalinist neighbour .

  20. 朝鲜已将一枚射程可达美国的远程导弹安放在发射架之上,表明这个斯大林主义国家将继续推进其定于4月初的人造卫星发射。

    North Korea has placed a long-range missile capable of reaching the US on a launch pad , suggesting that the Stalinist state intends to go ahead with a planned satellite launch in early April .

  21. 根据协议,朝鲜今年开始拆除其位于宁边的核设施,此举将为这个斯大林主义国家换来能源和经济援助,以及与美国关系的正常化。

    North Korea started dismantling its nuclear plant at Yongbyon this year under a deal that would see the Stalinist state receive energy and economic aid , and the normalisation of relations with the US .

  22. 这个斯大林主义国家亲爱的领袖显然正计划试射一枚导弹,射程可达美国西海岸。不过以往的尝试表明,阿拉斯加州的居民们暂时还可以睡个安稳觉。

    The Stalinist state 's Dear Leader is apparently planning to test a missile capable of hitting the west coast of America , though past attempts indicate that Alaskans can , for the moment , sleep safe in their beds .

  23. 这些老人逼他接受了关于切的真实故事:他是个无情的杀手,强迫劳动营的创建者,喜欢妄自评论的斯大林主义者。

    So imagine del Toro 's surprise when some old man actually pressed him on the real history of Che : That he was a heartless killer , a creator of forced labor camps and a Stalinist who relished executing critics without much thought . But no one needs to hear that crap .

  24. 斯大林对马克思主义观基本问题的回答

    On Stalin 's Responses to the Basic Questions of Marxism

  25. 关于列宁无产阶级政党的理论&评斯大林对列宁主义的阐释

    Lenin 's Theories of the Proletarian Party : Comment on Stalin ' Elucidation of Leninism

  26. 作为马克思主义哲学发展的一个历史阶段的列宁与斯大林的马克思主义哲学观,仍然有我们值得研究和借鉴的东西。

    The development of Marxist philosophy as a historical phase of Lenin and Stalin , Marxist philosophy , there is still that we should study and learn things .

  27. 在整个世界看来,现在斯大林象征着布尔什维克主义(A.J.P.泰勒)

    Stalin now personified bolshevism in the eyes of the world ( A.J.P. Taylor )

  28. 自从1953年斯大林去世以后,形势有所改变,但是俄罗斯人说,斯大林主义的气氛还残存着。

    Things have changed since Stalin 's death in 1953 , but many Russians say a whiff of ( 1 ) Stalinism remains .

  29. 可以说,科特金对斯大林的了解不输给任何历史学家:他已经写过一本探究斯大林主义来龙去脉的重要著作,并且多年来一直在普林斯顿大学(PrincetonUniversity)教授俄罗斯历史。

    Arguably , Kotkin knows as much about Stalin as any historian : he has already written an important work on Stalinism viewed from the ground up and has taught Russian history at Princeton University for many years .

  30. 因此,苏联学术界在非斯大林化运动过程中逐步建构出来的传统马克思哲学研究模式,其本质不过是一种没有斯大林的斯大林主义。

    And so , the essence of doctrinaire mode of study of Marxian Philosophy , which was created step by step by USSK ' Marxist philosophers in the course of de-Stalinism , can but be an anther Stalinism without Stalin .