
  1. 论日本殖产兴业主导者的政策理念

    On the Initiators ' Policy Ideas about " Shokusann Kougyou " in Modern Japan

  2. 殖产兴业政策实施时期一般是指自1870年前后起至1885年止,又以1875年为界分为前后两个阶段。

    The practicing period of the policy was from around the year 1870 to 1885 , and the year 1875 divided the period into two phases .

  3. 明治时期日本殖产兴业政策及其演变难道是日本人民在统治而不是帝国主义分子在统治吗?

    The Japanese Industry Breeding and Business Initiating Policy and Its Development during Meiji Restoration ; Can it be said that the Japanese people rule Japan , and not the imperialists ?

  4. 故经济思想主要以孙中山、黄兴、蔡元培等从海外归来的人士的殖产兴业、实业救国、科学救国、教育救国等思想为主。

    Therefore , economic thoughts mainly referred to prospering industrial , saving the nation by developing industrial , science and education , which were proposed by people who were returning from overseas , such as Sun Zhongshan , Huang Xing and Cai Yuanpei .

  5. 明治政府为实现富国强兵、殖产兴业、文明开化的发展战略,确立了普及农村初等教育的制度,并着重颁布了以《学制》为主的一系列法律、法规。

    The Meiji government for the realization of " Fuguoqiangbing , colonization and industry , civilized " development strategy , established the popularity of rural primary education system and focus on the promulgation of a series of laws and regulations based on " academic structure " .